The Hero Kneels

Chapter 594: Tomb Riot

? I saw that the huge corpses also began to shake with the earthquake, as if they were moving one by one, it looked strange.

"This evil god's eye is used to suppress the core of the tomb of the gods. The gods who died here may have remnants of pure souls. They are not completely dead!" Song Bing suddenly thought of a possibility.


Just when the voices of the two fell, in the huge coffins of the tomb of the gods, there were two other huge bones that mutated.

A huge bird like a phoenix appeared. This thing was nearly 100 meters high, and its body was wrapped in firelight. Each feather was shining with hot firelight. There seemed to be signs of awakening.

In addition, a giant Minotaur nearly 200 meters tall was also awakening. His body was stronger and taller than the Minotaur Ye Dou had ever seen before, exuding strong power fluctuations all over his body.

Even in death, this Minotaur released an extremely powerful force, and that force was still extremely sharp.

Obviously, at the peak of his life, this Minotaur was definitely a god-level powerhouse capable of destroying the sky and the earth, possessing a terrifying power that turned the world upside down and changed the color of the sky.

The fluctuations coming from the opponent's body are simply more oppressive than the explosive force of the body.


Hu Ran, a rotting dragon also slowly raised its head from the cemetery.

The other party's eyes are empty, and the whole body exudes powerful fluctuations like substance, full of unparalleled dragon power, but the dragon heart no longer exists in the other party's chest, as if it was dug away by some powerful existence.

The remains of these powerful creatures and gods who have long since died, even with the support of their remnants, stood up one by one.

Titan giants, golden phoenixes, ancient minotaurs, they released the purest powerful aura, one by one raised their heads and glared at the evil god's eye in the sky, one opened their mouths, or made a roaring sound.

"Boom boom boom!"

These corpses woke up, as if they had stimulated the core of the tomb of the gods, the earth began to tremble, gullies appeared, and many broken coffins suddenly collapsed and burst.

The minotaur with a dark body and well-defined muscles soared into the sky and rushed towards the evil god's eye in the sky.

The giant Titan, which was as high as the sky, also waved his fist into the sky.

The phoenix vibrated its wings, also facing the evil eye in the sky, as if preparing to launch an attack.

An incredible firelight appeared in the dragon's mouth, accumulating powerful power, and it was about to attack the opponent, and the target was also the eye of the evil **** in the sky.

It can be seen that these corpses who have been sleeping for an unknown number of years are unleashing their fierce power together today to resist the evil god's eye.

The surrounding people stepped back one after another, watching the changes, not daring to make any move.

No way, this kind of momentum is too scary.

Ye Dou, Haima and others are also watching the changes.

They looked at the so-called evil god's eye together.


One after another, nine-colored divine light appeared from the evil god's eye and burst into the sky.

They bombarded these noisy corpses, making bursts of explosions.

"Clap clap clap!"

These giant dragons, giants, turned their heads on the huge corpse, and sparks burst out, trembling all over.

There were even two corpses that couldn't withstand the nine-color divine light, and fell directly to the ground, barely able to get up.

Everyone was terrified and closely watching this battle beyond their understanding, almost shocked by the eyes of the evil **** and the powerful existences that only existed in these myths and legends, but their mouths were open.


The layers of light waves were extremely splendid, and the battle ahead broke out, and the pure and intense terrifying energy waves spread out to the surroundings.


The skeleton master roared.

All the natives of the Black Iron Continent took out a statue and displayed a wonderful divine light.

Each of them has been able to live strong until now, all of them are people with high realm, and their spiritual power is not weak. They quickly condense a light shield in front of them to block the aftermath of the rippling energy.

It's a pity that their defense is simply vulnerable.


This translucent giant light shield shattered immediately under the impact of energy, and it was even more brittle than paper.

The light shield was shattered, and the people hiding behind the light shield were all destroyed by the aftermath, and they were all blasted to pieces.

Except for the leading skeleton master, and some strong physiques who specialize in cultivation, the rest of them have turned into rotten flesh and died tragically one by one.

"Drink! Indestructible Golden Body!"

Ye Dou, who was also hit by the aftermath of the energy, was enveloped in clusters of pale golden light, which was completely true.

But the powerful energy impact was still fierce and unparalleled, instantly releasing astonishing terrifying energy, forcing the impact on those immortal gold bodies, immediately shattering the entire seventeen layers of immortal golden bodies.

Ye Dou struggled to support and gasped violently, which was considered to have escaped the catastrophe.

Unexpectedly, this powerful destructive power is almost equivalent to a nuclear bomb explosion.

Haima Song Bing and the others still chose to hug their thighs, so that they could avoid this devastating shock wave.

The eyes of the evil **** and these huge corpses attacked each other, and the shock wave of terrifying energy formed was extremely terrifying, killing most of those who entered the core of the tomb of the gods at once.

Looking at it now, Ye Dou and the others found that there were only twenty people left outside the tomb of the gods.

In particular, those from the Black Iron Continent were actually killed by most of them, and they couldn't even find a single corpse.

The violent energy shock wave swept through the center of the entire tomb of God, destroying many coffins, and then raging from the remains of one after another.

But none of the corpses of the showed any cracks, and they didn't even move. They were like cold mountains for ten thousand years.

"As expected of a god-level powerhouse! Even after the erosion of time, their bones are hard enough, and they are absolute treasures, but unfortunately we can't take them away!" Haima shook his head.

"I think we'd better continue to wait and see, and don't ask for trouble." Song Qian said bitterly.

In this situation, they don't have the power to protect themselves. If it wasn't for Ye Dou, they would have died long ago, making them more cautious and afraid to act rashly.

But at this moment, Ye Dou moved: "There is nothing I want here, I have to find Zeus' body, I know where he is?"

After saying that, he turned around and left!

Yes, these corpses of the gods are all powerful and unparalleled. There is no need for him to stay here. What he must find below is the corpse of Zeus.

There should be something he thought of in Zeus' corpse!

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