The Hero Kneels

Chapter 597: broken tomb


Under the thunder burst.


Insect Ancestor screamed, his fat body was scorched by lightning and scorched, and he emitted a stench-like smell of meat.

Insect Ancestor opened his mouth wide, and a black figure mixed with a violent and bloodthirsty aura floated out of Insect Ancestor's body. This black figure was facing the sky, raised his mouth to the sky, and released a roar of destruction. ll.

The other party is the black corpse that got into the corpse of Zongzu just now.

Now this **** corpse, at this moment, completely controls the body of the ancestor.

It came from Ye Dou Lei Ting's bombardment, like a large axe of thunder and lightning, slashing wildly, and fell on the evil ancestor of the insect.

However, this blood-colored monster is very tenacious. Under the forcible strikes of thunder and lightning, it constantly struggles and twists, resisting lightning strikes with terrifying and destructive bloodthirsty energy, and it is always difficult to be completely suppressed.

Obviously, after the fusion of this **** corpse and insect ancestor, the strength has climbed to a new level.

"This insect ancestor has been dead for many years, his consciousness is unknown, and there is nothing to be afraid of. The black corpse hidden in his body is the key. This monster has monstrous killing intent on me and must not be left, otherwise it will threaten me at any time. life." Ye Dou looked solemn.

The body of Zeus that he now possesses has almost unrivaled power, and he must make good use of it to eliminate the danger in his slim state.


With a scream that pierced the eardrum, Zongzu opened his mouth and screamed, and the next moment, the black corpse hidden in its body turned into a **** light and rushed towards Ye Dou.

"Suffer to death, bang bang bang!"

At this moment, Ye Dou shot out thunder spears that contained an aura of destruction.

These Lei Mang looked fierce and unparalleled, and the strong intention of destruction tore apart the space and launched a frantic attack on the body of the insect ancestor below.

The meaning of destruction is fierce and unparalleled, hitting the ancestors hard.

"Boom boom boom!"

In the void, blasts of thunder came, and the surrounding earth shattered.

Insect Ancestor screamed again, and opened his mouth to spit out a black miasma like ink, resisting the thunderclouds that filled the sky.

The thunder that Ye Dou bombarded with the power of Zeus was very powerful.

Who knew that when he exerted such force, space cracks appeared one after another around him. The slender and deep space cracks spread to the horizon, and the entire tomb was broken like a mirror, with countless cracks visible to the naked eye.

Everyone can see that after this shocking battle, the space of the tomb of the gods is about to collapse.

Everyone who is still in the cemetery of the gods is terrified, looking at the sky with a look of despair.

No one would have imagined that this piece of heaven and earth would be so unstable, that it was completely destroyed by these corpses and the eyes of the evil **** not long after entering. I am afraid that the entire space below will be completely shattered.

"Damn it! My strength is too strong."

Ye Dou could only hold back his hands. Using Zeus' body, his every move was filled with destructive thunder, which would accelerate the collapse of this space.


The insect ancestor below suddenly changed and fell to the remains of the gods around.

It opened its big mouth and began to devour those huge corpses frantically. Although the body of the ancestors was already huge, like a hill, the corpses of these gods were even bigger.

Like a leech, Insect Ancestor fell on these bodies. Once it touched a body of a god, the power of the body of the gods would be pulled away in an instant, and then the body would turn into powder and dissipate.

This giant worm is taking the opportunity to extract the residual energy from the body of the ancient creature!

A foodie!


A blast of thunder that shattered the void came from the sky of the tomb of God.

The sky finally collapsed completely.

The entire space of the tomb of the gods seems to have insufficient stability. It has long been on the verge of collapse, but at this moment, it has been completely destroyed.

There were bursts of explosions in the surrounding space, and there were more and more cracks in the sky, and they began to become fragmented.

The earth was shattering, mountain peaks collapsed, and the entire sky in the sky seemed to have turned into shattered glass.

A strip of space gaps emerged from the sky.

World-destroying aura, for a time, enveloped every corner of the tomb of the gods.

Ye Dou understood the meaning of the language information left by Zeus before.


This tomb of the gods turned out to be a pitiful place, and it collapsed not long after entering.

Are you trying to make fun of me?

Even it saw that nothing could be done, and turned to collect the vast energy in the remains of the gods and giant beasts and reserved it for other purposes.


The black giant corpse that emerged from the body of the worm roared into the sky, no longer devouring the surrounding corpses, but chose to attack frantically. The huge Zerg body turned out to be like a giant spring, and it rose directly into the sky. , instead attacked Ye Dou.

The opponent opened his mouth that was enough to swallow the mountains, and attacked Ye Dou's Zeus body like a speeding mountain.

"Blast it!"

Ye Dou, who was sitting on the body of Zeus, frantically revolved the seemingly incomplete planet in his body, causing the huge thunder force in Zeus' body to burst out, all of which were shot at the insect ancestor.

Immediately, he completely suppressed the momentum of the insect ancestor's soaring into the sky, and abruptly slammed the big insect onto the ground.

Ye Dou wanted to continue to attack, no matter what, he would completely kill this big bug.

The momentum of space shattering still cannot be delayed, so no matter what, he should completely kill this big worry.

As a result, right now.

The soul ring on the index finger of the right hand suddenly burst into a dark golden light.

This was a phenomenon that had never happened before, and Ye Dou couldn't help but stop any action.

I saw that the soul ring suddenly burst out with a dazzling dark golden light.

This dark golden light is like a dark golden sun, completely covering the world.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Dou saw purple souls, or pale golden souls flying out from the bodies of those titans, dragons, and corpses, all of which flew into the soul ring.

After the corpses, dragons, and titans were absorbed, they fell to the ground one after another. Obviously, all the spirits were absorbed.

"Damn, so many purple souls, there are even a few golden souls!"

Ye Dou was stunned.

He really did not expect that the Soul Ring would take action at such a time, and use such a large hand.

Could it be that Soul Ring brought him to this so-called parallel world just to absorb the divine soul here?

Under the powerful attraction of the soul ring, countless divine souls suddenly flew out and were swallowed up by the soul ring.

The number of these souls can be said to be the largest number Ye Dou has ever seen.

Purple souls can only be held by very powerful creatures after they die, and these creatures are at least dragon-level.

However, light golden Not to mention, it seems that only gods can hold them, and even he has rarely seen them. Although there are not many light golden souls here, there are some.

Now these two kinds of souls are all over the entire space, and it seems that it is a pleasing sight.

Brother, this is the rhythm to send!

However, the Evil God's Eye, which radiated nine-color divine light, also seemed to have sensed the abnormality, and even shot an unparalleled nine-color divine light toward Ye Doubang.

The soul ring didn't react at all, and even opened his mouth to absorb the nine-color myth into his mouth, and then a dark golden light beam simply pulled and absorbed the evil god's eye, dragging the opponent desperately.


There was a huge gap in the sky, and there was a strong suction force, and I saw countless corpses and objects in the tomb of the gods, all of which were sucked into the gaps in the space.

The tomb of the gods is broken...

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