The Hero Kneels

Chapter 599: 1 play dead

? Can you see the Soul Ring? "

Ye Dou took a closer look and saw that on his index finger soul ring, the skull spit out a purple light, opened his big mouth, and frantically bit the evil god's eye.

The Evil God's Eye was still able to struggle, but after a stalemate for a while, it was still bitten by the skull of the Soul Ring, and the nine-color divine light filled the air. Among them, a golden soul the size of a grape egg appeared, and was then killed by the Soul Ring. Devour all.

Several people around looked at this scene with incomparable dementia.

Don't know what to say?

The Evil God's Eye, which had just displayed its mighty power in the tomb of the gods, was completely swallowed up by the ring on Ye Dou's finger like a little bug at this moment.

What the **** is this ring?

Everyone looked at the ring, and then at Ye Dou, with round eyes, not knowing what to say.

"Your soul ring, you are a big foodie. You have been hiding for so long, and your identity has been revealed today." Ye Dou didn't know what to say.

The soul ring is basically in a stealth state. I didn't expect that today, in order to eat the eyes of the evil god, he would reveal himself abruptly, and it was still in plain sight.

Brother, what do you want to do?

After eating the Eye of the Heretic God, the Soul Ring seemed to have fallen silent and no longer reacted.



Just as a few people beside him were speechless in horror.

The roar of the insect ancestor came from behind.

Yes, Insect Ancestor was attacked from the rear, looking aggressive, with a terrifying look that was bound to be won, and even quickly attacked from the back of the space tunnel.

"This bug is so troublesome!"

Controlling Zeus' body, Ye Dou threw the broken thunder spear with one hand.


This thunder spear turned into a dazzling thunder dragon in mid-air, and smashed towards the insect ancestor who came from the rear. The thunder was filled with an extremely tyrannical aura of destruction.

The aura of destruction was extraordinary, exuding substantial fluctuations, so powerful that even the entire space tunnel began to fluctuate, as if it could not withstand the aura of destruction from this thunder spear.


The thunder spear carried a thousand feet of lightning and slammed into the ancestor of the insect, with extremely devastating thunder, bursting out of the earth, the bursting flames of the weeping ghosts and gods, and the body of the ancestor was blown into two pieces.

For a time, the blood plasma exploded all over Zongzu's body, leaving only half of his body. The black blood with a highly poisonous atmosphere spread throughout the entire space channel, as if a wave swept away, submerging the rear space channel.


Insect Ancestor's extremely powerful vitality is still against the sky, obviously only half of the body is left, but it seems that there is no worm, and the upper body continues to wriggle.

"Damn, this thing is really troublesome."

Ye Dou was preparing to bombard the body of this big bug with all his strength. Who knew that at this moment, an unexpected thing happened.


The space tunnel in front of me was suddenly stagnant. It was forcibly cut off by a huge beam of light and shattered. Everyone stayed in the void.

Song Bing, Haima, Huang Keqin and others held their breaths, their bodies were floating in the void because of their weightlessness. Before they could shout out, they were blown away by the shock wave.

Ye Dou stabilized his own body by controlling Zeus' body.

He was about to prepare to rescue the others, but an incomparably huge presence appeared in front of him.

"What the **** is this?" Looking up, Ye Dou saw a huge and strange face.

This face is much bigger than the body of the lava giant he had seen in the tomb of the gods.

The face of the other party is not big enough to describe the other party with mountains. This face is more like a huge planet, standing in front of it.

The giant face is full of pits and pits, and there are nine eyeballs comparable to the sun, moon and stars. These eyeballs bloom with an extremely terrifying evil light, which makes people shudder, and is filled with a wave of destruction and killing, which almost makes the soul jump out. Come.

Ye Dou forcibly stabilized his mind, carefully looked at the giant face that was comparable to the size of a star, and found that the eyes on the other side's face were arranged according to the rules, and there were nine eyeballs on the other side.

These nine eyes look exactly the same as the so-called eyes of the evil god.

It's just a dim, like a fake eye.

It can be seen that this giant face is the owner of the evil god's eye.

The other party did not appear from the void, and the surroundings were full of spatial fluctuations. It seemed that this face alone shattered the void and came from another world.

The whole face was filled with a disgusting and terrifying aura, which made people's qi and blood freeze almost instantly, and the killing scene of sinking into the sea of ​​blood could not help but emerge in the mind. the whole space.

Needless to say.

This is an evil god!

"Who is it? Who destroyed the eyes of this god!" An old and evil voice sounded out of thin air, and it was also filled with quite terrifying soul fluctuations.

"Oops, it really is the righteous master, the soul ring, this is all your fault, and now I have to take the blame."

As the culprit, Ye Dou remained motionless and simply entered a state of suspended animation, allowing his body to float in the void.

Most of the huge face in front of him is a god, and it may have something to do with the so-called heaven.

The opponent's strength may not be measured in the way he understands, so it is better to play dead at this time.

Don't know how he died.

Anyway, he has cultivated the body of a demigod, and can still survive for a long time in the void without air.

As for Song Bing, Haima and others, he could no longer take care of them, and he could only hope that these guys who had been hugging their thighs until now will be blessed.

However, Ye Dou didn't put all the treasures on the pretense of death. A ray of his consciousness was still in Zeus' body. Zeus was already dead, and it was almost impossible for him to be discovered by the other party. thing.

If it really doesn't work, then comment on the fish dead and the net broken.

At this moment, he noticed Zongzu.

This insect, which had just been blown into two pieces by itself, had a stubborn vitality, but it was also floating in the void at this moment, without a trace of life fluctuations, and no soul fluctuations. It seemed that it was already dead and could no longer die.

I fuck!

The big bug pretended to be dead, and was still above himself.

This old thing is really not easy!

The nine eyes on the giant face burst out with nine different colors of light, swept around frantically, searching for the culprit.

The other party really ignored Ye Dou, who was using the Death Technique, but his eyes did not leave this area, he seemed to focus on this area and was unwilling to go away.

The Nine Paths of Divine Light first shot on the insect ancestor, and after a while, he stopped staring at this half of the big and instead stopped the Nine Paths of Light on Ye Dou.

"Big washbasin, what are you looking at? I am dead, you still look at the wool!?"

Ye Dou Chrysanthemum felt very bad.

After a while, I heard an ancient evil voice echoing in the space: "The nine divine eyes of this **** have been trained for a full 900 million years before they all succeeded. The ninth divine eye was ordered to suppress the human cemetery and obtain this place. The way to become a god."

"You have broken the ninth divine eye of this god, you are considered extraordinary, and you have great supernatural powers!"

"But the eyes of the gods contain the law of the gods, as well as the god's own great supernatural powers. Even if you destroy the god's eyes, the **** can also find you."

After finishing speaking, a ray of nine-colored divine light burst out from the nine divine eyes.

Then, this nine-color divine light seemed to be pulled by some fluctuation, and it even directly irradiated Ye Dou's body...

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