The Hero Kneels

Chapter 606: Wonderful Paoshen Street

Coca-Cola is done.

There was a faint tremor on Ye Dou's index finger again.

The Soul Ring is shaking, which means that Coca-Cola can once again be upgraded.

But he didn't go on to indulge Coca-Cola.

Because he had no idea what the reaction would be after drinking this bottle of Coca-Cola.

If this is drunk into a fat house, wouldn't it be a seedling?

"I'm afraid, isn't it just a bottle of Coke? Dried this bottle of fat house water!" Ye Dou took a deep breath and opened the can.


When the can is opened, a strong aroma unique to cola hits, comparable to the fragrance of medicine.

It smells so good!

goo goo goo...

After taking the first sip, Ye Dou felt very sweet. It was many times better than ordinary Coke. It was absolutely refreshing. A burp full of cola aroma.

A sweet and cool trickle flowed down the stomach, began to spread all over the limbs and bones, and then gathered in the mind of the heaven, making people feel refreshed and refreshed, as if even the soul was nourished.

"Wow, so cool! Even the damaged soul has been repaired. If I drink a few more bottles of Coca-Cola, my soul and mental strength will return to their peak state!"

Ye Dou couldn't help but be ecstatic.

The fat house happy water has a refreshing effect originally, and the fat house happy water after instillation tastes better, and even has a lot of auxiliary effects on the spirit and soul.

Soul ring, soul ring!

This is really surprising.

Looking down at the wrench-sized soul ring on his index finger, Ye Dou felt incredible.

In the end, it is an upgraded soul ring, and even Coca-Cola can be enlightened. I am afraid this means that the things that can be enlightened by the soul ring are probably more than this bottle of Coca-Cola.

He really wanted another bottle of Coca-Cola or some other drink, but he had no money, so he couldn't rob and steal.

Seems like I really need to make some money.

The question is, how do you make money next?


As soon as he thought of this, there was a cooing sound in his abdomen, and a hungry hunger filled his entire abdomen for a while.

Ensuring the normal functioning of a powerful body requires a lot of energy. Now that his thunder pool has been destroyed, his internal strength has been completely lost, and there is no external energy to replenish in time. It can be said that it is very easy to starve.

In the past, he could use the method of qi training to collect qi and return to the body to nourish his body, or eat some attuned blood-boosting granules to replenish his blood qi, but these methods were not feasible at the moment.

Collecting spiritual energy by practicing Qi and practicing Qi is equivalent to cultivating from scratch. It is impossible to quickly replenish the physical body. If you don't pay for it, you don't have the money to buy any blood-enhancing granules.

In the end, it's all because of lack of money.

"I would have borrowed more money from Fart Man if I knew it earlier, but he looks so poor that he can't even pay out a hundred yuan. I'm afraid it would be a waste if he borrowed it." Ye Dou pouted and strolled in this strange place. in the city.

According to the information obtained so far, Xinyoucheng is a modern metropolis built by people on the original site of Youcheng after it shattered the void. After 20 years of reconstruction, it has returned to its original population size of millions.

It's already been a mess here too.

Ye Dou was walking on an unfamiliar street, holding his empty belly in his hand, walking aimlessly, looking at the various buildings around him, as well as all kinds of vehicles, thoughtfully.

Twenty years later, Xinyou City is full of flowers and bustling, especially the skyscrapers, which are full of future technology and strangeness. There are only some low-rise ordinary buildings, which reminds him of twenty years ago. architecture.

He unknowingly followed a large road and came to the Cross Street. Perhaps it was the inertia of memory that brought him to this once most familiar street.

As soon as he came to Cross Street, he was surprised to find that Cross Street had been preserved as it was to the greatest extent, and it had become a quite famous tourist attraction. The entire Cross Street was even renamed "Paoshen Street"!

Yes, Ye Dou read it right.

There is a big signboard at the entrance of Cross Street with three big red characters "Paoshen Street"!

Tourists on this street are bustling, with various tour guides leading groups, and the flow of people is almost catching up with Wangfujing in Beijing.

The street on the left is full of gourmet food, while the street on the right is full of shops such as adult health care products stores.

And the names are very strange, "Ye Pao Shen Hot Pot Restaurant", "Ye Pao Shen Lingerie Store", "Ye Pao Shen Korean BBQ Restaurant", "Ye Pao Shen Men's Clothing Store", "Ye Pao Shen Cake Shop" and so on, "Ye Pao Shen's favorite set shop!"

Even the original Xinxin Hotel, which was originally unremarkable, has become the [Paoshen Hotel]!

This hotel is at least fifty stories high, splendid and luxurious. From a distance, you can see the five golden characters "Paoshen Hotel" written on the surface of the stairs of the hotel. These words can be seen for miles.

In addition, there is a prominent red banner hanging at the gate of the hotel with a large line of characters:

【The place where the God of Ye Pao became a God! Room 18 is 200,000 a night. This hotel is blessed by the God of Ye Pao. It specializes in infertility. It is recognized as a holy place for couples to love.

"Grandma's, why do you have to associate me with infertility!"

Ye Dou's face darkened, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

When he was speechless, a middle-aged female tour guide held a small red flag and led a group of out-of-town backpackers to the hotel.

The girl tour guide with a body like an oil barrel held a loudspeaker and explained loudly: " This is the famous Paoshen Hotel in Xinyou City. According to legend, the God of Ye Pao is in this hotel. The hotel specializes in meeting all kinds of women, and there are often discordant voices in Room 18 on the first floor, and Ye Pao Shen is the relationship between Room 18 and the famous actress Yang Mimi!"

All the men and women nodded one after another, with excited gossip on their faces.

Ye Dou chrysanthemum is tight.

Depend on!

Aren't you talking nonsense?

When have I done these things?

Big sister, you can eat shit, but you can't talk nonsense.

The middle-aged female tour guide continued: "It is said that as long as a couple stays in room 18 for one night, they will definitely get the blessing of the **** of guns, either they will get pregnant within 18 months, or they will get married within 18 months, listen to It is very effective.”

Everyone is eager to try, especially couples, it seems that they want to live in room 18 to find out.

Who knows, the middle-aged female tour guide said shyly: "Speaking of which, in fact, I also had a relationship with Ye Paoshen back then. The two of us also spent the night in room 18, and that night was so crazy..."

Ye Dou's body was shaken, looking at this fat-faced female tour guide, he wanted to greet his family very much.

I have never even seen such an old sow, let alone touch such an old sow, this old sow dares to tarnish her reputation, this is obviously a black person!

But this aunt didn't notice Ye Dou's murderous aura at all, she twisted her waist as thick as a bucket, puffed out her chest, and said proudly, "Don't look at my shape now, when I was young, I was known as a gun. There is a flower on Shenjie, people love it, and the flower blooms, Ye Pao God once bowed down under my pomegranate skirt, and once proposed to me! I turned it down..."


You are looking for **** [death]!

Ye Dou was angry, and the veins on his bald head burst out...

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