The Hero Kneels

Chapter 608: Sword Princess

Second bowl, third bowl, fourth bowl…

Bowl after bowl of super bowls of beef ramen was brought to the table one after another. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Ye Dou wiped out the noodles and beef in a very short period of time, not even a drop of soup was left. Next, gobbling down is not enough to describe him.

Boss Song's mouth was twitching and his heart was bleeding.

This bald guy is not an ordinary person at all, he is simply a super big stomach king, plus a super big rice bucket, I have seen food that can be eaten, but I have never seen such food.

A bowl of noodles weighing ten pounds, under the abyss-like mouth of the other party, can be completely wiped out in ten minutes, without leaving a drop of soup.

How can a human being do this?

Under the gaze of the surroundings, Ye Dou only took an hour to eat six bowls of Super Bowl Ramen. His throat and belly were like a bottomless pit, which was breathtaking.

The rest of the diners were also stunned.

Why does this bald young man eat noodles like drinking water?

No, it's easier than drinking water.

Ye Dou was almost regarded as a superpower by the big guys.

"Here! It's 600 yuan, that...that beef is temporarily out of stock, and the shop is not well prepared. I'm sorry."

Seeing Ye Dou's unfinished expression, Boss Song hurried forward and handed over six hundred-yuan bills, blocking the other's mouth with the money.

Ye Dou smiled slightly, took the banknotes, wiped his mouth with peace of mind, and prepared to open the way.

Since Boss Song used his reputation to advertise, the five hundred yuan will be used as advertising fees.

Just as he was about to go out, a news report appeared on the TV hanging on the wall of the store.

[All viewers, please note that there is an important news now, the steel hero Jian Ji, who is well known to you, broke into the fire ant nest by herself, killed the queen of fire ants, and became the tenth diamond-level hero, hero The league awarded her a red diamond badge...]

Boss Song and a group of diners turned their attention to the TV, their eyes full of admiration and admiration, as well as obsession and fanaticism.

"Jianji really became a diamond hero!"

"It's unbelievable, she's already a diamond hero at her age."

"It's so beautiful, Jian Ji is so beautiful."

"Yeah, Jian Ji is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen!"

The gang of diners in the ramen shop were ecstatic, in a trance and their eyes went straight.

Ye Dou was curious and looked at the TV on the opposite wall, but saw a woman's face on the TV screen.

Taking a closer look, he couldn't help but be dumbfounded, because the other party was none other than the disappearing Hongxue.

Red snow?


how can that be?

Hongxue was wearing a red tights, her long hair was fluttering, her body was uneven, and the two big meat buns on her chest were particularly eye-catching. She was holding a long sword in her arms, like a graceful fairy being interviewed by reporters. .

He was suddenly startled, and almost stood up, his eyes widening.

Boss Song said: "Jian Ji is amazing! Ha, she is indeed my favorite heroine! Long live Jian Ji!"

"Jianji? She is a hero?" Ye Dou frowned slightly.

"Of course, Jian Ji is now a famous diamond-level hero. She became a diamond-level hero at the age of 20. This is already a myth... And Jian Ji is a beauty!"

Boss Song's eyes were frantic, like a star chaser, with little stars in his pupils.

Ye Dou looked at the picture on the TV, his eyes were deep and thoughtful.

The appearance of this sword princess is too similar to Hongxue. From the face, even he can't tell the difference between the other party and Hongxue. The similarity between the two is too exaggerated.

Are there really identical flowers in the world?

It is necessary to clarify.

"Boss Song, how can I meet this sword girl?" Ye Dou asked.

"Huh? Do you want to see Jian Ji?"

Boss Song said with a smile: "Jian Ji rarely shows up, or even gives interviews. If you want to see her, it's almost impossible, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless you are also a hero, it is possible to see her at the headquarters of the League of Legends. After all, the heroes gather there." Boss Song replied.

"Then can I be a hero?" Ye Dou asked.

"Do you have superpowers?" Boss Song began to ask.

"I can eat, and I have a lot of strength, and I can do martial arts!" Ye Dou held his head high.

Although his internal strength has been melted away, his superhuman body is still there, so his strength should not be bad.

Boss Song asked: "Young man, you are not called superpowers. Superpowers are given by the star fruit. Have you ever eaten the star fruit?"

Ye Dou shook his head slightly.

Not to mention eating, he has never seen a star fruit so far.

It is true that neither have eaten pork nor seen pig run.

Boss Song chuckled: "Then you can't see the real sword princess, the diamond-level hero, each of them is a star that is highly anticipated, and we ordinary people can only look up at these existences!"

"Where is the star fruit sold?" Ye Dou said simply.

He had heard about star fruit from Fart Man, and knew that star fruit was very rare, but there was still a place to sell it.

"Sell? Come on, don't you know? Star fruit is very rare. It is very expensive and has no market. It is very rare."

Boss Song: "Unless a meteor shower falls to the earth, even a rich person may not be able to buy a star fruit. You should die of this heart."

"Yeah, the number of star fruits is scarce, and you may not be able to buy them if you have money."

"Whenever meteor showers come to the earth, it is only occasionally that some of them will be reduced to the world."

"Some star fruits have weird I don't know what the consequences will be after eating them."

"If there is a star fruit, I really want to eat one, be a hero, and be worshiped by others, it would be very good."

The rest of the diners couldn't help but talk a lot.

From what I heard, Boss Song's remarks were not groundless.

After getting this information, Ye Dou simply walked out of the ramen restaurant and walked outside Paoshen Street, and then spent three yuan in a street shop to buy a can of Coca-Cola.

When he came to a deserted alley, he directly swapped out his golden finger, clicked on Coca-Cola, and immediately entered the second attunement, directly consuming a white soul and a red soul on the soul ring. soul.

The purple soul on the soul ring was also dismantled and turned into eight red souls and nine white souls.


Opening the lid of the Coca-Cola can, an indescribable fragrance of cola wafted through the nostrils, which was absolutely refreshing and made people feel extremely comfortable.

After the cola entered the mouth, the unique sweet aroma continued to flow up into the body along the mouth, and then returned to the back of the mind. An indescribable cool feeling nourished the soul, Ye Dou felt excited. As usual, the physical body immediately became active, and the original wounds on the soul had completely disappeared.

Soon after, Ye Dou opened his eyes.

At this moment, the injury on his soul has completely recovered, and his consciousness has been reactivated.

Immediately, he transferred his consciousness to the soul ring.

In the dark, the picture turned, and he had come to the world of the reflection of the soul, where there was nothing but a gray black, only the tall and wide black iron gate remained.

Hongxue and Ying'er didn't seem to be there.

Ye Dou said loudly, "Hongxue, are you there? Come out quickly!"

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