The Hero Kneels

Chapter 601: star fruit

Sunset west of the mountains, night falls.

Ye Dou led a large bag and a small bag, found an inconspicuous small hotel near Cross Street, and then checked in.

This small hotel is much cheaper than staying in a hotel for one night. A single room only costs 50 yuan a day. The environment, as I said so-so, is just relatively clean and quiet.

In addition to all kinds of medicines, there are many books and magazines in the big bags and small bags in his hand. These medicines and books alone have completely spent his money.

He first ordered a bottle of donkey glue tonic blood granules, and after eating a few donkey glue tonic blood granules, he was barely full.

After burping full of the smell of traditional Chinese medicine, he reached out and turned on the old-fashioned color TV in the small hotel that was produced in the last century.

With a flash of white snow patterns, a beautiful reporter with a microphone appeared on the screen.

"...Dear viewers, there have been frequent monster attacks recently, and the Yinqiao Market has also exploded. Fortunately, the explosion did not cause any casualties, but more than 30 people were still sent to the hospital due to inhalation of dust or shock waves. The team has put out the fire, and the Silver Bridge Market has completely collapsed into ruins."

"According to the information provided by League of Legends, the cause of the explosion is related to the monster attack. At present, the monster has been defeated by several heroes. It is reported that this is the 28th large-scale monster attack in Xinyou City this month. This number is higher than the previous one. The month has increased by a full 50%, so the frequent occurrence of monsters makes the people panic."

Ye Dou couldn't help sighing: "Is it the 28th incident this month?! The earth in 20 years will not be flat!"

He started flipping through the magazines and books he had bought, looking for information on monsters and heroes, all kinds of information about the meteor shower and all kinds of histories over the past 20 years.

The speed of viewing this information with his divine sense was actually very fast. There were a few thick books, and he used his divine sense to scan the information and learned a lot.

The super-large meteor shower that appeared after he shattered the void did not cause any catastrophic disaster to the earth. However, in the following two decades, various monsters that wanted to exterminate mankind appeared on the earth, and many city-states They were all attacked by monsters, and the whole world was devastated by monsters.

The situation is not optimistic.

Fortunately, humans are not weak chickens. In the past 20 years, not only has technological strength improved significantly, but also many superheroes with various abilities have appeared. These heroes either possess high-tech equipment, or have awakened powerful abilities, or are strong in martial arts. knight.

With the emergence of heroes one after another, human beings can finally stand up to monsters, thus saving the lives and property of countless people. The heroes poured their blood and wrote one epic legend after another, which has been respected and admired by countless people.

To be exact, this is the age of heroes!

The hero level can be divided into five levels: bronze-silver-gold-steel-diamond. Among them, the bronze level hero is the most basic existence, the number of heroes is the largest, and the number of registrations is about 100,000, and the diamond level is the highest At the hero level, there are currently only ten people.

In fact, being a hero does not necessarily require superpowers. You do not need to take the star fruit. Most ordinary people can become bronze-level heroes after training and assessment. Bronze-level heroes usually only deal with some less dangerous wolf-level disasters, and the danger is also high. Small, so the number of bronze-level heroes is also the largest number of heroes.

The reports on the TV continued. From the live footage, it could be seen that the entire Yinqiao Market Building had collapsed into rubble, beyond recognition, and reporters were still there chatting.

"I'm so tired today... ah hoo!"

With a Hache, Ye Dou felt his eyelids heavy.

Now that he has not cultivated internal skills, nor has he continued to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it is normal for him to feel tired.

"Are you practicing from scratch?"

Ye Dou sighed, turned off the TV and sat on the bed, intending to cultivate his internal skills first.

Unfortunately, it didn't take long for him to frown, because he felt that there was no dantian in his body, and he couldn't gather qi.

"This is the sequelae of cultivating the Five Thunders!"

Ye Dou thought about it carefully, and couldn't help but feel enlightened. He couldn't be wrong. Back when he practiced the Five Thunder God Technique, he condensed his dantian into a thunder pool to store his true essence liquid.


This means that internal skills cannot be cultivated, and many martial arts cannot be used.

Then what should we do next?

Ye Dou, who felt that his head was big, simply took out the star fruit given by the old beggar, tapped it carefully, and looked again.

He felt a strange energy fluctuation from the mysterious product of the meteor shower brought by the star fruit twenty years ago, and there was a strange luster flowing in it. This fluctuation was a bit familiar.


Ye Dou once felt this power in Zeus.

Is this power divine power?

He had seen the star fruit illustration in the magazine. Most of the other star fruits were the size of a fist. The star fruit looked only the size of a cherry. Compared with other star fruits, it was the difference between a baby and a giant.

It seems that the star fruit is divided into six grades: S, A, B, C, D, and F. After eating this kind of cherry-sized star fruit, the star energy contained in it is the weakest, and the probability of failure is very high. After that there is only a one in a few hundred chance of success.

If it is successful, the user can still have the so-called super power, but the effect is far less than that of the higher-level star fruit.

It can be said that even if you acquire superpowers, they are still relatively weak **** abilities, and there are side effects when taking them, especially after Many ordinary people cannot accept the energy shock brought by the star fruit, and they will be extremely painful. may even be injured or killed.

The lowest-grade star fruit on the market is not worth much, and is usually used to replenish hero energy, or simply as a collectible.

There are at least hundreds of millions of star fruits of S, A, and B grades on the market, and some are worth tens of billions, or even priceless.

And the price of this lowest-level star fruit is only a few thousand yuan.

"That old beggar really sucks." Ye Dou wanted to complain.

He was the savior of the other party, but the old guy repaid him with such a star fruit with side effects, which really made him unable to resist the rhythm of complaining.

But just when his right hand touched the cherry-sized star fruit, there was another slight tremor from the index finger of his right hand.

This probably means that this star fruit can also be enlightened!

Hey Hey hey!

The joke is too big, after the upgrade of the soul ring, it turned out to be so awesome.

Can even star fruit be enchanted?

After Ye Dou sucked in a breath of cold air, he thought for a while and made an immediate decision.

Anyway, he now has a lot of souls on the ring, one golden soul that has never been used, eight red souls, and many white souls.

It is almost impossible to use it up. Since the star fruit is so mysterious, why not make it a little bit.


Ye Dou clicked his golden finger on the star fruit without hesitation.

Suddenly, a dazzling golden light appeared, filling Ye Dou's field of vision, almost blinding the rhythm of his eyes.

This is something that has never happened before.

When the dazzling golden light dissipated, Ye Dou hurriedly looked at the soul ring, only to find that the striking golden soul on the soul ring had disappeared...

I fuck!

In the end what happened?

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