The Hero Kneels

Chapter 616: sissy prince

"Kang Long has regrets!"

"The flying dragon is in the sky!"

"See the dragon in the field!"

"Don't use Qianlong!"

"Shocked Baili!"

"Or leap into the abyss!"

"Shuanglong takes water!"

"The dragon swings its tail!"

Ye Dou made every move, the movements were simple and powerful, his palms were strong and powerful, and he showed the essence of the eighteen dragon-subduing palms one by one.

This peerless martial art has gone through several battles with him. He has long been a consummate master, and he is well versed in its secrets. When it is used, there is softness in hardness, and hardness in softness. It is unpredictable and powerful.

"Stop... This is the so-called Eighteen Palms for Subduing the Dragon? It's just such a bland and unremarkable trick. I think karate and taekwondo are much more beautiful and powerful than your Eighteen Palms for Subduing the Dragon!"

The white-faced man interrupted Ye Dou directly. The other party frowned and asked, "Your profile is filled in, you have super powers? Then show me."

"That super power, cough, I don't know how to use it yet." Ye Dou answered truthfully.

The white-faced man smiled contemptuously: "Hehe, then wait in the back row for the second round of tests."

"Next, Qian Yucheng."

The other two female examiners looked at it seriously, but in the male examiner, they both spoke out one after another.

"Meet someone who doesn't know the goods!"

Ye Dou widened his eyes, and before he could fully use his Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, he was called to step down, making him almost vomit blood.


After a few slaps, you stopped. Are you in a hurry to go to the crematorium?

Originally, he was thinking of blasting the eyes of these examiners with his peerless martial arts, but the other party even gave him the chance to force his brows.

It is said that the moves of the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon seem to be ordinary, and they are very particular about the use of strength. Should I just play a set of pick-up boxing to be handsome, or perform some acting skills?

Just as Ye Dou stepped off the stage, he heard the voice of a white-faced man: "Growing up like this, I also want to be a hero. I don't have talent yet. At first glance, I look like a three-legged cat. It's a waste of Lao Tzu's time."

After working on it for a long time, the three examiners valued appearance the most. When they saw Ye Dou's bald head without eyebrows, the three of them had already eliminated each other in their hearts. Plus the other party had no so-called talent, they couldn't understand it. Subduing the Dragon with Eighteen Palms, so I interrupted early and ended the interview.

Ye Dou was naturally quite upset.

This is the real dragon entering the shoal and being washed by shrimps, and the tiger falling into Pingyang and being bullied by dogs.

Think I'm wasting time? Think I'm not handsome? Do you think I'm a three-legged cat?

Brother can't believe this evil!

"Would you like to open a second block to punish them?" Suddenly, Ye Dou remembered his own second block.

Yes, let's blast the eyeballs of this group of **** with explosive clothes!

"I feel that I will be a hero by virtue of the second gear. It is estimated that I will be promoted and raised, become the general manager, become the CEO, marry Bai Fumei, and then embark on the peak of life, hehehe..."

When Ye Dou was thinking about it, someone next to him pushed him.

"Hey, are you okay? Hey, what's wrong with you..."

There was a woman's voice as clear as a bell.

The woman shouted several times and pushed her hands several times before Ye Dou woke up from the ecstasy.

Turning his head to look, a beautiful and delicate face came into view, the other party's big watery eyes were staring at him, and there was a scent of gardenias coming from his nostrils.

The other party is none other than the flight attendant Monroe who sang on stage before.

"I saw something was wrong with you just now. After sitting down, I closed my eyes and smirked, telling you that you didn't respond, so I pushed you. Are you alright?" the pretty girl asked in a clear, bell-like voice.

"I'm fine."

Taking a deep breath of the air with the fragrance of gardenia, Ye Dou's face became slightly hot, and he was indeed a little overwhelmed just now.

Monroe smiled slightly: "I remember your name is Ye Dou, and it has the same name as Ye Pao God. In fact, the eighteen palms of subduing the dragon you just performed looked pretty good. It was different from taekwondo, karate, and boxing. It seemed to be very powerful. it really your own creation?"

"Yeah, I created it myself, I know more than that." Ye Dou nodded with a smile.

I finally met someone who knew the goods, but unfortunately Monroe was not an examiner.

Twenty minutes later, the white-faced man stood up and announced the end of the first round of the test, and then entered the second round of the hero test, the physical fitness test.

Under normal circumstances, only two rounds of results can be combined to achieve a passing score, which can pass the hero test.

"Everyone, the following is the physical fitness test. Prince Rose, who is third in the silver-level hero rankings, will be the chief examiner and will be responsible for supervising the following assessment."

A handsome young man wearing a red suit and holding a rose appeared in the center of the stage.

He has shawl-long hair, shiny hairspray on his head, and thick lipstick on his lips. When he speaks, his waist twists. He holds a rose with an orchid finger in his hand.

However, on the chest of the young man in red was a conspicuous white and silver hero, which was also decorated with a thorny rose.

Representing this girly young man, he turned out to be a formidable silver hero.

"Prince Rose? Good sissy guy, I don't think it should be called a prince, it should be called a sissy prince, right?"

Seeing the sissy's actions and tone of voice, Ye Dou got goosebumps and couldn't help but complain.

"Shh, Prince Rose hates people talking about his mother the most..." Monroe next to her immediately reminded her, with an expression that she was afraid of being heard by others.

Ye Dou's voice was not loud, but it still made the surrounding people hear it clearly, and immediately caused a commotion, so that many people turned their heads and looked sympathetic.

"Hey, how dare you say the rose prince?"

"You're finished, Prince Rose must have heard, and he won't let you go."

Someone next to him lowered his voice and whispered, but listening to the tone was quite gloating.

"Who said I was a **** just now? Stand up for me!"

Sure enough, across the distance, Prince Rose suddenly changed his face on the stage. The handsome face, which was full of charming smiles, instantly became gloomy, and the brows were full of murderous aura, as if he had changed his personality.

Following the eyes of the others, he immediately locked on the target.

The people around seemed to be avoiding the plague, and they all dispersed automatically. Monroe was also pulled away by a female companion, leaving a circle of at least two or three meters, and Ye Dou stood alone in it.

"I'm just talking casually, nothing else."

Seeing that the other party was so aggressive, as if he was about to run away, Ye Dou could only admit it.


A bright red light pierced the sky with a strong wind and wiped his cheeks.

Ye Dou didn't move, he didn't even blink his eyelids, but there was a chill in his eyes.

This guy is really impatient...

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