The Hero Kneels

Chapter 623: stare man

Chapter 624 Staring Man

"Everyone, I have been watching the scene just now. His superpower seems to be only useful when snoring. It will affect the psychology of the person being scolded. It can only target a single target. The ability of the person with this ability should be very weak."

The man with sunglasses said loudly: "We just have a shortage of people there. Give me such a person. Don't grab it from me, or I won't blame me for taking off my sunglasses."

"In that case, his ability is actually quite useless."

"Cough, even if you want it so much, then take it."

"I thought it was a rare ability, but it turned out to be an ability effective for a single target."

Seeing this, several bigwigs frowned slightly, and even Yang Mimi didn't speak, as if acquiescing.

Ye Dou did not continue to provoke.

It can be seen that this man with sunglasses seems to be very powerful.

The man in sunglasses smiled slightly and turned to Ye Dou: "Hello, is this Mr. Ye Dou?"

"I am, who are you?" Ye Dou asked.

The man said: "I am a hero staring man, and now I inform you that you have become a hero. Come to the office on the second floor here tomorrow morning to find me. After completing the formalities, you can become a hero and join our organization, congratulations! "

"Okay, thank you!"

Seeing that he did not receive any opposition, Ye Dou couldn't help but smile.

This big guy should keep his word, it seems that he will be a hero in the future.

The heroes of this era are more dazzling than the stars.

With his ability, from now on, he will have fame, wealth, and women. At that time, he will drink the most beautiful wine, eat the most beautiful food, find the most beautiful female ghost, and then open a big harem to conquer the world. All the most beautiful female ghosts are put in, find Hongxue, and then give him N basketball teams... No, it should be N football teams, just create a nation.

Thinking of this, his heart beat faster, blood rushed, and he felt that his body was full of infinite power.

There will always be such a day, I will let the female ghost get pregnant too.

At nine o'clock the next morning, Ye Dou came to the Sweet Honey Bar on time.

Entering the Sweet Honey Bar, a bar receptionist introduced him to the office area on the second floor after inquiring.

Here Ye Dou saw a few familiar faces, three men and four women. These people were very attractive in appearance and figure. Among them was the beautiful flight attendant Monroe. It was expected that they were all heroes who passed yesterday's exam.

Hundreds of people took the hero test, but only eight people passed the test. The elimination rate was really high, and it was much more difficult than the civil servant test.

Except for Monroe, when the others saw Ye Dou, it was like a mouse seeing a cat, and they didn't even dare to speak out.

Yesterday, they saw this bald old man with their own eyes, and they brought down the famous silver-level hero Rose Prince with just a few words. Now the other party is still lying in the hospital, and a few of them have more or less laughed at Ye Dou. Goodbye to this fierce man, my heart is naturally empty.

Seeing that everyone was there, the eight people were directly introduced into a rather spacious office.

The people who received Ye Dou and others turned out to be the charming and charming Yang Mimi, and the man with sunglasses.

"Congratulations to the eight of you, seven of you have passed this year's hero test, and you need to issue bronze-level hero badges. From now on, the file will be included in the League of Legends, and you will enjoy hero benefits and minimum wage guarantees. Here is the hero manual. Write the details. on top..."

After Yang Mimi and the others explained, they signaled to help them to go through the formalities, while she went through the formalities for Ye Dou alone, and registered all the information in the League of Legends file, including age, height, blood type, hobbies, constellation And so on, these are all things that must be provided.

"Hey, Ye Dou, there is something wrong with your information."

After Yang Mimi read the information, she frowned slightly: "Why is your name, date of birth and experience exactly the same as God Ye Pao?"

Ye Dou knew that in the eyes of the world, the God of Ye Pao was immortal and could not be alive.

The big bald head of his own is not the slightest convincing.

Even Yang Mimi couldn't know herself.

Unless, he will tell the secret that belongs to the two, such as the bottle of toilet water.

"Actually, I'm Ye Dou, that is, Ye Dou who disappeared for 20 years, and I'm back!"

Ye Dou stepped forward seriously and whispered, "Remember the toilet water I gave you when you held your birthday party?"

Yang Mimi's face did not change, and she frowned slightly: "This is a well-known story between me and Ye Pao God, my autobiographical novels, and the movies I starred in have this kind of plot... You just look good. Just like Ye Dou, please don't make fun of my past, he is my lover, but you are not!"


You've put everything about the two of us into the novel and the screen?

Ye Dou never imagined that the other party's affairs with her would be shown on the TV screen.


He never thought that he would be so troublesome when he admitted that he was the God of Ye Pao.

Seeing Yang Mimi's deep-rooted appearance, if she really opens the second block to prove it, I am afraid that the other party will pounce on her and have a vigorous east.

Then simply don't recognize it.

Immediately, his acting skills came into full play, and his eyes burst into tears: "Actually, I was a homeless homeless man. After eating the star fruit, I had amnesia. Later, I only remembered that my name was Ye Dou, and I also followed Ye Pao. The gods look similar, so I used the information of Ye Pao God."

Yang Mimi let out a long sigh and nodded slightly: "After eating the star fruit, I lost my memory... someone with superpowers has lost their memory before, and if your ability is related to people's spiritual power, it is very likely to have a short-term memory loss. Amnesia."

The staring man next to him, who had been silent for a while, said, "Two people in my team ate the star fruit, resulting in amnesia. One of them has not recovered until now. Can you hurry up? I need a reporter there."

"OK, I see."

Yang Mimi smiled slightly: "The information about that person will be discussed She paused, and simply took out a black iron badge and awarded it to the other party: "The hero badge represents the Your status, if you want to accumulate merit, you must wear a hero badge after defeating a monster. "

Take over this black iron five-pointed star badge, half the size of a palm, no matter what light shines, the badge will bloom with a dim black iron light, this is the symbol of a hero - the hero badge!

According to the hero regulations, each hero must carry a hero badge with him when performing tasks or activities as a hero, and it needs to be displayed in a conspicuous position, otherwise he will not be able to enjoy the unique hero treatment, which is regarded as a symbol of a hero.

Simply put, this badge is like a hero's ID card and proof of law enforcement.

Looking at the shining badge, Ye Dou showed a satisfied smile.


Why is this badge black iron?

(End of this chapter)

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