The Hero Kneels

Chapter 627: Hold back! pig mate

In the office at the Sweet Bar.

On the screen in front of Yang Mimi, there is a beautiful woman in white clothes that beats the snow.

"Bai Wuchen, I'm not joking, Ye Dou may really come back."

Yang Mimi frowned: "That bald young man makes me feel very much like Ye Dou, even Ye Dou himself... Do you think it's really him?"

Bai Wuchen, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, shook his head: "The space channel is broken, and nothing will exist. No matter how strong Ye Dou's body is, it will be broken with the power of space. Ye Dou has already left us. Don't think about it."

"Then will there be reincarnation in the world? I saw Hongxue, and I saw shadows. They are exactly the same as twenty years ago, but they lost their memories and became a different person."

Yang Mimi said unwillingly: "Maybe that bald young man is the reincarnation of Ye Dou."

"Regarding reincarnation, there is no conclusion to the underworld, nor can it be confirmed. It involves fields above the gods. It is difficult to say that it exists, and it is difficult to say that it does not exist."

Bai Wuchen reassured: "You don't need to think too much, there are too many people who want to impersonate Ye Dou, it must have touched your heartstrings and made you feel uneasy, maybe you should put Ye Dou down and pursue yourself. Happiness."

She turned and said: "Recently, there are too many monsters in Xinyou City, and the ghosts also have an upward trend, which may be the meaning of a certain god. You have to be careful, the meteor shower 20 years ago, Whether it is a blessing or a curse for the earth is unknown."

"I know this, let's talk about it later."

Yang Mimi waved her hand, and the picture in front of her disappeared.

She lowered her head and looked at the photo of the bald Ye Dou on the document in front of her. She murmured thoughtfully, "Ye Dou, is this person your reincarnation?"


Ye Dou sneezed, his body trembled, and he murmured, "Is this someone missing me? Or is someone scolding me? Or is the smell here too bad?"

At this moment, he was already in the city sewers, the surroundings were dark and dark, and the smell of mildew and decay was suffusing his nostrils.

Xinyoucheng's sewers are very wide, much like the sewers of big European cities. There is a small river-like ditch in the middle and sidewalks on both sides. The entire passage is seven or eight meters wide and four or five meters high. Big trucks are more than enough.

In fact, as early as the outbreak of the meteor shower that changed the world, Xinyoucheng rebuilt the sewer, and built a canal extending in all directions at the bottom of the city, mainly to discharge rainwater and treated sewage.

At the same time, the sewers have also been planned as air-raid shelters. I heard that they can resist the dragon-level monsters in the destroyed area. If they take refuge in time, it will be enough to save hundreds of thousands of people from disaster. In addition, the sewers are not only extremely strong and wide, but also hide a lot of facilities. Some Places are even listed as off-limits.

At the top of the channel in the sewer, there will be a bio-fluorescent lamp at intervals. This bio-fluorescent lamp does not require electricity and provides 24-hour lighting. Although the gray-white light is slightly dim, it is enough for people to see more than ten meters away. scenery.

Ye Dou looked around and saw that in such a dim place, his vision was exceptionally clear, and he could see in the dark, the effect was almost the same as wearing a night vision goggle.

"Cough, comrade Zui Pao Xia, do you like reading comics very much?"

The fart man turned back and asked, "I also liked watching Naruto when I was a child, and now I still remember the ninjutsu in it."

Ye Dou nodded: "I liked to watch it before, but now I don't watch it much. Besides, I don't like the title of mouth gun man. You should call me Ye Dou."

In fact, he didn't want to go with the Fart Man, mainly because the Stare Man just wanted to form a team, and ended up putting him and the Fart Man on the same team.

You know, Fart Man is no different from a big killer in this relatively closed environment.

If he farts, it will not only be the enemy who is unlucky, I am afraid that he will also be unlucky.

In retrospect, the smell of that fart made life worse than death.

So we must find a way as soon as possible to get rid of the fart man.

By the way, he also enlightened the comic book in his hand.

They did not choose to follow the route marked on the map like the others, but chose a relatively winding path towards the target area with numerous cockroaches.

Passages with many people are safer, but naturally there are more competitors. If there are cockroaches, he will definitely not be able to grab those crowded teams, and he will not be able to score points.

Moreover, Ye He also wanted to use actual combat to stimulate his potential, and wanted to see how useful his superpowers were.


He didn't go far alone, when a terrifying scream came from the front.

This voice is very rough, and the speaker should be a man.

Isn't it just cockroaches, why do big men call it that?

Just when Ye Dou was wondering, a big man with disheveled hair ran towards him from the front like a madman, his face was full of infinite horror, and his expression seemed to have seen a ghost.

"Hey, are there many cockroaches ahead?" Ye Dou simply stepped forward to stop him.

The big man stopped and saw someone in front of him, his mood stabilized a little, and panting heavily, he said, "Not many, only one!"


A cockroach scare you like this?

When Ye Dou was puzzled, a small sound came from the front, and it became louder and louder, as if something was moving fast.

Who knew that when he looked so carefully, he couldn't help but tremble.

In my memory, my grandmother once had a brown plastic footbath that she was reluctant to throw away. The plastic footbath was much older than him, and there was quite a story. It can be traced back to thirty-five years ago. To be big, it seems that I used a bathtub to take a bath when I was a child.

Now, he saw the brown footbath again.

So kind!

Wait, this style is wrong.

Have you ever seen a footbath that can crawl on its own?

Have you seen the six long legs under the footbath?

Have you seen the two braids standing on top of the foot basin?

Uh, that's a cockroach as big as grandma's footbath.

Ye Dou couldn't help feeling numb. This cockroach was bigger than the wolf-dog-shaped cockroach he had seen before. It was lying on the ground and acting like an incomparably fast old turtle.

When watching the video before, he didn't realize that cockroaches can be so big, and now he can't help but be speechless when he sees such super-large cockroaches.

If this cockroach gets bigger, it can be raised as a fat pig.

In the future, most of the pork sellers in the market will become cockroach meat sellers.

No wonder the big man screamed in fright just now. I am afraid that anyone who sees such a big cockroach may be scared to pee.

I have to say that after the size of the cockroach has increased, the crawling speed is very amazing. In a blink of an eye, he has already climbed to a place less than 20 meters away from No, the cockroach is too fast, other people simply escape No!

It has to be confronted head-on.

"What a big cockroach... puff puff!"

The fart man on the side can't hold back when he is nervous, his stomach is a bit like an old engine.

"Don't fart, hold back!"

Ye Dou was startled suddenly, the cockroach is not scary, what is scary is the fart man beside him.

The other party is like a bomb that will explode at any time. As long as one fart is not held back, it is very likely that he will be finished with it.

big brother!

Not afraid of god-like opponents, but afraid of pig-like teammates.

Old pig, you have to hold back!

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