The Hero Kneels

Chapter 637: iron cloth shirt pregnant woman cesarean section

? Xinyou City, the city's first hospital, as an obstetrician and gynecologist.

Director Wang Jiamin is very busy, very busy.

Due to the recent two-child policy, many people have begun to have children, making her so busy that she has almost no time to rest. Every day, except for delivery, it is a caesarean section.

In their Xinyou City No. 1 Hospital alone, more than 100 babies would arrive every day, all the doctors were too busy, and there were simply not enough beds here.

Although the salary is high, it is really tiring.

"Nowadays, there are actually quite a few rich people, and only those from civil servants, public institutions, and state-owned enterprises that have relatively stable incomes and better welfare benefits dare to have a second child. How can ordinary people dare?"

The little nurse Sun Ting complained helplessly: "But this is too much. The number of babies born yesterday has reached 133. I haven't rested even a day this month. Director Wang, I'm really exhausted. I don't even have time to have a boyfriend right now."

Wang Jiamin shook his head: "Don't think about boyfriends, everyone in Xinyou City has lined up to give birth to a second child, and there will be no possibility of a holiday for a while. In recent years, there will be a lot of people giving birth to a second child..."

Before he could finish speaking, a nurse hurriedly trotted over: "Director Wang, in the seventh operating room, there is a patient who needs a caesarean section urgently!"

"Isn't Xiao Li in charge of operating room No. 7?"

Wang Jiamin said very strangely: "With his ability, a caesarean section will not be difficult for him at all."

"This is not an ordinary caesarean section. Director Li said that he can't have a caesarean section at all, and the situation seems to be very serious. You must be invited."

The little nurse said eagerly, "I... I've never seen such a scene before. It's really terrible."


Wang Jiamin stopped talking and stepped forward immediately.

As the chief physician of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the First Hospital of Xinyou City Obstetrics and Gynecology, she has seen all kinds of storms and waves. In the past 20 years, she has delivered not 100,000 newborn babies, but also 70,000 or 80,000.

So far, she has never been able to handle a pregnant woman.

The master of the gynecology field in Xinyou City is well-deserved.

But when Wang Jiamin saw the pregnant woman, she couldn't help being stunned.

Because this patient is a young man with a muscular body, a bare head, no eyebrows, and attractive pectoral muscles.

But the other party's belly is round and round, like a pregnant woman who is several months pregnant.

"Can I swear? How can a man get pregnant?"

Wang Jiamin took the medical records and almost choked to death by her own saliva.

Deputy Director Li is actually over forty years old and has rich experience. The mothers he has seen are like crucian carp crossing the river, and now he is also confused: "Director Wang, what do you think about this? I have been a doctor for nearly 20 years. It's the first time I've seen something like this."

She took a look at the medical records: "Ye Dou? Is it the same name as Ye Pao Shen? Or a hero of the League of Legends?"

"Hello Ye Dou, are you a transgender person?" Wang Jiamin asked in a low voice.

"Transgender wool, I'm a man, a real man of iron and blood, 100%, a straight man of steel!"

Ye Dou almost roared.

The ghost has undergone **** reassignment surgery, and his iron egg skills are already well-established, and it is impossible to do it.

"Don't be angry, I'm just asking, how did you get pregnant? Are you born with two reproductive systems?" Wang Jiamin continued to ask.

Ye Dou felt like his lungs were about to explode.

I'm not intersex, transgender.

It's all because of the super power of that guy!

"Cough cough, I'm sorry, Doctor Wang, we meet again." At this time, the staring man stuck his sneaky head out of the door.

"It's you!"

Director Wang Jiamin immediately exclaimed when he saw the other party.

"What are you doing again?"

She couldn't help roaring: "Why are you making trouble with me all day long?"

"Yes, I did it. I accidentally made this brother Ye Dou pregnant."

The staring man raised his head and raised his chest: "No way, my ability is too strong, and now I have reached the point of staring at someone who is pregnant!"

"Hey hey hey, why are you still so complacent?"

Wang Jiamin can't wait to spray the staring man wearing sunglasses with saliva.

There was a time when her workload quadrupled because of this guy, just because this guy went to an auto show, and the result was a large auto show with forty young and beautiful long-legged car models, all of which were given to her. Stare pregnant.

Not only were the obstetrics and gynaecologists so busy that week, they nearly collapsed.

This incident was also reported as news, so League of Legends thoroughly investigated the incident and found the source of the incident.

It turned out that the culprit of all this was the man in front of him.

Several nurses around him obviously knew Glancing Man, and one by one, they couldn't help but back away, looking for something to prevent them from looking directly at him.

"I was wrong! Doctor Wang, Director Wang, Sister Wang, please save this friend of mine."

The staring man simply begged.

"Hmph, we will save people, but you have to leave, don't let me see you again!" Wang Jiamin said angrily.

"Okay, okay, I'll leave right away and I won't stay here for a while."

The staring man turned around and slid away.

The people here are very murderous, the doctors and nurses are all murderous, he doesn't want to stay here for too long, lest he die.

"Xiao Li, has the patient had a CT scan?"

Wang Jiamin asked.

"I took a CT scan, but his CT was completely dark. Our X-rays couldn't see through at all. Several consecutive pictures were completely dark. His body seemed to have the function of shielding X-rays."

Deputy Director Li took a few films and said.

"How is it possible? The CT machine is not broken?"

Looking at these CT films, Wang Jiamin couldn't help but be stunned.

These CT films are really nothing.

"He won't be able to take a CT machine, and others won't."


Wang Jiamin was stunned, with a very strange expression.

She didn't know that Ye Dou was not a mortal body, and his body had been greatly strengthened, comparable to special alloy steel, and it was impossible for X-rays to penetrate his body.

"One bag, Yabi Butterfly, it hurts!"

However, Ye Dou felt as if he was pregnant in October and was about to give birth. It was really painful, and his stomach seemed to be getting bigger and bigger.

"Let's have a caesarean section."

Wang Jiamin frowned: "I remember a lot of people stared at by Glancing Man. I have never seen him look like this. It seems that he is about to give birth. How could it be so fast?"

Under her command, Ye Dou was immediately pushed into the operating room.

As soon as the knife was moved, Wang Jiamin and others were dumbfounded, because the scalpel couldn't cut Ye Dou's skin at all.

"Is this the skin?"

"It's an exaggeration, the scalpel can't even pull out a mark."

"This skin is harder than rhino skin."

"Why can't I cut it open, the knife is broken."

The nurses and doctors whispered and looked weird.

Is this the legend that the skin is thicker than the city wall?

Ye Dou was very broken at the moment, he remembered a story. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

A martial arts master who practiced iron cloth shirts contracted appendicitis, which was painful to death. As a result, he went to the hospital for surgery. The doctor's scalpel seemed to be unable to open his stomach, so the martial arts master suffered from the pain.

That's what he's in now, and it's even worse.

Unexpectedly, his dignified Ye Paoshen would die because of dystocia.

It's a shame to say it!

"Doctor, give me a contraceptive pill, right away!" Ye Dou's mind flashed, and he simply jumped up from the operating table.

By the way, it turns out to be pregnant, so contraceptives are effective, right?

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