The Hero Kneels

Chapter 639: see you again

?Yang Mimi immediately withdrew her hand, looked at him with inexplicable eyes, opened her flaming red lips, and suddenly asked, "Ye Dou, do you like female ghosts?"


Ye Dou didn't speak, and didn't know what the other party was thinking.

"There is currently a haunted incident waiting for the hero to deal with, it seems that a female ghost is causing trouble, do you want to try it?" Yang Mimi asked.


Hearing this, Ye Dou nodded simply.

The female ghost, his favorite thing, this is a request that is absolutely irresistible.

No matter what kind of female ghost, he can like it.

Yang Mimi nodded slightly and threw a grapefruit-sized meat ball in front of her.

He immediately caught the meat ball and said strangely, "What are you doing?"

"This is your child, you have to be responsible for him." Yang Mimi smiled strangely.

Ye Douhu's body shook violently, and he almost didn't cry out.

Not only because the meat ball frightened him, but also because the soul ring on his right index finger vibrated slightly, which meant that the meat ball could be enchanted.

Mom's, Soul Ring, are you mistaken?

Can this thing be **** off?

Are you kidding me!

Half an hour later, Ye Dou left the hospital and got into a special car specially prepared for him by League of Legends.

The car turned out to be a red Maserati, and at first glance it was known that it was Yang Mimi's car.

In the soft back seat of the car, a set of white clothes was specially prepared for him.

He simply took off the white patient clothes and put on this white suit.

After putting it on, it was discovered that this white robe was actually the uniform of the underworld chief Bai Wuchang.

He has worn this uniform for a while, and it looks like a windbreaker. It looks very cool and shows the figure on the body, and the quality is good. To a certain extent, it can resist the attack of ghosts.

"Could it be that Yang Mimi is testing me?"

Ye Dou smiled and didn't take it to heart.

He turned to look at the slightly beating meat ball.

This meat ball has a red and gray color as a whole. The texture on the surface is actually a bit complicated. It looks a little bit of a spirit pattern style. It has nine bends and eighteen bends on it. It feels a kind of delicate skin and has the elasticity of rubber.

In addition, there is a strange beating feeling coming from inside.

It seems that there is a heart in the meat ball, or, in other words, there is a life breathing and beating in it.

"Can this meatball really give birth to a child?"

Ye Dou was a little puzzled.

For this reason, he has specially learned about the superpowers of the staring man. Although the other party is staring at someone who is pregnant, the so-called pregnancy is a fake pregnancy. Even if the pregnant woman's belly is big enough to give birth, it can only give birth to some things like sarcoma and waste blood. Absolutely can't give birth to life.

But this meat ball is obviously different, there is obviously an indescribable vitality beating in it.

Ye Dou tried to use his divine sense to go deep, but was blocked from the outside, as if there was a kind of shielding protection.

In order to pull out this meat ball, he lost half of his essence and blood, and the little chrysanthemum was about to burst.

Thanks to his strong blood, if ordinary people lose one-third of their blood essence, they will be completely shit.

As a powerhouse whose physical body has reached the top of the dragon level, or even a demigod, he has lost half of his blood essence, which is not a big problem.

Presumably this thing must have something extraordinary, otherwise it will never touch the soul ring.

Well, maybe the upgraded Soul Ring is too strong.

Feeling the slight vibration on his index finger, his curiosity burst.

If you enchant this meat ball, what can you enchant?

Point out Nezha?

Or some other stuff?


After thinking for a moment, he simply called out his golden finger and clicked directly on the meat ball.


The golden light flashed, and a dark golden light appeared on the meat ball.

After the light dissipated, in addition to a trace of blood on the meat ball, the beating of the heart seemed to be clearer.

"Did you only consume one white soul?"

Ye Dou pouted: "Goldfinger!"

He called out Goldfinger again.


The golden light flashed again, and a dazzling dark golden light appeared from the meat ball.

And then...then there is no then.

There are a few more obvious blood-colored lines on this meat ball, and the beating of the meat ball is more obvious.

Nothing but that.

"What are you kidding, you've consumed a red soul, is this a second incarnation?"

Ye Dou couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

After consuming a white soul and a red soul, the meat ball did not change much.

This means that Meatball is still a big soul eater.

According to the law of soul ringing, as long as the soul eaters are big, they will definitely be awesome in the future.

Ye Dou's mouth twitched.

The things he pulled out by himself were so awesome.

Could there really be a Nezha in there?

I have no soul to support the third initiation, and the third initiation will consume a purple soul.

Looking at the soul ring, I currently only have three red souls and three white souls left. The gift of the soul ring at the beginning is almost used up by myself.

Just as he was thinking about it, the special car stopped.

Then, the door was pulled open.

The driver's respectful voice came: "Mr. Ye, we have reached our destination."

After getting out of the car, Ye Dou realized that he had come to a deserted villa area.

Right in front of him, there is a lonely villa surrounded by a cordon.

It looks overgrown with weeds, the greenery is withered, and it is very decayed and dilapidated. There are also several warning signs around to warn people not to approach.

Here are four people in black and white leather jackets walking out of an SUV ahead.

As soon as Ye Dou got out of the car, the four people exclaimed.

"It seems like, it really does."

"It's just the bald head and eyebrows, which affect the image too much, and it looks like a bald man."

"Oh, my face is too pale."

"At least seven or eight points similar, Ye Dou's genes are powerful."

"It should be an illegitimate child."

Several people were chattering, and the voice of Tucao was very loud.

Taking a closer look, Ye Dou couldn't help being stunned. It turned out that he knew all these people, and they were also old acquaintances in the underworld.

Counting from left to right, they are Xue Fei, Tian Tian, ​​Hall Master Luo, and Master Wuxiang with white Their faces look so different from twenty years ago, this is The benefits of cultivating spiritual skills, spiritual power makes them age very slowly, and it is almost impossible to see the changes of the years.


Master Wuxiang first stepped forward: "The donor is Ye Dou? You and your father not only look alike, but even have the same name."

"My father?"

Ye Dou was a little embarrassed, why did he become his own son?

Master, your imagination is too rich.

Hall Master Rosie Luo was still wearing a black leather coat, with a coconut chest, and he stepped forward first, smiling sweetly: "Hey, Ye Dou, as a junior, you should call me godmother."

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