The Hero Kneels

Chapter 655: The 20th Anniversary of Ye Pao Shen Shattering the Void

?Too arrogant, this kid is not a good thing, he must be a troublemaker, he must be a spy. "

After hearing this, Tian Tiancheng was indignant and gritted his teeth: "This kind of person is not sent by the insect **** to test our League of Legends, or sent by the so-called gods."

"Yes, there is something wrong with this Ye Dou's identity. He is completely defiant. He must have backstage support, otherwise he would not dare to provoke us like this." Youwei Alliance executives sneered.

Even Li Yongzheng and Ye Weiwei frowned at the judgment of the people around him, and he was indeed very dissatisfied with Ye Dou's ruthless hands, so he said lightly: "Let's put this matter of Ye Dou aside for the time being, and wait for tomorrow's Ye Pao God Ceremony to talk about it!"

"Investigate the origin of this Ye Cannon God first. If Ye Dou provokes again, he is an enemy of my League of Legends. I will teach myself a lesson, Lao Bai, what do you think?"

The chairman has spoken like this, and it is difficult for the others to say anything, so Tian Tiancheng can only reluctantly nodded and said, "That's the way to do it."

He knew that claiming to be the illegitimate son and heir of Ye Pao God was a serious crime. Once found false, Li Yongzheng would personally punish him, and maybe Ye Dou would die without a place to be buried.

The beating incident that happened in the Hu family garden spread like a virus in Xinyou City.

That night, there was already a lot of uproar, and there were posts in the major hero chat groups and forums.

Bai Chen is a fine-steel hero. His limbs were broken and he was sent directly to the intensive care unit of the hospital.

The Bai family even said directly through the channel that the murderer should be severely punished, no matter who the other party was.

This night, the entire Xinyou City was shaken, and even the League of Legends was divided into several factions.

On one side is the illegitimate son of the illustrious Yepao God. According to legend, blood can calm the soul, and the body is sanctified. With one blow, he defeated the two steel-level heroes and claimed to have obtained the inheritance of the Yepao God.

On the other hand, is the Bai family, one of the four major families from the capital.

It's really interesting to point the needle to Maimang, but Ye Dou District alone dares to fight the entire Bai family. Most of them think that the winner must be the Bai family, because there are too many illegitimate children who pretend to be Ye Pao God. Well this is also a fake.

Outside the intensive care unit of the city's No. 1 hospital, many people stood.

They are all family members who came from Bai's house, as well as Bai Chen's beautiful girlfriend.

Bai Tiancheng hurried over: "I've got Chairman Li's approval, how is Chen'er?"

Bai Chen's mother cried: "Xiaochen's limbs are all comminuted fractures, and it will take at least two years to fully recover, and the surnamed Ye will also be Chen'er... Chen'er's bottom is broken, and he will not be able to walk in the future. ."

Now Bai Chen's little girlfriend beside her burst into tears, heartbroken.

"It's so ruthless, so ruthless... It's really broken limbs!" Bai Chen's mother cried.

During the day, his fists clenched tightly, and his eyes flashed a sharp light.

Hua Qianmu, who came with him, stood beside him and bowed slightly: "Uncle Bai, please rest assured, this matter is my responsibility. After tomorrow's Ye Cannon God Ceremony, I will definitely not let that Ye Dou go."

Hua Qianmu's eyes flashed: "If Chairman Li can't kill him, then I will do it myself."

"Okay, if you have these words, I'm relieved." A look of joy appeared on Tian Tiancheng's face.

Hua Qianmu is one of the top ten diamond-level heroes. He possesses green diamonds and is extremely powerful. As long as he is willing to kill Ye Dou, then Ye Dou will surely die.

Hua Qianmu's father, Hua Feng, is a vassal official, so killing someone is definitely not a problem.

"This time, I want that boy who pretended to be the God of Ye Cannon to die without a place to be buried."

During the day, Cheng said fiercely.

In his eyes, the ray of resentment was fierce and fierce.

As soon as Hua Qianmu left the intensive care unit, her face darkened.

He didn't want to take action. After all, he was a diamond-level hero. Taking action to kill people really humiliated his hero image, but this Ye Dou didn't give him any face in public, which was really annoying. He decided to do it himself and kill the other party. , Save face, anyway, League of Legends executives have already given Ye Dou a sex.

"By the way, I asked you to inquire about this person's information?" Hua Qianmu turned her head and asked the entourage.

The entourage was shocked: "We did inquire, but we didn't get much information. It seems that this Ye Dou's information is difficult to find."


Hua Qianmu snorted coldly and didn't care too much.

Their family is not an intelligence department, and the difficulty of obtaining information is indeed not comparable to that of professional institutions.

Hua Qianmu rolled her eyes, and then ordered: "Tonight, you must do your best to inquire, inquire about all the information about Ye Dou, and Yang Mimi, and send someone to monitor them. If you are found, give up monitoring."

The so-called "move behind", before he started, he had to figure out Ye Dou's background, and wanted to see if there was a deeper official backer behind Ye Dou.

If it was just a savage, he would never show mercy.

Moreover, Hua Qianmu has been in the hero circle for so many years, and a set of her own rules has long been formed in her mind. In addition to combat power, diamond-level heroes fight more for fame and wisdom. Every time she makes a move, it will definitely cause a sensation news.

He shot, it must be thunderous, and the world knows it!

The next day, the long-awaited celebration of the 20th anniversary of the God of Leaf Pao Shattered Void finally began.

League of Legends and Youcheng officials, businessmen, politicians, etc. all attended.

After all, this is the day to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Ye Pao God's Broken Void. Usually, a commemorative meeting is held every year, but this year is the 20th anniversary, so the event is usually bigger.

There are nearly 200 tables in the Hu Family Garden, and there are more than 1,000 celebrities and representatives of various parties at the scene, so it is crowded with people early in the morning.

All kinds of luxury cars gathered, Ferrari, BMW, Bentley, Rolls-Royce and other vehicles, gathered in the parking lot outside the Hujia Garden, filling the parking lot.

When Yang Mimi and Ye Dou drove to the Hu family garden, they found that the parking lot at the door was empty.

Vehicles with various military licenses and official licenses slowed down the entire parking lot.

"Ye Dou, why don't we go in, there are too many people here." Yang Mimi stood at the door, holding Ye Dou's big hand tightly with her small hands, acting like a little girl.

She tossed and turned in bed last night and didn't sleep, and didn't intend to let Ye Dou come to die. After all, the people who came tomorrow were more complicated, and it could be said that the heroes gathered.

This so-called celebration would be a threat to Ye Doujiang.

In addition, the sisters Li Hongxue and Li Ying'er will also come.

"Don't be afraid, my sister."

Ye Dou looked at the other party caressed the other party's shoulder: "I'll be fine, I'm here to do something."

Yang Mimi hesitated for a while, but still asked, "Do you want to see Li Hongxue?"

Looking at Yang Mimi, who had not slept all night and had faint dark circles under her eyes, Ye Dou sighed, hugged her back, and whispered in her ear, "Don't worry, you are my woman no matter what."

Being hugged by Ye Dou, Yang Mimi was suddenly flustered, her pretty face was slightly red, and she forgot to speak for a while.

"Yo, Yang Mi Mi Ye Dou, why are you so affectionate? Are you going to open a room early in the morning?"

A yin and yang female voice came from the left.

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