The Hero Kneels

Chapter 660: domineering gun god

Ye Dou suddenly shot, and that devastating palm slapped towards Hua Qianmu.

Hua Qianmu suddenly felt that he was about to be completely destroyed. Before he was hit, he felt that this palm was enough to slap himself into a puddle of flesh.

And he didn't even have a trace of resistance, so he could only wait to die on the spot.

This is Ye Cannon God!

Powerful to the point of indifference, anyone under the attack of Ye Cannon is as vulnerable as a child, even if you are a dragon-level monster, even if you are a demigod-level master?

You can be wiped out at the click of a button.

Seeing that huge palm slowly patted Hua Qianmu, the dragon slayer and Tie Nan felt a trace of sadness and powerlessness in their hearts.

This is the God of Ye Pao, and there is a whole body of aura that destroys the sky and destroys the earth, and it is so powerful that it can't be added.

With one palm shot, Hua Qianmu must be completely finished, and it is estimated that there will be no **** left.

Seeing the giant who was nearly five meters tall and covered in thunderous light, he slapped that palm with thunder in the sky.

But in the hearts of Tian Tian Cheng, Li Yu, and Huang Qin, it was as if 10,000 grass and mud horses had stepped over them.

Who would have thought that Ye Dou was the God of Ye Cannon?

This kind of power, this terrifying thunder, is heartbreaking.

In their eyes, Ye Dou is now more than a towering mountain, but a nuclear bomb, so powerful and invincible.

Countless people looked at the thunder giant standing upright in the field with complicated eyes.

Who would have thought that the seemingly ordinary You Clan youth just now was such a powerful thunder giant twenty years ago, destroying the underworld with the power of several demigods, and shattering the invasion of the Nether Realm by shattering the void.

In the past, many people thought that this was just a legend, but now that they saw this strong and unparalleled thunder giant, they realized that the legend was true.

Song Ningyu, who had been watching from a distance, watched from a distance and covered her mouth, looking at Ye Dou in disbelief.


This palm was shot without any suspense.

In the eyes of everyone, Hua Qianmu, who was sure to die, did not die.

The one who died was the one behind him.

The man wore a stainless steel hero badge on his chest, and his body was almost torn apart.

"God Ye Cannon killed someone?"

"Kill a hairy man, that bug man, look at his blood!"

Everyone took a closer look and found that this person just had a layer of skin all over his body, and it turned out to be the bodies of some messy bugs, and the blood was green.

"Insect man?"

"Insect disguised as a hero?"

"No, the insect **** sent someone to invade here."

The crowd was horrified.

At this time, Ye Dou shot out his hand again, and shot several palms in a row, each palm was a thunderous force, full of endless power of thunder and lightning.

One after another thunder light accurately landed in the crowd, completely smashing the seemingly innocent people, their fleshly bodies burst open, the blood flowing out is green, and the blood wrapped under the skin is the Zerg body. Without exception, it burst open.

Everyone around was smeared with stinky green blood.

Suddenly, the skins of several people in the crowd were burst, and they turned into worms with worm heads and worm brains, soaring into the sky and flying into the distance.

However, a flash of lightning flashed, shattering the worms into powder in mid-air.

Li Yu trembled with excitement, and shouted: "Ye Pao God is Ye Pao God, he is helping us to understand the spies sent by Insect God!"

"These are insect masters, and the physical strength is above the dragon level."

After speaking, he filled his drinking glass and looked crazy.


Seeing this scene, Hua Qianmu and her legs trembled slightly. His eyes were sluggish, and he couldn't move for a long time.

The strength of these Zerg disguised as heroes is no small matter, each of them is at least the devil level, and there are even many dragon level, strong strength, I did not expect that under the attack of the **** of leaf guns, they are like flies and mosquitoes. Flatten.

After the clearing, it is time for the clearing.

Ye Dou's body gradually returned to its original state.

Then he turned around and looked at Bai Tiancheng indifferently: "You said before that I interrupted your Bai Chen's limbs for no reason, now you dare to say it again in public?"

Bai Tiancheng's face froze, his lips trembled, and his legs became soft and he knelt down.

Ye Dou's game of finding the difference begins.

"What's the matter?" Tian Yue and Song Qian looked at each other, both of them were watching the show in a row.

"Bai Chen angered me in person, wanted to beat me up, even maimed me, wanted me to make a fool of myself in public, and even offended my woman, I cut off his limbs, do you accept it?"

Ye Dou's eyes shone coldly and looked directly at Bai Tiancheng.

Tian Tiancheng suddenly choked up, trembling all over, not daring to speak.

As one of the four young masters in the capital, Bai Chen is indeed arrogant and domineering, and he will attack the disabled if he doesn't like it.

"Vice-chairman Bai Tiancheng, what do you want?" Tian Yue gave Bai Tiancheng a meaningful glance.

Bai Tiancheng could no longer bear the pressure.

Especially since he is a smart person, he suddenly woke up from that long-sounding glance.

Tianyue is saving him,

The person in front of him is the God of Ye Pao. If he offends him, the Bai family will be overthrown in the blink of an eye.

Back then, Ye Dou also killed the being who claimed to have the power of digital demigods with a flick of his finger, and slaughtering his Bai family was an instant thing.

Thinking of this, Tiancheng's heart will be broken.

Seeing Ye Dou with his hands behind his back, his expression was indifferent and he didn't say a word.

Bai Tian became prejudiced, and remembered the character of Lei Ting's methods in Ye Dou's rumors, as well as his terrifying methods.

Then he learned from Hua Qianmu, knelt down with a thud, and kowtowed again and again: "The **** of guns is on, I'll obey, please let me and the Bai family survive."


The whole place sucked in a breath of cold air.

This day, Tian Cheng is also the dignified vice chairman of the League of Legends, and the number one person in the Bai family. He can be regarded as a hero.

But think about it, this is also a reasonable thing, opposite him is the God of Ye Pao!

That resolute, powerful and unparalleled God of Ye Pao!

"Your family's Bai Chen has bad intentions. I cut off his limbs and lie down. Will you take it?"

Ye Dou asked slowly.

"I... I am absolutely convinced!"

"Bai Chen deserves it!"

"What you taught is, what you taught is right."

Bai Tiancheng knelt down on the ground, his head slammed on the floor, his lips trembled, and every word he uttered came from his heart, and he dared not to obey.

Ye Cannon God is above!

Who dares to say no?

"As for you, Hua Qianmu."

Seeing Bai Tiancheng lowered his head, Ye Dou's eyes shifted from him to Hua Qianmu.

"God Ye Pao, I know I was wrong." Hua Qianmu stiffened and smiled reluctantly.

If there is any regret medicine now, he will definitely use all his net worth in exchange for it. He just can't get used to the relationship between Ye Dou and Yang Mimi, and because the other party doesn't give him face, he holds a grudge.

When he heard that Bai Tiancheng wanted to deal with Ye Dou, he immediately swore that he would help Ye Dou repeatedly, just to let out a bad breath in his heart.

But I didn't expect that this rival in love was the God of Ye Pao who had shattered the void for twenty years.

"God Ye Pao, Miss Yang Mimi, I know I'm wrong!" Hua Qianmu nodded and bowed.

"Hua Qianmu, I knew this earlier, why did it happen in the first place, it's really not too late to bow your head and admit your mistake, so let's make up for it." Yang Mimi looked down and smiled.

"This this..."

Hua Qianmu forced a smile and said with a sweaty face: "Miss Yang Mimi, I used to be blind. If there is any offense, please forgive me, I really didn't mean it."

Yang Mimi shook her head slightly: "I'm fine, but I don't know if Ye Dou will forgive you.

"Know wrong?"

Ye Dou's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a hint of coldness: "You kid is quite capable, but I see that you are always unconvinced."

"It's not like this..." Hua Qianmu lowered her head and explained, but there was a trace of resentment in her eyes.

Ye Dou opened his eyes and shouted angrily, "What an idiot!"

Suddenly, a terrifying aura of destruction appeared from Ye Dou and pressed down on Hua Qianmu.

After all, Hua Qianmu is also a diamond-level hero, with a half-god of light combat power, and a green light suddenly appeared on his body, forcibly resisting this terrifying aura of destruction.

But this terrifying aura of destruction is still unparalleled, pressing down all the hands and legs of the opponent, making him stick to the ground.

The people around felt a huge aura of destruction rising from Ye Dou's body, pressing them like a boat in a storm, unable to breathe and unable to stand still.

At this time, in their eyes, Ye Dou was no longer a famous gun god, but a famous killing god.


Hua Qianmu knelt on the ground, her face full of anger, and the green light on her body became more vigorous.

He is a dignified diamond-level hero with a world-renowned reputation. He is looked up to by others wherever he goes. He is a demigod-level master, and he has hardly encountered an opponent in his life.

Different from Bai Tiancheng, Bai Tiancheng is a hero after all, he knows how to bend and stretch, Hua Qianmu is a young man after all, born in a wealthy family since childhood, he is not as soft as that, and his self-esteem is very strong.

"God Ye Pao, you dare to make me kneel, you dare to give me a hair, my flower family won't let you go?"

Hua Qianmu was furious for a while, her eyes were red, and she screamed.

The green energy in him is running wild, filled with wills to resist the heaven and the Is that right? Then go die. "Ye Dou pressed lightly.

Suddenly, the green light on Hua Qianmu's body was distorted, wrapped in thunder light, his body was squeezed into powder, and the whole person turned into a pool of snow.

The whole place was silent!

No one thought that Ye Dou would dare to shoot directly and kill Hua Qianmu.

The top ten diamond-level heroes, the dignified demigod-level masters, Ye Dou will kill if he says it, and he is still in front of many heroes, including other diamond heroes, and various bigwigs, etc., he has not restrained in the slightest.

The killing is decisive, the shot is ruthless, and it is so terrifying.

It turned out that this was the true face of the God of Leaf Cannons in 2000 years!

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