The Hero Kneels

Chapter 662: meet in the bridal chamber

Li Yongzheng took the first step at this time, hurriedly came to Ye Dou, and said respectfully:

"Master, I brought Li Hongxue, and Li Ying'er followed."

Ye Dou looked into the distance and saw two girls appearing in a small garden ahead.

It was Hongxue and Ying'er, both of them came in no hurry or slow.

Ye Dou jumped up and galloped past.

"The God of the Cannon is the God of the Cannon. It's a good idea to give him this title." Song Qian curled her lips when she saw this.

After she finished speaking, she turned to look at Li Yongzheng, and said in a meaningful voice, "President Li, your Li family has a good son-in-law, so don't delay this wonderful marriage."

"What? Good son-in-law."

Li Yongzheng was stunned, and then the tiger body seemed to understand something.

Does the master want to soak his daughter?

If it is done, will it not be messed up?

After that, Song Qian and Tian Yue hurriedly left, not even having time to reminisce.

They have a task at hand, they are getting old friends halfway, and now they are in a hurry.

However, Song Qian still glanced at Yang Mimi who was looking at her, shook her head slightly, and whispered, "What a sin!"

Everyone also looked at Ye Dou.

"The **** of guns is the **** of guns, so he fell in love with the sword princess Li Hongxue so quickly!"

"I think I fell in love with Lei Ying Li Ying'er!"

"Wrong, I think Cannon God wants both."

"The story of Ye Pao Shen's 3000 daughters turns out to be true. My daughter turns 18 this year, so I should ask her to try it out. In ten months, I might be able to harvest a Pao Shen grandson."

Everyone was talking in private.

Yang Mimi didn't have any good face, she simply turned her head away and didn't want to look anymore.

She still knew a thing or two about Li Hongxue's identity.


She is jealous!

Ye Dou was approaching Li Hongxue at this moment.

Today's Li Hongxue, wearing a red tight leather jacket, with light makeup on her face, red high heels under her feet, her long hair permed in waves, and a long sword hanging from her left hip bone, looks glamorous with a hint of heroism.

Walking in, it was a beautiful and flawless face.

The face of the other party is extremely beautiful, extremely beautiful, like a pearl, like a beautiful jade, so bright and beautiful that you can't look at it.

Those eyes were as bright as the stars in the sky, and as tender as autumn water, shining brightly.

The peerless appearance of the other party was definitely something Ye Dou never dreamed of. In this situation, it is not a world of recovery.

The red snow is still so beautiful, and has become bloody.

Taking a deep breath, I only felt a faint fragrance seeping out from Hongxue's body. It was obviously a floral fragrance, but it didn't resemble any floral fragrance in the world.

This is the unique fragrance of Hongxue.

It's just that the former Hongxue was classical and elegant, but the Li Hongxue in front of her was fashionable and cold, like an iceberg.

"Are you Ye Dou that my dad said?" She asked directly as soon as she opened her mouth.

"Yes." Ye Dou nodded.

There's nothing to hide about this.

It's just that Hongxue doesn't seem to know him.

"Strange, why do you feel so familiar to you?" Li Hongxue's big eyes fixed on Ye Dou.

"I also feel a sense of familiarity." Ye Dou nodded again.

But Ye Dou then said, "Do you remember me?"

Li Hongxue's pretty face remained unchanged, and she shook her head slightly: "What? This is the first time we met, right? How could I say I remember you?"

Li Ying'er next to him also nodded slightly: "Yes, bald, what are you talking about? How could my sister know you, my father said that you are the God of Ye Pao? Why don't you look like it?"

Ye Dou sighed slightly, he knew that the reincarnation might make Hongxue and Ying'er lose all their memories.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, the sword-wielding girl took a deep breath, her beautiful eyes shone with crystal light, she looked directly at Ye Dou and said, "Ye Dou, let's bridal chamber!"


Even if Ye Dou thinks that he has a strong heart and a firm mind, he is still dumbfounded at this time, not overwhelmed.

After Li Hongxue said these words, she was helpless, feeling incredible.

Li Ying'er next to her was shocked.

What the **** is my sister talking about, telling a stranger that she wants to have a bridal chamber with each other?

How is this going?

You must know that my sister usually doesn't talk to strange men at all, but now she says such things.

Did my sister take the wrong medicine today?

Li Ying'er looked at the bald head of the other party, in addition to a sense of familiarity, she only felt that the bald head on the opposite side was abhorrent, which made her have the urge to beat the other party violently.

The atmosphere solidified for about half a minute.

Li Hongxue spoke again, but her icy face had turned pure pink, and her tone was firm: "I don't know what's going on, I just want to be with you when I see you, I just want... just want to have a hole with you... a hole... "

She didn't say a word, but her head kept getting lower and lower, and finally the peerless beauty raised her head: "I am absolutely sure that we should be a couple made in heaven, so let's get married, get the certificate first, and then... bridal chamber! "

"But... we haven't had a formal meeting on a date, haven't we?"

Just after sweeping through thousands of troops, the God of Ye Pao, who looked at everything in the world, started to stutter.

He never imagined that Hongxue would want to have a bridal chamber with him without knowing him.

I thought I should go for a walk, go shopping, chat, eat, watch a movie, etc. according to the normal steps, but the other party was still so fierce, and when they came up, they wanted to bridal chamber.

"Get married in the bridal chamber first, or get married in the bridal chamber first."

After this beautiful and unparalleled girl opened her mouth, she seemed to be more and more courageous. She spoke decisively, but she was extremely firm.

Ye Dou just felt incredible.

Hongxue was about to follow her bridal chamber the first time she saw her, didn't she have no memory of herself?

"Don't you like me?" she asked.

"I like it." Ye Dou replied.

"Then are you willing to marry me?" the girl asked again.

Ye Dou was silent.

"Tell me, are you willing to marry my mother?"

Her beautiful eyes were full of hope and tension.

Ye Dou is still It's not that he doesn't like it, it's not that he doesn't want to marry.

Ye Dou quietly looked at the beautiful character in front of him, and many memories of Hongxue in the past flashed before his eyes again.

He could never forget the first time they met, the kiss, and the beautiful eyes of the girl in front of him with expectation and surprise.

"Twenty years ago, I was obsessed with martial arts and disappointed you, but I won't in this life."

Ye Dou raised his head, looked directly at the beautiful girl, and just said one word: "Success!"


A look of joy appeared on the beautiful face of the girl.

Her face flushed, she simply stepped forward and pulled Ye Dou's big hand, excitedly said, "We'll go to the Civil Affairs Bureau now, and then... then that's it!"

"No problem." Ye Dou smiled.

Isn't it just the bridal chamber?

let's go!

Guarantee that you will be vigorous tonight, if you can't survive, you can't die.

Otherwise, I will not call Ye Pao God!

Thanks for the 10,000 huge reward from the fool seal, hold a thigh!

Thank you for the 2000 donation from Dombakon, and thanks to the other book friends for their donations!

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