The Hero Kneels

Chapter 664: You dare to threaten me?

When the shadow saw Ye Dou clapping his hands, he refused to hide.

He also raised an arm, and immediately shot out a sharp black beam with a terrifying energy fluctuation.

The right palm was pushed out so horizontally, and then the black beam of light was slapped to the ground like a fly.


There was a huge smoking hole on the ground. The hole was huge, almost five meters deep, and filled with gray fog.

"My light of black death is ineffective?"

Hei Ying was shocked, he was attacking the opponent with all his strength just now, and he wanted to make this so-called God of Leaf Cannon suffer.

It's just that he didn't expect that his powerful attack was slapped on the ground by the opponent's palm, like a small bug.

"How dare you show off the little tricks of eagles?" Ye Dou spread out his hands, posing as if he could throw out his palms at any time.

The shadow snorted and simply used the finale stunt.


He roared violently, the black energy on his body swelled in an instant, his toes kicked on the ground, and there were more footprints on the ground, and then the black arms like smoke suddenly stretched out.

One punch!

The fist is as fast as electricity, whistling and breaking through the air, making a "swoosh" sound, it can be seen that the fist contains thousands of pounds of tremendous force, and the punch is like a cannon to the extreme.

"Don't use Qianlong!"

Ye Dou followed and drank violently, his toes abruptly tapped the ground, and suddenly his figure flashed with lightning, dodging the punch, and then waving his palm to meet him.

It was only in the blink of an eye that the black figure saw the other party came to him, and couldn't help but be shocked.

The ferocious and violent aura just suffocated him, making people feel invincible.

"not good!"

Seeing this, Hei Ying dared to hard steel, and immediately forcibly closed his fists, and immediately turned into Hei Ying and pulled back.


Immediately afterwards, the ground on which he had just stood was completely burst.

In addition to an extra deep pit with a diameter of about ten meters, the surrounding ground is like a spider web cracking, and it keeps shaking, as if an earthquake.

Suddenly, the earth and rocks splashed, and the smoke filled the air. With the cracks on the ground, it enveloped all directions.

"This is Ye Pao's martial arts!"

The shadow seemed to be speechless in surprise, trembling all over, and seemed to be awakened by this palm.

As a result, Ye Dou's fierce and powerful palm was absolutely crushing and unrivaled.

Even if he has powers, he can't stop it.

Whoever becomes the peak at the end of the martial arts will become empty when it encounters the **** of guns!

This is the legendary Ye Cannon God.

It is frightening.

How can an ordinary person cultivate martial arts to such an extreme level?

Before he could recover, Ye Dou's palms pushed him horizontally with unparalleled strength.

"Shocked Baili!"

This is a powerful move in the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

The two palms ripped apart the air, and the strength contained in it was heart-pounding.


Seeing the opponent's terrifying pair of palms attacking, how could the shadow dare to take it hard?

However, the speed of lightning flashing under Ye Dou's feet was faster than his, and he came to the front in a blink of an eye.

"Do not!"

Hei Ying screamed, not daring to hold any reservations, and he would also punch with the strength and strength of his feet.

The punch was so powerful that it contained all his strength, and he wanted to use it to force it back.

Do not use Qianlong!

Unexpectedly, Ye Dou suddenly retracted his palms, took a breath, exhaled, his left palm stretched forward, and his right palm slid out from under the left palm, hitting the black shadow's lower abdomen.


This move became extremely fast, causing his lower abdomen to suffer a heavy blow, and with a scream, he immediately retreated.

He took about ten steps backwards in a row, and then barely stabilized his body, smashing the ground with every step.

Hei Ying lowered his head, he found a hole in his lower abdomen, indicating that the strength of the palm just now had penetrated the opponent's body, and he could even see his stomach.

It is estimated that if this palm hits the head, the head will be completely exploded.


He spat out a mouthful of black-purple blood, and the black shadow was in unbearable pain.

He worked hard to activate his superpowers.

In the blink of an eye, a black mist enveloped his body.

"Too strong, run away!"

Hei Ying knew that he was defeated and that the opponent was too strong. Apart from his own god, he had never seen such an incomparable existence, which made him feel terrified.

The opponent's domineering power made him feel powerless, and he couldn't bear the thought of resistance at all.

The legendary God of Ye Pao is indeed extraordinary.


The black shadow shouted again, and used the superpowers of his body to the limit, and his body was shrouded in a thick black mist.

He was trying his best to stimulate his strength and escape desperately.

In a blink of an eye, his figure moved away like a phantom, and his speed was extremely fast.

He believed that his speed was extremely fast, and even the God of Ye Pao couldn't catch up with him.

As long as you stay away from this area, it will be difficult for the opponent to pursue you.

"Humph! Since you don't care about Yang Mimi, let's wait and see how I play with her!" Hei Ying drank coldly, leaving the sentence and wanting to run.

Who knows, there is a cold voice coming from the front.

"Hey, just say this to you, you will die today."

Hei Ying raised his head and looked towards the lake, and saw Ye Dou standing in front of him with lightning flashing under his feet, looking at him calmly.


Is he so fast?

"No! There's no way to escape now? That's the only way to fight to the death." Surprised, the shadow made a decision.

He suddenly exerted force on his feet, shrouded in black mist, and the whole person came to Ye Dou like a galloping arrow, and then poured out his fists.

"The game is over! You are nothing more than that." Ye Dou looked at the other party with no interest.

Originally, he wanted to see what the ability of this person who used the strange ability was, but now it seems that it is only a three-pronged axe.

In the face of the menacing attack, his expression remained unchanged, and he directly raised his left arm and right palm. Seeing that the opponent's fist was facing his left arm, his right palm suddenly raised, and it was also a bang, hitting his heart.

However, the black shadow shuddered violently, with a strange bulge behind him, the black paint burst, and his body flew straight into the distance like a paper harrier, and fell abruptly to the ground.

At this moment, the black energy on the black shadow dissipated, revealing his true face. The other party was a man with a pale face. He slowly stood up and asked with a flat face: "What kind of kung fu did you use?"

"Eighteen palms for subduing the Ye Dou's palms hang down, and he stands with his hands behind his back.

"Haha, eighteen palms for subduing the dragon?"

The man smiled bitterly: "Who is the peak at the end of the martial arts, when I meet the cannon god, it will be empty. Today, when I see your martial arts magic, I have no regrets..."

As he spoke, his voice became smaller and smaller, and his breath became weaker and weaker, and then he fell directly to the ground.

Ye Dou's palm not only pierced through his heart, but also shattered the opponent's heart and meridians.


He has fallen to the ground dead!

With his hands on his back, he frowned suddenly, and looked at the corpse: "Who are you? Just watched the performance for so long, and you haven't come out yet?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that this corpse, which had just died completely, was actually alive again, but it just stood up like a puppet.

His body was wrapped in black shadows like a puppet of idle money, and his movements were incomparably stiff, like a walking corpse that had been dead for a long time.

A black head stuck its head out from behind the neck of the corpse, the black head smiled and said: "Hey hey... As expected of the God of Ye Pao, ordinary capable people are indeed not your opponents, please come with me, let's be fine. talk."


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