The Hero Kneels

Chapter 666: God's realm

Luo Lin said proudly: "The realm of stars! We are also called the realm of gods. As far as I know, this can be divided into the realm of nebula, celestial spirit, and star core. Only when the nebula condenses the celestial spirit, we can become gods! "

"Most people with superpowers, such as me, who are only in the Nebula Realm, can manipulate the energy of the world, enjoy glory, wealth, beauty and delicacies, and I'm only in my early twenties, and my abilities can still grow. Converted to the level of the League of Legends, it is a diamond-level hero. , in your country at my age, there are very few."

Ye Dou said nothing, he knew that Luo Lin was right.

According to the so-called information on becoming a god, what the other party said is indeed a path to becoming a god, and it is also the most common path to becoming a god.

Compared with the information that he had obtained in the tomb of the gods, it was nothing but an extremely ordinary path to becoming a god.

In another parallel world, even if you become a true god, that is not necessarily the case.

The so-called path of the gods is the path of mastering the law.

Mood is also a kind of rule.

Ye Dou had seen a lot of dead gods, but he had never seen a living god.

"Mr. Luo Lin, I didn't expect you to be such a person. If you talk like this, the gods will be unhappy." Bai Wuchen changed the topic.

She despised such a scumbag who cheated by super power.

"Miss Bai, you can look down on me, but I'm just such a person. In our eyes, you psychic masters are just low-level beings." Luo Lin said with an arrogant smile.

He is different from any power user Ye Dou has met, with a mentality of looking down on mortals, as if he and ordinary people are either the same creature, or a **** above.

"God Ye Pao, I've said everything, now it's your turn to choose."

After Luo Lin finished speaking, he stared at Ye Dou closely, as if threatening.

"What if I still refuse?"

Ye Dou said calmly.

"You have the power to kill diamond-level heroes, but don't you know, my power and wisdom are stronger than you."

Rollin smiled coldly.

I saw him stomping his feet, and suddenly, a shadow monster appeared in the back behind him. This shadow monster looked extremely huge, filled with the power of darkness, and had fangs and sharp teeth.

It waved its hand, and soon the claws several meters long, like sharp grass blades, easily cut the whole house apart.

"Oh, it's so scary."

Bai Wuchen seemed to be so frightened that his legs were trembling, he could barely stand, he screamed again and again, and shivered while holding his head.


Ye Dou gave each other a word.

"Olympus, the Dark Apostle Rollin, has seen the God of Leaf Cannon!"

Luo Lin bent down and tucked his belly elegantly and gave Ye Dou an aristocratic salute.

He was originally blond, blue-eyed, handsome, wearing a suit, and behind him was a dark and evil shadow giant, which seemed to be extremely tyrannical.

"Your strength is indeed less than that of an ordinary diamond-level hero." Ye Dou nodded.

Ye Dou has seen so-called diamond-level heroes, Hua Qianmu is one, but the opponent's strength is nothing in Luo Lin's eyes.

"Join us, you will gain incomparably powerful power, otherwise your girlfriend Yang Mimi will die, and you will be tortured." Luo Lin said, his eyes burst with black light.

This is your last chance, either join us, or I will kill your woman first, and finally catch you, slowly absorb your power, make you unable to survive or die, and finally die here. "

Following what Rollin said, the power of the shadow behind him became even greater.

"Ah no, don't catch me."

Bai Wuchen screamed suddenly, struggled frantically, rushed directly into Ye Dou's arms, and then said with a voice transmission: "Hijack me, hug me!"

Speaking of which, there were incomparably crystal-clear silk threads on her body, which bound her, instantly binding her bumpy figure so attractive that she couldn't move, and then collapsed into Ye Dou's hands.

"Luo Lin, hurry up! She wants to take me as a hostage!"

Before Ye Dou could make a move, she struggled and called for help.

"Miss Bai... God of Ye Pao, how dare you be rude to God's wife!"

Luo Lin seemed to be very afraid, did not dare to go forward at all, bit his lip and said: "God Ye Pao, you touch Miss Bai, he is the woman of the gods, if you touch her, the gods will be furious, and you will surely die."


Godly woman?

Ye Dou was still a little confused.

But Bai Wuchen had quietly pressed Ye Dou's big hand on his chest and shouted loudly, "Luo Lin... This Ye Cannon God probably values ​​my beauty, and he wants to forcibly make peace with me. What happened to me, hurry up and ask the gods for help, or take hostages in exchange, otherwise I will be in trouble!"

Luo Lin's face was embarrassed, and he didn't dare to go forward at all. The black shadow behind him could only be eager to try, and his eyes were fixed on Ye Dou's big hand grasping Miss Bai's chest.

He had already heard the news of Ye Pao's goddess 3000. He thought it was just a legend, but he didn't expect it to be true, and the other party actually held Miss Bai directly.

You must know that Miss Bai has a special status, and she must not make any mistakes, otherwise her life will be at risk.

At this time, he also regretted it very much. If Miss Bai said that she knew Ye Paoshen's weakness and helped him, he would not have agreed with Miss Bai to come with him.

Seeing him like this, Bai Wuchen felt at ease.

She couldn't help looking at Ye Dou, but saw that Ye Dou was still standing in the center of the room calmly, and was looking at him blankly.

"Ye Pao God spare your life, please don't covet my beauty, I am the woman of the Pao God."

Bai Wuchen shivered, looking very scared at the moment.

"Damn you, a proper Oscar queen." Ye Douren didn't complain in his heart.

Obviously, this woman is acting, using this scene to make a big play with herself.

"God Ye Pao, let go immediately, or your Yang Mimi will die immediately."

Luo Lin simply restrained his shock, and then smiled sullenly. At this time, he seemed to have a plan.


Ye Dou suddenly sighed: "You should have investigated my information, don't you know that what I hate most is being threatened, you should die."


Luo Lin was stunned for a His eyes immediately became extremely fierce.


In an instant, the black shadow's big hand stretched out like two huge steel claws, rolling towards Ye Dou.

In Bai Wuchen's shocking gaze, Ye Dou held his hands behind his back. He didn't move, but his eyes narrowed. There was an electric shock from the void, and a lightning bolt blasted out, directly defeating the two big hands.


Luo Lin mobilized the huge shadow behind him, and the shadow's hands reappeared, mixed with ten thousand force, and slammed towards Ye Dou, but unfortunately the shadow's hands reached Ye Dou's body, and he lightly flicked his fingers, and once again destroy.

This terrified the opponent.

"It's terrifying, even more terrifying than the top superpowers I've met. No wonder he can kill diamond-level heroes. Is this the power of God Ye Pao?"

Luo Lin was in a cold sweat, and when he saw Ye Dou walking towards him, he immediately shouted:

"God Yepao, I am the top of Olympus, if you kill me, you will fight against us Olympus, the leaders of our organization are real gods, we have eight gods in our organization, they Incomparably powerful, you are by no means an opponent..."

"Really? If they dare to come, I'll kill them." Ye Dou's expression remained unchanged, and he continued to take a step forward, roaring like an ancient Tyrannosaurus rex.

To smash everything in front of you!

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