The Hero Kneels

Chapter 673: smashing myths

"Shenlong help me become a god!"

When Gu Yuqi said this sentence, the sound was like thunder, echoing in the mountains of Shenlong Mountain over and over again.

The Shenlong Mountains stretched for several kilometers, and there was a violent roar.

Everyone onlookers felt that the earthquake occurred, and the body was unstable at all, and the stones on the mountain fell madly, as if half of the earthquake had occurred.

"Dragon Qi, what a strong Dragon Qi!"

An old man watching the battle with a childlike face said solemnly: "He is absorbing the dragon energy in the Shenlong Mountain, and he wants to make the dragon energy borrowed here become a god. I am afraid this is his ability to eat the star fruit!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words.

The dragon spirit of Shenlongshan?

It is rumored that dragon qi, like spiritual qi, is the carrier of magic energy. It is a kind of vitality that gathers between heaven and earth. It is heard that it is much more tyrannical than ordinary spiritual qi.

It's just that very few people can use the subterranean dragon energy to launch an attack, but Gu Yuqi can mobilize the so-called dragon energy. If he can borrow the power of heaven and earth, the power is infinite, far beyond that of ordinary people.

Everyone was amazed when they saw the earth-yellow rays of light flying up from the seven hills and falling onto the ancient jade gods.

"Is this the subterranean dragon energy?"

"It's such a powerful energy."

Someone exclaimed.

"This is probably Gu Yuqi's superpower. It is rumored that he devoured an S-rank star fruit twenty years ago, but he has never seen him use his superpower."

The old man said solemnly: "It turns out that his super powers are capable of earth qi!"

None of the people questioned his words. The old man's aura was like a sea of ​​abyss, and he had powerful fluctuations in divine power. His aura was extremely deep, and the other party must be an expert.

"Yes, as Master Lu said, this is indeed the superpower of the teacher. To be precise, the teacher can use the underground dragon energy to strengthen himself."

Zhang Daolin bowed slightly and said: "Teacher found seven dragon veins in Shenlong Mountain. According to the direction of the mountain, there is a spiritual formation in each mountain peak. The last seven spiritual formations and the dragon veins are connected together to form a Big Dipper seven-star demon-destroying formation. The teacher can even take this one step to become a god!"

"It's a pity that after the teacher used it, I'm afraid I'm more fortunate than good."

Zhang Daolin sighed silently in his heart.

As the Underworld Yama, the teacher Gu Yuqi is actually very good at manipulating the subterranean dragon energy. He is also a master of spiritual arts in this area. In addition, the star fruit he consumes is also able to communicate with the subterranean dragon energy.

In fact, the strength of the teacher is not far from what the gods want. The dragon energy here was originally prepared by the teacher to break through the realm of the gods, but now it is used to deal with the **** Ye Pao in advance, so the teacher has no hope of becoming a god.

This is also the source of Zhang Daolin's sadness.

Especially when he knew that once he absorbed the dragon energy in advance, the teacher Gu Yuqi would be severely injured, and the teacher's soul soldier had been completely shattered. Even if he succeeded in killing Ye Pao Shen, the teacher would probably lose Half-Life. , and died on the spot.

'Twenty years ago, in order to avenge you, the teacher worked hard. ’

Zhang Daolin muttered to himself.

At this time, the seven mountain peaks swelled with huge golden-yellow earth veins one after another, and the khaki light visible to the naked eye gathered towards the main peak of Pojun Mountain, especially the seven yellow rainbows that turned into seven bridges in the air.

"The Big Dipper's Demon-fighting Array was turned over and used by him? He wants to devour the dragon energy and transform into a dragon!"

The old man's face was shocked, and his eyes were extremely fiery: "This is simply the idea of ​​a peerless genius, Gu Yuqi's dragon qi acupoint viewing technique, and the spirit formation technique are indeed amazing, I am afraid he is the eternal dragon qi technique. one person!"

Everyone was horrified.

These seven yellow long rainbows, penetrating the sky and the earth, from the top of the mountain like a bridge of fairyland, crossed the space, and gathered on Gu Tianqi, completely shrouding it.

Such a method is simply a magical technique in the legend.

Many people were so frightened that their faces turned pale. They never thought that Gu Yuqi's ability was so powerful that he could arouse the might of heaven and earth, and even extract the dragon energy from the ground. Even Li Yongzheng's heart sank. Can Dou withstand this blow to the sky?

Other superpowers are quite optimistic.

Gu Yuqidu has displayed such divine power, which is by no means invincible by human beings.

No matter how strong the martial artist is, how can he compete with the power of heaven and earth, even if he is the God of Ye Pao.

At this time, on the top of the mountain.

Ye Dou watched it rise into the sky, and the mighty khaki-colored Changhong came.

These are all subterranean dragon energy, accumulated by the spirit array, and condensed into a real spiritual light.

Gu Yuqi was bathed in this khaki-yellow aura, and his body continued to soar. His bulging muscles broke through the shackles of a pair, bulging frantically, and his body grew to more than three meters high, like a giant.

Pieces of golden scales appeared on the opponent's flesh, dragon horns protruded from his head, and his limbs formed a dragon claw-like existence, and the opponent's momentum continued to rise.

This is using the dragon energy to pour into the body, forcibly condensing the nebula in his body, and trying to make himself a god.

"Unfortunately, if I met you 20 years ago, I could only use the power of the bottom of the box, and I might not be able to defeat you. Now my thunder and lightning destruction mood and great perfection are no different from God!"

Ye Dou put his hands behind his back and sighed softly: "You are not my opponent!"

Twenty years ago, he only comprehended part of the concept of destruction, and he did not possess any divine power. After traveling to the tomb of the gods in another world, he entered the body of Zeus and realized the complete concept of destruction.

Now, he still possesses the divine power to transform his form at will.

He is not as good as he used to be!

"Dragon Qi enters the body, help me become a god!"

Gu Yuqi didn't listen to what he said at His muscles were still bulging, he was pinching the printing and issuing, fully arousing the Qi of the dragon veins on the seven hills, absorbing the nebula in his body with all his strength. Continuing to aggregate and agglomerate.

Gu Yuqi's body was trembling constantly, making bursts of crackling sounds, and his body could hardly bear the huge underground dragon energy.

But he didn't care at all, and at the risk of his body breaking apart, he also stared at Ye Dou, absorbing the subterranean dragon energy with all his strength.

When the seven yellow dragon energy Changhongs were all absorbed by him, his flesh **** had swelled to a height of nearly ten meters, and his whole body was forged like gold.

The ground under his feet was crushed, and an invisible force shrouded his body, causing the ground to crack and fall.

Even if Gu Yuqi can only attract one ten thousandth of the power of the dragon energy of the seven mountain ranges, it is enough to make him extremely powerful. His body is already as strong as a giant dragon, and his breath is especially terrifying.

"God Ye Pao, the old man is going to meet what you call your peerless martial arts today!" Gu Yuqi exclaimed.

Every time Gu Yuqi uttered a word, his breath became stronger, his voice became more deafening, and his eyes were filled with joy and enthusiasm.

Whoever is the peak at the end of the martial arts will be empty when it encounters the **** of guns.

Today, the invincible myth of the God of Ye Pao will be smashed by him!

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