The Hero Kneels

Chapter 680: God of guns

After the explosion, there was a kind of gray smoke and dust all around, which filled everyone's sight in an instant, like a

Everyone around was panicked, and screams came from a distance:

"Help, bug man, bug man, here we come!"

"Run, worm!"


Ming Kai's face shuddered: "No, it's the worms making trouble again, and they actually attacked the stone casino."

Li Yongzheng opened his mouth and seemed to think of something: "Today, a large number of high-quality meteorites will be shipped. Could it be that the insect people want to pay attention to these meteorites?"

Ye Dou narrowed his eyes, his consciousness covered a kilometer away, and he found many strange ant-shaped worms. These worms were looting the core area of ​​the entire stone casino with the help of the thick fog.

Although there are superpowers to protect here, but there are too many ants and dense fog as cover, superpowers can't even save themselves, let alone protect the stone casino, one by one screaming, or being torn apart shatter, or start running away

An ant-man emerged from the manhole cover or the hole where the ground collapsed. Some were responsible for slaughtering the humans here, and some were responsible for transporting various meteorites here, which seemed to be densely packed.


An ant rushed over, and Ming Kai and Li Yongzheng started to fight with these ants.

These ant-men are obviously the bodies of ants, but they use their lower limbs to move around on the ground. Their movement speed is exaggerated, and their attack power is very strong. Two powerful forelimbs can instantly saw a person in half.

Li Yongzheng and Ming Kai's strength has improved a lot compared to that year, but it is still relatively difficult to deal with these Ant-Man.

Sam, Lu Yun and others were frightened and ran towards the periphery of the casino.

Ye Dou kept calm and flew towards the core area of ​​the stone casino.

I saw that the ground here was completely collapsed, and there was a big pit inside. Countless ant-men were carrying meteorites in a stone field. The surface of these meteorites was shining with colorful light, and it was obvious that they were not ordinary.

Ant-Man's movements are very fast and orderly, and there is no panic in the fog, which makes Ye Dou think of the little ants on the ground. It seems that Ant-Man has inherited this fine tradition.

He simply soared into the air, stood on a rockery, flicked his fingers, and began to attack these Ant-Man with sword energy.

Suddenly, a riot broke out in the ant crowd below, and began to retreat, leaving behind the corpse of the ant man.

Ye Dou narrowed his eyes and chased after him.

Insect people are the subordinates of the Insect God, as long as they are found, then the Insect God is just around the corner.

The insect **** knows that he has too many secrets, and the other party also knows the existence of the soul ring. Such an old guy must be killed immediately.

Therefore, he wants to take this opportunity to follow the vine and destroy the insect god.

As far as he knows, the insect **** has never revealed his true body, and it seems that he has not really become a god.

Then he must kill the other party before he becomes a god, so as not to have many dreams at night.

These Ant-Man move very fast and very fast.

It turned out that they had already hollowed out the underground passage.

After following this group of bugmen in the intricate underground tunnels for more than an hour, he has come to the coast.

There was a seemingly luxurious giant ship docked on the coast. The cargo warehouse of the giant ship was open. Countless Ant-Man transported the meteorite into the small cargo ship, and then the small cargo ship carried it until it was immediately evacuated.

It could be vaguely seen that someone was on the boat greeting and directing the swarm.

Ye Dou took a stride and entered the cabin without knowing it.

Under the cover of night, the giant ship moved away from the coast, and the swarm disappeared without a trace.

Using the convenience of divine sense, Ye Dou soon discovered that the ship actually belonged to an island country.

Yes, this is an island cruise.

It's called Sakura!

Coming to the deck of the ship, a special reception is being held here. Many tourists are toasting on the deck, and there are people from all over the world. There is also a symphony orchestra playing.

Looking at the clothes, it seems that the people here are all upper-class people.

"The atmosphere here is a little weird?"

Ye Dou took a cocktail of unknown name from the attendant, and stood on the side of the ship searching and looking around. The divine power emitted by the meteorites on the ship obscured most of his spiritual consciousness. At present, he can only observe with his eyes. Try to find out the owner of this ship.

The men and women here are all wearing suits and foreign skirts, and it seems that they don't know anything about what has just been approached by a cargo ship.

At this moment, he saw a familiar figure.

This is a middle-aged man wearing glasses, and he looks very similar to Zhao Ming, his friend in the bedroom.

It just looked haggard, looked downcast, listless, and decadent.

A man with scars on his face and an extremely ferocious man stepped forward.

"Mr. Zhao, the master has a request!"

Ye Dou glanced slightly at a man with a scar on a suit.

Mr. Zhao?

I didn't expect it to be Zhao Ming.

I haven't seen him for 20 years, he's getting old, and his condition is not good, like something bad has happened to him.

"Mr. Zhao, Miss Sakura is already waiting for you in the cabin, please don't disappoint Miss Sakura." The man with scars said this in blunt Mandarin, bowed to Zhao Ming, and then got up and left.

There was no Ye Dou in the eyes of the other party at all, and the other party passed by.

After hearing the words of the bald-headed man, a layer of frost almost formed on Zhao Ming's face, and he could only sigh.

"Old friend, haven't seen you for so many years, where have you been?"

Ye Dou suddenly came behind Zhao Ming and patted him on the shoulder: "What's the matter? If there is anything difficult, tell me. "

"It's nothing, things at home, hey, you are..."

Zhao Ming said, but he was shocked: "Ye... Ye Dou, Ye Cannon God?"

He was stunned.

At present, the news of Ye Dou's return has not spread on a large scale. The people who know Ye Dou's return are only a small circle. Ordinary people such as Zhao Ming naturally have not received any information in this regard.

"I'm called Ye Pao Shen, I'm Ye Dou, your old classmate."

Ye Dou smiled lightly: "Tell me... You look very unhappy, tell me."

Zhao Ming also suffered from no one to talk to, so he poured out the words in his stomach: "Ye Dou, I fell in love with an island woman called Sakura Sayuri."


Ye Dou showed a slightly curious look.

The women of the island country are good, at least much better than most women in the country, gentle and virtuous, and easy to overthrow.

Now that Zhao Ming has opened the chat box, he no longer hides it, and said with a wry smile: "I'm just an ordinary person, but Sakura Sayuri is the youngest daughter of the president of the island country's Black Dragon Society."

However, Ye Dou obviously hadn't heard of the Black Dragon Society, so he just nodded his head to show his understanding.

The Black Dragon Society can be regarded as a large group in Japan, and the president of the Black Dragon Society can also be regarded as a famous tycoon-level figure. It is rumored that it is also related to the black dragon society of the island country. It is one of the top ten chaebols in the island country. Rich to rival the country.

Zhao Ming really likes beautiful women, and he pursued Leng Yueling, the school beauty, but he didn't expect that the other party could even get the daughter of the Black Dragon Club.

Does the other party want to be on par with him?

Who would have thought that Zhao Ming would kneel to Ye Dou as soon as he said this: "The **** of guns is on top, please help me!"

Ye Dou was very unhappy. Recently, people are always kneeling on him, and they kneel so simply.

Now even old classmates kneel as if they were their ancestors.

This is so embarrassing!

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