The Hero Kneels

Chapter 781: fetish born

Plasma light speed punch, the famous trick of Leo Golden Saint Aiolia.

The boxing technique of hitting 100 million light-speed punches per second is the seven-light-speed punching, the most basic move of the Saint Seiya, Meteor Fist. When making a move, it instantly casts hundreds of millions of light-emitting speed punches to form a network, and the attack range is extremely wide.

When Ye Dou stretched out his fist.

The fluctuation of divine power around suddenly stopped.

Hundreds of thousands of evil monarch black shadows were thinking of launching an attack, but saw Ye Dou's fist burst out with an unparalleled golden light.

This golden light filled the heavens and the earth, and turned into countless golden rays of light.

The number of golden rays of light is extremely large, and the number can be described as hundreds of millions. It shot up hundreds of black shadows on the spot, and not a single one was spared.

Ye Dou retracted his fist, and there was still a golden light in the air.

"Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam..."

One by one black shadows exploded directly, and they were completely destroyed at almost the same time.

Even Lord Yi Xie didn't see how Ye Dou did it.

Only his mental power could vaguely sense that Ye Dou's speed was far beyond what he could see with the naked eye. With his sense of ghosts and spirits, he couldn't avoid this extremely fast fist.

"So fast? It's more than the speed of sound, isn't it, is this the speed of light?"

The evil prince in the shadow state took a deep breath.

The bald man in front of him was terrifying, much more than he thought.

The one just performed was Xiejun's unique secret technique, Xiejun quickly calmed down and analyzed the situation.

In the long years, he has encountered many enemies, and he has never been defeated.

But the scene in front of him made him feel a great threat.

He decided to use the trick!

Evil fire burns up the Nine Heavens!

A nameless fire ignited all over him, and the flames burned and burned again, filling the world.

Then these black and purple evil fires turned into a thick flame and spread into the sky, filling the sky and the earth.

"Lightning speed punch!"

Ye Dou suddenly punched.

The plasma lightning beam punches are concentrated together, and the hit power of 100 million punches is at one point, and when it is hit, it is a lightning energy wave, which is like a "lion's fang", turning into a golden light and flying towards the opponent.


That evil fire long snake, like bean curd dregs, is vulnerable to a single blow.

A punch pierced Xie Jun's body ruthlessly.

"I'm an evil prince!"

Xie Jun looked at his body that was about to collapse and couldn't help but want to vomit blood.

As an old ghost, he has lived for tens of thousands of years and ruled a kingdom in hell, but he was trapped here for thousands of years because he explored this tomb of the gods.

He was at the end of the road and felt the soul body that was about to be destroyed.

He lost his soul and said: "This is impossible, this is impossible... I will never lose to a human like this."

But this is the truth.

He is very strong and is the best among ghosts and gods.

But Ye Dou is stronger!

Destroying the mood, fighting the gods, and adding the skills of the golden saints, Ye Dou's combat power has reached an unprecedented height, crushing ordinary Shenhai realm masters.

Is the evil prince stronger?

How could it be against Ye Dou's punch?


Feeling that he was about to collapse, Xie Jun threw away his ghost and **** body, and suddenly turned into a black fog and vacated towards the tomb of the gods, trying to escape with the help of the black fog.

"God Ye Pao, wait for me, I want to fully open the tomb of the gods and release the great terror inside!"

"A dead duck has a tough mouth."

Ye Dou was full of golden light, like a **** of war.

"Dead! Plasma speed of light!"

Ye Dou threw his fist again, and countless thick golden rays of light blasted it out.

Xie Jun's so-called ghosts and spirits finally broke into pieces, and a black mist burst into the air.

The evil prince has fallen!

However, just after he fell, a cloud of black mist spewed from the open entrance of the tomb of the gods.

This black mist was like a miasma, quickly diffused, and then enveloped the entire Montenegro.

One after another black smoke pillars rose from the so-called tomb of the gods.

The surging black evil spirit turned into a sky-filled rainbow and condensed into an incomparably thick dark cloud.

Immediately afterwards, the earth shook, and it seemed that something strange in the tomb of the gods had been disturbed.

Ye Dou was not afraid at all, he carried his hands on his back, and his white clothes moved with the wind.

"This is my man!" Li Hongxue, who was standing beside Ye Dou, only had a smile in his eyes.

The light in his eyes is extremely pure, as if he has traveled through a thousand years, and he only wishes to look at each other for the rest of his life.


The ground is trembling constantly, and the evil clouds in the sky are gathering more and more

Ye Dou wrinkled, suddenly said, "I'm afraid something is about to be born in this tomb of the gods, maybe it's not sure what treasure it is."

Ye Dou was excited and looked forward.

The fourth forbidden area is an ancient tomb. Legend has it that there was once a land of gods and a vast area. Many people found elixir in it, and even the supreme fairy was born.

It can be said that this is a tomb containing priceless treasures, who can not be moved?

Although it is a forbidden place, it is very easy to die, but the major sects in the outside world are trying their best to explore this forbidden place.

Because opportunities and dangers coexist, it is very important to first gain insight into this forbidden area, and if you seize the opportunity, whether you can get some so-called treasures of the gods.


Suddenly, a ferocious and majestic aura rushed out from a flat bottom in the distance, like a flood, drowning the whole world at once, and then there was a gray beam of light as thick as a mountain, running through the sky, causing the ground to collapse and the mountains to collapse.

"God shines on the world, and a divine object is born!"

Ye Dou was slightly startled, and then used his divine sense to scan the surrounding movement, and found that there were a lot of people around.

In just a moment, hundreds of figures appeared, rushing towards the divine light.

Ye Dou was stunned, it seemed that there were many hidden masters around, and it was clear that the heroes were watching here, and his spiritual consciousness was affected here, and he did not scan them.

Among them a person rushed up, his divine power shook the void, and many people fell to the ground directly by the shock, only to stop, this turned out to be a **** of the sea of ​​​​realm.

Everyone's hearts are completely cold, but with such a **** from the Divine Sea Realm, how can they fight?


Ahead, in the forbidden area, the divine light was even more dazzling, attracting people's attention, making everyone around couldn't help but want to gather there, and want to find out.

However, the next second everyone was terrified.

A giant worm the size of a mountain was crushed like a giant train. Suddenly, the barren mountain collapsed, shaking the world!

Such a giant worm is so huge that it looks taller than a building, and its length is even more astonishing, even an ordinary train can't match it.

It opened a **** mouth, and its body was full of various pustules, and its body was covered with mud and moss, and it seemed like an old antique that was sleeping underground was born.

As soon as he was born, the smoke and dust would soar into the sky and devour the world!

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