The Hero Kneels

Chapter 785: Heaven is now

The people in the distance were horrified and inexplicable, looking at this sea of ​​thunder in the sky and the figure of the Thunder Dragon in the distance, they couldn't help but feel terrified.

"I don't know what happened to Ye Dou, he seems to be in the center of Leihai."

"I guess this is caused by Ye Dou."

Tianyue and Song Qian looked at Lei Hai in the distance, horrified.

"Husband, don't let anything happen."

Li Hongxue was also looking at the terrifying sea of ​​thunder from a distance, eager to see through.

At this time, the wind and clouds in the center of Leihai changed abnormally.

Ye Dou raised his head and found that the eighteen thunder dragons in the sky began to attack him violently. In the blink of an eye, they gathered together, and a dazzling thunder light erupted.

in an instant,

The thunder light in the sky transformed into ups and downs, and instantly transformed into a strange pavilion building.

The pavilion stretched and stretched continuously, turning into a huge palace, pressing across the sky.

"What the **** is this?"

Ye Dou was quite surprised.

In front of him, there is an ancient building, clearly belonging to the clan of Leiguang, revealing the vicissitudes and ancient times of tens of millions of years.

Will thunder and lightning interweave such buildings?

Ye Dou was almost stunned, it really looked like a legendary Heavenly Palace, and the eighteen Heavenly Dragons were entrenched on the gate of the Heavenly Palace, looking at him eagerly.

"What the **** is this calamity? Is it the so-called Heavenly Court?"

He was speechless.

Looking at it, his pupils suddenly tightened, and he saw a few humanoid creatures composed of thunder and lightning walking out from the depths of the heaven. fluctuate for it.

"This is also a catastrophe? Humanoid thunder and lightning?"

Ye Dou's scalp is numb, this creature is too powerful.

He was horrified, and now that he faced each other, he just didn't know if he could win.

These so-called human-shaped catastrophe, at this moment, are just looking at the front, standing at the gate with a kind of meaning to look at themselves.

"What's the difference between this so-called Heavenly Court?"

Ye Dou was quite suspicious, but he couldn't think about it, because the eighteen Thunder Dragons had already started attacking again.


The eighteen Thunder Dragons slammed down.

In the end, the eighteen thunder dragons smashed into Ye Dou fiercely, splitting the flesh and bones of his body up and down. Even his primordial spirit almost shattered, making him almost annihilated, but he finally managed to get through it.

The thunder tribulation in the sky finally began to dissipate.

"The sea of ​​​​shen is consummated, the divine power is surging, and the lightning and the golden sea of ​​​​​​​​

Ye Dou was surprised to find that the thunder and lightning in the sea of ​​​​divine had turned golden. Under the action of the God of War and the thunder and lightning, his fleshly body was completely tempered, and the thunder in it turned golden. This kind of thunder seems to be more powerful and destructive. .

It seems that the God of War Art is close to the end, which is theoretically impossible, but now it has taken another step forward.

Ye Dou's body was repairing rapidly, he could quickly recover himself from thunder and lightning, and instantly ascended to the peak, he felt the unparalleled power in his flesh.

I feel that my body is much stronger than before, and I can smash through the sky by raising my hands and feet.

His clothes were completely chopped off, and his body was as fit as a jewel, shining brightly, pure and flawless, perfect.

On the other side, Sharma fell to the ground, emitting green smoke and smelling meat.

"My God, Sharma is dying?"

"Uh, the catastrophe just now wasn't caused by Sharma?"

People were stunned and dumbfounded.

"My husband's figure is so good..." In the distance, Li Hongxue's beautiful eyes had long been bent into crescent shapes, her long eyelashes were trembling slightly, her face was blushing, and she was scrambling to find clothes around.

She didn't want other women to know the advantages of her husband, after all, she had thirty-eight sisters.

Tianyue and Song Qian were also a little speechless, but they knew Ye Dou's details and observed three seconds of silence for Sharma.

The result of the fight with the human-shaped Pikachu is that the half-life of this guy is gone.

"This fragrance is about to ripen..."

"The scent of human flesh, just don't attract aliens."

A lot of people gathered around, hehe laughed.

"Someone is safe and sound... undressed, that... so big!"

There was a beautiful woman in the crowd, with a pretty face like mutton fat and jade, a little surprised, her beautiful eyes flashed with brilliance, and then she covered her eyes.

"Can anyone tell me what happened?"

"Who in the end caused the thunder robbery?"

Many people struggled to execute, looking at the bald man who walked out of the central area of ​​Thunderbolt naked.

Sharma is half useless, and I don't know how long it will take to recover.

On the contrary, a bald man came out alive and vigorous, and his spirit was like a billowing smoke.

Sharma was lying on the ground, with blue smoke coming from her body. From time to time, lightning flashed out of her body, making a crackling sound, and she looked like a salted fish.

When Ye Dou came over, the first thing that came to his mind was to kill Sharma.

But there are too many people around, and both men and women are looking at him, which makes him very uncomfortable.

How embarrassing!

At this time, the ground was full of sores, and there were huge deep pits in the middle of the week, broken mountains, etc., making this a barren place with thick smoke.

In the end, Ye Dou was just about to step forward to attack Shamal.


A black Indian covered in black appeared in front of Ye Dou's eyes: "God Ye Pao, please be merciful and sell thin noodles."

This is an Indian old man, his body is extremely thin, but he is full of powerful and spiritual fluctuations.

"You are…"

Ye Dou frowned slightly.

Many people in the distance could not help but stunned when they saw this Indian old man.

Of course, Ye Dou was completely true to his opponent. He wanted to fight this Indian old man.

Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound and screams in the disappearing cave of the giant worm.

Immediately afterwards, a strong blood spurted out from the abyss, dyeing the surrounding land red.

It exudes a terrifying fluctuation of divine power, and there is also a stench unique to insects, which is pungent and unpleasant.

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air, and it seemed that all the people who went down before died unexpectedly and became the belly of the worm, causing heavy casualties.

Ninety-nine percent of those who did not quit were swallowed, leaving no bones behind.

At this moment, no one dares to enter this abyss cave, even those who are in the Divine Sea Realm can only wait. This abyss is too strange, and no one dares to move forward.

The old Indian came and went quickly, and with Sharma, who was only breathing, disappeared without a trace.

In the next few days, the major forces gathered to negotiate, and no one was allowed to enter the underground abyss and thus enter the tomb of the gods.

In the past few days many people have appeared beside Ye Dou, all of them are Chinese, and they want to see Ye Pao's demeanor.

The cave of the tomb of the gods was opened, and many people came, and the fourth forbidden area was completely changed.

Ye Dou is also not in a hurry or slow, watching the wonderful scenery of this fourth forbidden land.

On this day, he found a place similar to a stone platform. There are many people trading here. It seems to be a spontaneous trading market.

Ye Dou felt that it was very novel, so he disguised his appearance, put on a hat, and started walking around. He found that there were all kinds of elixir and star fruit being traded here, and the number of traders was really not small.

In the end, Ye Dou stopped in front of a fat-headed and big-eared monk. There was only a broken straw mat on the ground with a few ugly stones on it.

"Selling the Wanfu Xuanjinshi, the absolute treasure of hell, the old man is not deceived." The fat monk sold it hard.

Ye Dou fixed his eyes and couldn't help being stunned: "It turned out to be you, the rebooting monk!"

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