The Hero Kneels

Chapter 790: great archaeologist

"Don't steal..."

"That's my thing."

Everyone swarmed up, wanting to compete for those treasures, a group of people swarmed together and fought, and in a blink of an eye, it had developed to the point of **** battle.

"Amitabha, there must be a lot of people who died today, but it's just some precious medicines. If it's the inheritance of magical medicines or ancient powerhouses, those masters will have a life-and-death confrontation." The rebooting monk said.

"Master, did you find anything?"

Ye Dou looked at Lin Zhengyin.

There was a yin qi all over Lao Dao's body, and the top of his head was about to form a cloud.

As the rebooting monk said, the old Taoist priests have been digging graves for years.

Lin Zhengyin was very calm, immortal, with his hands on his back, constantly pacing, choking in his hands, and looking at a very complicated compass in his hand from time to time, as if he was deducing and measuring something.

After a while, he shook his head slightly and sighed: "This underworld is not only huge, but also contains too many mysteries. It takes me a year and a half to figure out what to look for."

Lin Daochang pointed to the front and glanced at all directions: "There is a giant dragon lying in front of the front, but the dragon's head is down, the dragon's tail is up, and the dragon's energy is flowing backwards. It is mysterious and mysterious, and it is strange and powerful."

"This weak pattern is not a peerless and murderous place, or the burial place of an ancient god-king. It is indeed in line with the legend of the god's tomb, but I don't know which god-king or several god-kings are buried."

The eyes of the old Taoist priest were full of light, and the old face slowly reddened: "The pattern of this place is really rare. I have only seen it in books. There are endless treasures here."

"The ghost qi, yin qi, and dragon qi are very heavy here. I'm afraid it is an absolutely terrifying place, which makes the little monk feel bad and excited."

The words of the rebooting monk were not natural, but were extremely excited.

"Isn't this the land of hidden gods, how did it become a place of terror?"

Ye Dou was puzzled and began to stare at this area carefully, and found something wrong.

The consciousness unfolded and scanned the area ahead, and found that the area ahead seemed to contain a strange underworld. It seemed that there was a giant dragon hiding in the ground, it seemed to be planted to death, and its posture was awkward.

"Amitabha, most of the gods or coffins of ancient gods exist here, otherwise such a terrifying place cannot be formed."

The rebooting monk squinted his eyes with confidence, his slightly blooming eyes seemed to have an extremely terrifying divine light: "The little monk has seen it with the eyes of the sky, this is definitely a peerless divine land that buries the existence of the king of gods. There's something terrifying."

"Did you see it right?"

Rohan said solemnly.

The rebooting monk said: "It can't be wrong, but it is extremely dangerous."


From time to time, screams could be heard in the distance.

I saw a scream of screams from a mysterious stone mountain that bulged in front of me, and it seemed that endless blood splashed out.

It's just that the front is shrouded in fog, no one can see it, and the consciousness can't penetrate. What everyone sees is a lot of blood and corpses splashing out, and it seems that there are people.


At this moment, Lin Zhengyin's cold hair stood on end, he couldn't help but take a few steps back: "Did you see anything just now?"

"There is a figure, I can't see through the identity of the other person at all." The rebooting monk stared there with slightly open eyes.

"That's not a person, that thing isn't a ghost, it's something called an undead soul. Pindao has only heard of this kind of thing, but I didn't expect to encounter it today." Lin Zhengyin's face turned pale.

"Undead soul?"

Ye Dou turned around and asked.

"Yes, Pindao has been engaged in excavation and archaeological work in **** for more than 20 years, and found many tombs in ancient times. He heard about the existence of undead souls, but this is the first time I have seen this kind of thing..."

Lin Zhengyin's eyebrows trembled slightly, making him, a Taoist priest who deals with zombies and ghosts all day, feel fearful, and one can imagine the seriousness of the problem.

"Immortal soul? Xiao Seng has also heard of it, and I heard that it is an existence that is immortal and immortal."

The rebooting monk couldn't help moving his face, showing an extremely solemn look.

"It's probably that kind of thing." Lin Zhengyin stared at the mist in front of him, looking like he was facing a great enemy.

Immortal soul!

It is said that the powerful soul of the god-king level is full of malice and killing, and whoever meets it will die.

"Full of resentment and malice, most of them are... undead souls!"

The rebooting monk's eyes that were almost always closed seemed to open a little, and then his whole body trembled.

"You know this too?" Lin Zhengyin was a little surprised.

"Xiao Seng has been studying the ancient burial of **** in recent years, striving to be a great archaeologist. Xiao Seng can now be sure to bury an ancient big man here, at least a big man of the same level as the God of War." The monk rebooted his expression. Dignified and decisive.

"That's too big, I'm afraid there is great danger, shall we retreat?" Lin Zhengyin said.

"Retreat? Impossible!"

The rebooting monk was in shock.

"What exactly is an undead soul?" Ye Dou asked.

I used to be a student of archaeology, but in front of these two "archaeology experts", I really can't say anything. These two guys are seniors, and I have long since deviated from their majors.

"The immortal soul that was born after the death of the ancient **** king is also called the immortal soul!"

The rebooting monk said leisurely: "These undead souls contain very strong malice."

"Is there really a so-called **** king in this world?"

The Luohan on the side was startled, and the urn opened his mouth angrily.

"I can't help but have **** kings, **** emperors, and other powerful and unparalleled existences. These are all recorded in the ancient books of hell, and there is currently no evidence to prove their existence."

"The reason why the undead soul is terrible is that it is immortal and immortal, and it is completely possessed, and can imitate anyone at will."

"The most terrifying thing is that the undead soul is extremely evil. This kind of evil can directly slaughter living beings. The desire to kill is extremely strong.

"Actually, it's a god-king-level evil ghost?"

Ye Dou muttered to himself, squinting his eyes, expressing his He likes these ghosts very much.

God-king-level ghosts, I don't know how many souls they can produce.

Lin Zhengyin was originally a Taoist priest in Maoshan, and he dealt with tombs and zombies all day.

After years of hard research, he went in and out of various ancient tombs, and robbed many tombs of the legendary powerhouses, but this was the first time he saw the so-called undead soul.

Several people quietly came to the front and carefully looked at the front.

Later, it was discovered that the situation was not quite right. Many of the corpses on the ground did not have any scars at all, and even maintained the posture before their death, with their eyelids open, but they were dead.

"No soul!"

The rebooting monk frowned, and after careful inspection, he shook his head: "The legendary undead soul can devour souls, it really fits the characteristics of an undead soul."

The undead soul... it really exists!

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