The Hero Kneels

Chapter 794: Illusory Demon Emperor Fist

However, this undead soul did not attack the crowd again.

He began to look around, and the nauseating and dizzying thoughts continued to spread.

Seems to be searching for life.

"This guy is looking for me and seems to have locked me."

Ye Dou in the distance couldn't help narrowing his eyes, sure that the evil thoughts were searching for him.

Does this guy have a grudge against him?

"Everyone use their magical powers..."

In an instant, the gods turned on their firepower, and the divine power behind them evolved, showing the star cores they had cultivated, evolving behind them, and condensing planets with intertwined laws.

They are either solemn and dignified, or they are all radiant, or they are all filled with stars of various colors, showing their magical powers.

"Everyone attack the demon together!" A **** general shouted.


Everyone launched an attack together, and one after another divine light flew away like dozens of rainbows.

It could be clearly seen that everyone shot out divine light and pressed down on the great demon.

The undead soul didn't make a move, but instead let out bursts of laughter, which sounded extremely ferocious.

When it collided with the divine light, the body of the undead soul only trembled slightly, and the body produced a dark twist, forcibly twisting all the divine light.

"This undead soul is really difficult to deal with with ordinary methods."

Lin Zhengyin was surprised that the undead soul was so evil that it could easily resist the attack of the general level.

How does this play?

"I'm locked, I'm afraid he will come at me, and he must use spiritual martial arts." Ye Dou said to himself, and directly took out a comic book of Saint Seiya in the bag around his waist, carefully opened it and knocked it out. Knock.

Turn around to give the point!

I saw the five golden characters of "Illusionary Demon Emperor Fist" appear on this comic book.

On the gold finger on the soul ring, it also showed that two gold souls were consumed, which was much more than the previous plasma light speed punch.

"By the way, it's the Phantom Demon Emperor Fist!"

Ye Dou didn't say a word, and directly opened the secret book.

For a time, the golden light was dazzling, and countless methods related to the Magic Emperor Fist came into view.

"What! The undead soul has a crush on you? Did you provoke him?"

The rebooting monk was dumbfounded, gave him a sidelong glance, and said, "What comic books are you reading now? You also read Saint Seiya? Brother, you are really entertaining."

"What is this brother doing?"

Luohan also looked at Ye Dou, his face full of doubts and confusion.

In their eyes, Ye Dou was staring at the comic book in a daze, looking like he was in a daze, and he was comprehending something.

However, with a Saint Seiya comic book, what can the other party comprehend?

"No, this guy is coming towards us."

Lin Zhengyin couldn't help but let out a strange cry.

Seeing this undead soul, like a black eagle, soared into the air, rushing towards this side, and everyone attacked one after another, but all of them were useless, and there was no way to stop the other party at all.


The undead soul came to Ye Dou and opened that black hole-like mouth.

The divine light emanating from the surrounding people was completely swallowed up, making it unmatched at all.

At this moment, Ye Dou suddenly raised his head, and a golden divine light shone in his eyes.

"Illusory Demon Emperor Fist!"

He suddenly raised his fist and directly used the Magical Demon Emperor Fist he had just learned. A red light shot from the front of his fist and hit the opponent's forehead with lightning speed.


The undead soul roared loudly, his expression twisted, and it instantly turned into a black light and disappeared from the spot.

The people around were speechless.

There was no way to defeat this undead soul under the siege of everyone. The gods could only protect themselves. Unexpectedly, this bald young man defeated the undead soul with one punch, defeated it, and fled in an instant.

Everyone doesn't know the power of the Phantom Demon Emperor Fist.

It is one of the strongest mental attack moves among Saint Seiyas. It is different from simply creating illusions. It can control the opponent's brain nerves. The actor will abandon the attack on the caster.

Obeys the commander's orders like hypnosis. Let the recruiter be used as a slave, and when the victim is severely attacked, it will become very violent and become a murderous demon.

Of course, this is also an extremely powerful divine soul attack.

It is absolutely effective against undead souls that are also in the state of divine souls.

"Everyone, don't stay, or everyone will die here, and this undead soul will come back at any time." A **** general said loudly.

"Come on, let's go see that so-called temple!"

At this moment, the gods moved and rushed directly into the Yellow Spring, wanting to be the first to enter the temple.

"Damn, these old guys are running really fast." The rebooting monk was indignant.

"It doesn't matter, just be careful of the bones in the yellow spring, let's go!" Ye Dou smiled and stood up in the air.

The rest followed without a word.

The crowd came to the other side in a blink of an eye, and the so-called phantom of the temple disappeared, and was replaced by the party in trouble.

"This is a land of gods!"

Those with vicious eyes immediately concluded.

"Be careful, since there are undead souls left by the king of gods, there are probably very strong killings here." The rebooting monk reminded.

Lin Zhengyin nodded: "The monk is right."

Everyone looked, and there was a vast, ethereal space in front of them.

"A small world is surrounded by a small world, we must find the coffin with the gods buried in it, we will have a big income!" Lin Zhengyin gritted his teeth.

The rebooting monk also rolled up his sleeves: "Let's have a big fight now."

"I heard that the Primordial Protoss are very powerful. I finally know why the Primordial Protoss is so powerful. If the environment they live in is like this, they will definitely grow into a terrifying existence!"

Lin Zhengyin muttered to himself: "Maybe the earth was like this in ancient times, but there must be a catastrophe that caused a big change in the environment."

"It's very nice here..."

Ye Dou was The pores all over his body opened, and he still absorbed the surrounding spiritual energy. This aura was so strong that it almost became a divine power, which made him feel very comfortable.

"Look at the star fruits and star crystals, there are probably quite a few. I didn't expect that there are so many star fruits in this place." The monk rebooting excitedly looked at a stone pit in front of him, which was full of star fruits and star crystals.

The crowd couldn't help but gather around, tsk tsk amazement.

"If you continue to look for it, maybe you can find a big mine."

Lin Zhengyin was not satisfied, his eyes lit up.


In the distance, there was a loud roar.

Suddenly, the air waves rolled, and all kinds of vegetation couldn't help swaying and rolling.

"Fuck...that's a dragon!"

The rebooting monk uttered foul language, and almost turned over the pair of eyes that were glowing with divine light, and shot out two divine lights directly.

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