The Heroine Eavesdropped on My Voice Heart

Chapter 73: New transfer students at Hijirigasaka Academy

In Tokyo, Hijirigasaka Academy.

School was already in session everyone had already proceeded to their own classes.

Each student sat in their respective seats including the one who was very popular with the ladies.

He had short and slightly disheveled dark brown hair, light green eyes, a small scar on his right cheek, his waist stood straight and his back looked wide showing how manly he was. His hands gripped his school bag and sports bag wanting to get ready for practice later when the team gathered to prepare for the next match with Ogiwara Academy.

"Captain Basara good morning!"

"Oh my, it's Captain Basara!"

Basara the ace athlete added that despite being new to the soccer team he was adored by many. It wasn't long before he was appointed the new captain after the old one quit. "Well, hello, girls!"

Most women blushed to see Basara greeting them with a smile on his handsome face, although there was a small scar on his face, it did not make him ugly at all, but instead added to his manly charm.

Most of them were initially intimidated by Basara's appearance as he looked like a thug, but after a week of hanging out and interacting with him. They started to turn their bad impression of Basara into admiration and there were a few girls who had a crush on him.

In just a week since Basara transferred to Hijirigasaka Academy, he had already become one of the most popular male students in the school, especially after he made his debut in the football club and was made captain of the team due to his talent and charisma which was recognized by the students in the club.

They were very supportive and understanding which made Basara happy as his motivation to play and win for the team skyrocketed to become one of Hijirigasaka Academy's most important athletes.

Everyone in the class greeted him with a cheerful feeling as he sat down in his seat. "Yo! Basara! I've prepared your lunch today."


A girl with short black hair in a small braid and big eyes slammed a lunch box onto his desk making Basara smile and maybe even hungry as he couldn't wait to open the bento box in front of him. "Shiho, another of your new creations?"

Basara's jaw was open so that a fly was ready to enter at any time.

Shiho Fujise, a classmate with a passion for cooking was pleased that Basara asked while puffing out her chest proudly explaining the contents of the lunch box. "Fufufu~ as you can see it's full of seafood magic and awesomeness inside the lunch box! I've found a way to remove the fish odor and a new sauce that I made entirely from extracts-"

Shiho babbled and Basara listened to his friend who was a foodie.

The two met when Basara was planning to buy groceries at a convenience store, at the convenience store there happened to be a robber who threatened the cashier to give all the money stored in the drawer. At that time, Shiho, the girl happened to be standing behind the robber with her shopping bag full of food. She was trembling and scared, the robber realized her presence and immediately pointed a knife at her while shouting not to move. The robber was alert for fear that someone might attack him from behind as he waited for the cashier to put all the money in his pockets.

Shiho who was terrified while being threatened by the robber wanted to cry and ask for help, but her whining annoyed the robber and he viciously wanted to slap her face. Before that happened of course Basara would not stay silent and he bravely did a hero save beauty. The robber was knocked to the ground by Basara until he fainted and he immediately called the police.

The robber was caught, the people in the convenience store were relieved and thanked him, especially Shiho who saw him with admiration and a blush on her face.

The two became acquainted and when Basara was newly transferred to Hijirigasaka Academy. The two of them turn out to be classmates and it's like a cliché romcom plot.

At that time their relationship became better and Basara considered her as a good friend. But actually Shiho has romantic feelings for Basara - It's not that Basara doesn't realize it, but he just doesn't want to have a romantic relationship with a random woman - Even though Shiho is a beautiful girl, but it's still below his targeted heroines.

What Basara focused on at school was, of course, the heroines who were destined to become part of his harem. He had already met them in a week, but it seemed like the plot was collapsing again and the heroine's reaction to him was not what he expected - frustrating him, so he started improvising and becoming a popular student, hoping that the heroines would at least glance at him and be interested in him.

Basara held the lunchbox tightly in his hands, as if it was a rare treasure that he would never get again. His face was full of interest and smiles. "Well, Shiho, you know you don't have to cook and make lunch for me every day."

"Don't say that Basara. I owe you a lot and this is how I'm going to repay it. If you don't take it, I'll leave it on your desk!" Shiho insisted on making Basara happy who set aside his food for later to keep it warm.

"You know Shiho, I'm sure you'll make a wonderful wife someday, you know?" Basara praised his friend while glancing at the front seat where the short blue-haired girl was sitting, hoping to get some jealousy reaction when he praised the other girl, but the result was disappointing as the blue-haired girl didn't even flinch and just stared at her book.

Shiho blushed in confusion but still thanked Basara for that, but she soon smiled bitterly when she saw him glance at the other girl while complimenting her.

She already had a few guesses in her mind.

She looked around the class and it seemed like everyone was gossiping about something. She overheard a conversation from a classmate named Marin Kitagawa, she was a Gyaru-style girl with long blonde hair and a slim and sexy looking body. "Hey hey! I heard there's going to be a new transfer student."

Marin told her two friends who were reading a book together. One of her friends smiles faintly nodding at her turning the pages of her book. "Indeed. The transfer student is from Kuoh Academy and he is a very handsome boy or so I heard."

Basara's first thought was, he hoped it wouldn't be a rich snob and more handsome than him. He didn't want his popularity as the most handsome man in the class to decline because of the new student's arrival. Suddenly he remembered the bastard who had beaten him up and taken his two heroines a week ago, that guy had a more handsome face than him.

If that transfer student was him... That's actually possible, plots like this sometimes happen in some novels.

Basara laughed in his mind when he thought of that. 'Hahaha, what was I thinking? No, hopefully not, although he looks about the same age as me and there is some possibility of that happening... It's been a week and I never even saw that bastard's face again.'

'Looks like he got busy with his own affairs and left me. Yes, it's definitely not this transfer student.'

He consoled himself, even secretly praying to the gods in his mind.

Shiho returned to her seat after seeing the homeroom teacher enter. "Children, please return to your seats as we will be starting our class shortly."

She had long black hair, violet eyes, wore a white lab coat over her teacher's uniform, black pants, and a tie that she wore loosely. Although her appearance looked untidy, it did not mask her beauty as a mature woman. This homeroom teacher is known to be beautiful, somewhat strict, somewhat fierce, a guidance counselor and an advisor for the Service Club.

"Yes Hiratsuka-sensei~!" the class shouted in pleasant harmony above the classroom.

Shizuka Hiratsuka smiled faintly at her students before getting down to business. "Today we will have a new transfer student from now on, he will be in our care."

Everyone looked towards the door that was slowly opened to get their attention. A tall man with short black hair entered with fair skin, black eyes and radiated his good looks as he entered the room. Shizuka moved her hand for the mysterious man to introduce himself.

He cleared his throat for a moment facing the whole class. "My name is Tian Yagami. I'll look forward to getting to know you all."

His voice was clear as the blue sky, very sweet like honey, also pleasant to listen to.

Basara breathed a sigh of relief, although he had panicked when he heard his first name, but his appearance and voice were different from what he remembered. The bastard had long hair, blue eyes, and his facial features were like those of a manhua character.

Whereas this transfer student, although his good looks were on the same level as the bastard and was more handsome than himself which made him somewhat jealous and annoyed - but his facial features and height were different which made him quite sure that the transfer student was not 'him'. But his mind elsewhere was full of curiosity about the transfer student, especially the inexplicable feeling of hostility in his heart when he first saw him - somehow this feeling was somewhat familiar.

"Please choose wherever you want to sit, Yagami-kun." Shizuka gestured for the young man to choose his seat.

The young man nodded as he walked over to see if there were any empty seats. His dark black eyes like an abyss glanced at Basara.

"Hmm..." He saw that there was an empty seat next to him.

"I'd like to sit in this seat sensei." he smiled faintly taking a seat, placing his bag next to his barely giving Basara a glance afterwards.

The tall young man whose good looks made people senseless and confused, especially for the female students in the class. Many of them had feverish faces and started whispering excitedly while glancing at the transfer student with their respective girl groups.

Was he like one of those arrogant rich person? Or just a nice ordinary person that you would meet all the time?

Basara usually had a good character in reading people but when it came to this new transfer student he was confused.

It felt like something was telling him to be wary as well as run away because someone told him that this transfer student was dangerous. Shizuka clapped her hands slightly to gather her class' attention. "Now for our philosophy class. Our lesson today is to give me your honest opinion for a historical quote from many of our lore. Who can tell me what it means, 'Risks are only taken by people who want to go far, while those who are unwilling to take risks are the ones who will stay where they are.' Anyone?"

The whole class after that seemed like a breeze. The teacher taught all the meanings of the quote, making the other students a little bored listening to it all. Apparently this was the same lesson as last week.

The second recess period came. Everyone stood up from their seats stretching their bodies, some started walking out of the classroom to go to the cafeteria.

Tian Yagami or our MC Qin Tian stretched his body and stood up from his seat, he looked at Basara who was tidying up his books and grinned in his heart.

[Hahaha, Basara, Basara... Oh, did you seriously not realize it's me? Even with my first name that I purposely didn't change? Even though I modified my appearance a bit hehe... I was actually a little expectant of the observation ability of a protagonist.]

[Originally I was going to leave you for later, but who would have thought that Amaterasu even told me to disguise myself as a transfer student at Hijirigasaka Academy, the place where protagonist Basara attends while doing my assignment.]

[Although I was originally reluctant to do this job, but that woman had arranged a good place for me. How could I be reluctant? Now I'm excited to go to school with the protagonist!]

The heroines stopped doing something and they were dumbfounded.

You seriously excited to go to school with the protagonist?

You just like going to school with the protagonist because it's easier to bully him!

Many of them started commenting on what this dog man was doing, but the ones who got the most action when hearing Qin Tian's inner voice this time were some of the heroines in Hijirigasaka Academy.

Especially the blue-haired girl sitting in the very front seat of the class, at this moment she instantly twisted her body back and looked at the new transfer student in her class.

She got up from her seat and walked towards him, the other party sensed her arrival and saw her, especially Basara who was sitting next to the transfer student.

{Yuki! Did she come for me? She finally took the initiative to talk to me!} Basara was happy and excited in his heart, he who was originally about to get up from his seat to go to the cafeteria, now immediately put his butt on the chair and sat quietly.

He looked at the heroine with anticipation in his eyes. {Say it, Yuki! I know you want to talk to me in a quiet place to talk about the past, right? I'm ready! I'll definitely convince you and make your love bloom for me!}

Yuki Nonaka who had just arrived at her destination, gave Basara a complicated look, but immediately turned her gaze to the transfer student.

"Yagami-kun, can we chat for a while? I have something I want to talk to you about elsewhere."

It wasn't just Basara and Qin Tian who were surprised, even all the students still in the class were surprised.

[I haven't done anything yet, why would this heroine come to me, and ignore the protagonist Basara? Didn't you have a crush on him since childhood? Wait, has this heroine collapse like the other heroines?!]

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