The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1308: "Single stupid" daughter VS dual personality fiancé (3

   Chapter 1308 "Single stupid" daughter VS dual personality fiance (30)

  The sunlight outside the window shone into the president's office on the 28th floor through the huge glass window.

  On the desk, Jiang Yitong's shoes blossomed from reluctance at first to grinning later.

   After "feeding" a lunch, Jiang Xiaomao accepted the existence of Jiang Yi as a "daddy", and got along more and more harmoniously with him, getting closer and closer.

   Looking at Xiao Jiangyi, who was drowsy in Leng Su's arms, and looking at Leng Su's maternity face, Jiang Yi was once again in a trance...

   "My mother is back."

   As soon as Xiaojiang fell asleep, Leng Su suddenly heard Jiang Yi's opening.

   She patted Xiao Jiangyi's hand for a while, secretly saying "sure enough" in her heart, she raised her head and looked at the man opposite in silence.

   Facing her gaze, Jiang Yi's eyes seemed to be looking at her, and he seemed to miss someone through her.

   "She said she missed me..." Jiang Yi laughed at himself.

   "She said that she has always felt guilty for me all these years and wanted to make amends for me."

   "She said that Jiang's Jewelry has gained a firm foothold in Country Z and can now develop internationally."

   "She said that her current husband is also working in the jewelry industry abroad, and he said he wanted to cooperate with me."

   Looking at the sadness on Jiang Yi's face, Leng Su opened his mouth and finally chose to remain silent.

   She knew that what Jiang Yi needed at this moment was to listen, so that he could tell the grievances in his heart for many years.

   Speaking of this, Jiang Yi seemed to have thought of something, and he looked at Leng Su deeply.

   "Speaking of childhood, we are actually quite alike..."

   "My parents are well-matched in free love, and they were very happy in the first few years of marriage.

  Unfortunately, my dad is a bohemian, always open to women.

   As the eldest son of the Jiang family, he has never lacked women to send to his door since he was a child.

  I remember that when I was very young, my father often stayed home at night, and my mother washed her face in tears all day long.

   Until I was twelve years old, my father was so reckless that he brought the woman home and was caught by my mother in bed on the spot.

  Finally, my mom couldn't take it anymore, she proposed to divorce my dad.

   During that time, my father admitted that he missed it and tried to save it, but my mother refused.

  Before their divorce, my mother disappeared for a week and never came back.

   A week later, my mother came back and my father signed the divorce agreement. My dad said he couldn't stand my mom cuckolding him.

  My mom left, and she said goodbye to me with her luggage.

   When I saw her figure walking to the gate, I couldn't help but rushed forward and hugged her leg, begging her not to leave. "

   "At that time, there was a moving expression on my mother's face. After I saw it, I begged her, and I asked her to take me with you.

   Just then, my dad appeared on the balcony with a scantily clad woman in his arms.

  My mother's face changed greatly when she saw it, she tore off my hand on the spot and pushed me to the ground..."

   "It was at that moment that my head slammed against the iron door, blood was flowing, and after that time... he appeared."

   Speaking of this, Jiang Yi stopped talking.

   He stared at the familiar woman's face outside the glass door of the office with an ugly face.

  The memories of the past in his mind are like watching flowers on a horse, they keep appearing in his mind, and they keep playing...

   He remembered that after his mother left that day, he quickly got up from the ground and chased the car that was going away.

  The car kept speeding up in front, he kept running behind, chasing, shouting "Mom don't go"...

   (end of this chapter)

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