The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1351: Miss Gangster VS Sick Brother (25)

   Chapter 1351 Miss Gangster VS Sick Brother (25)

Three days and nights……

  Leng Ze locked him and Leng Su in the room for three days and three nights, and the two entangled for three days and three nights...

   Leng Su fainted and woke up, woke up and fainted again.

   In the end, she couldn't bear it anymore and directly used her spiritual power to forcibly knock someone unconscious.

   She lay on the bed weakly, and stretched out her hand to put her hand on Leng Ze's wrist.

   The initial inspection was that there were a lot of dark wounds on the body, and this body was basically in a state of being exhausted.

   After checking with his spiritual power, he found that there seemed to be countless medicinal powers left in Leng Ze’s body, all kinds of weird genes? ? ?

   Checking this, Leng Su suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the person beside him in disbelief.


  Thinking of what Leng Ze might have experienced in the past three years, Leng Su suddenly felt a surge of anger in his heart, eager to make Old Man Mo and Mistress Mo go away.

   They actually used him for human genetic research...

   Looking at Leng Ze who was lethargic, Leng Su woke him up again. She glared at him angrily: "Tell me, how did you spend the past three years?"

   "Sister?" Leng Ze was a little stunned.

   He looked at Leng Su's body without a strand, and then looked at his same body. Some previous fragments appeared, but disappeared quickly.

   "Sister, I'm sorry."

   In the face of Leng Ze's irrelevant answer, Leng Su was very angry.

   She squeezed his chin, made him look at her, and asked, "Tell me, how did you spend these three years."

   "...I don't remember." Leng Ze hesitated for a moment and said.

   The memory in his mind has long been intermittent, except for everything related to her, all other memories are messy and fragmented.

   In the three years in the secret base, there were only a few pale and cold images in his mind. Although he couldn't connect them, he could guess what he suffered from those images.

   It’s just that I don’t want to tell her, I don’t want her to worry about it.

  Leng Su obviously wanted to keep asking, but Leng Ze didn't give her this chance, but turned over and pressed her on top again.

   The frantic looting begins again...

In the face of someone who was gradually losing control of his body, Leng Su was clearly angry, but in the end he didn't say anything, just responded to him little by little, and injected his spiritual power into his body little by little to repair his body... …

   Compared to Leng Su's fatigue, Leng Ze seems to be unaware of hard work and exhaustion.

   His spirit was very excited, his eyes gradually congested into pupils, blue veins burst out on his forehead, and a dazzling bright red flowed down his nose...

   is the madness that stays up all night.

   After realizing Leng Ze's uncontrollable body, Leng Su finally knocked him unconscious.

   She hugged him, her eyes full of distress, but in the end she couldn't resist the deep sleepiness and fell asleep.

   But what Leng Su didn't know was that just a few minutes after she fell asleep, Leng Ze opened her eyes again...

   He looked around numbly, and his eyes finally fell on Leng Su's face in his arms.

   When he saw her face clearly, his icy red eyes gradually recovered their temperature, and the scary red gradually faded.

   He hugged her tightly, looking at her face greedily and greedily, feeling her body temperature, her fragrance...

   A strong sense of reluctance came from his heart!

   He didn't want to be separated from her, and he didn't want to be separated from her forever.

   But he was reluctant to drag her to die with him, and he was even more reluctant to leave her alone in pain...

   (end of this chapter)

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