The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1361: Miss Gangster VS Sick Brother (36)

   Chapter 1361 Miss Gangster VS Sick Brother (36)

  【Distressed and distressed】: After being forced to separate for three years and waiting for three years, we finally meet again. The loyal dog man became a vegetative person and slept for a whole year. Her Lady Queen is not easy.

  【True Love True Love】: Woohoo, thank you for making me believe in love again, woohoo, it's not easy.

  【Looking forward to a better life】: I love the queen and the loyal dog man. Although you show your love, we are willing to eat this dog food! ! !

  【A beautiful life needs no explanation】: Yes, yes, I have decided to eat your dog food for the rest of my life! ! !

  Leng Su and Leng Ze laughed when they looked at the comments of netizens. They stared at each other with a light called "happiness" on their faces...

  【True Love, True Love】: I envy their love. Like a novel, it is full of joys, sorrows, and all kinds of dog blood. Fortunately, the ending is great.

  【Mother-born single Wang】: It's not easy, it's not easy, and true love is not so easy to get.

  【True Love and True Love】: Indeed, if we don’t go to the mountain of swords, we don’t go to the sea of ​​fire, and we don’t experience the ups and downs of life and the separation of life and death. How do we know what true love is, and how do we know who can accompany us to the end.

  【A beautiful life needs no explanation】: I decided to get dressed and go home from the hotel immediately, and I will never make an appointment from now on...

  【Mother-born single Wang】: F*ck, f*ck, f*ck, a scumbag is found upstairs! ! !

  【True Love True Love】: Damn, this guy upstairs is too awesome, right? Watching the live show of love while clap clap? ? ?

   Don't talk about others, even Leng Su was speechless when he saw this message...

  Leng Ze was more direct, he closed the live broadcast with a snap, and without a word, he started to delete those photos and videos on Weibo.

  Leng Su: "..." Did this guy think wrong?

   Soon, all the photos and videos related to Leng Su on Leng Ze Weibo were cleared.

   The netizens were stunned, they didn't know what was going on, what was going on.

   Just in the middle of everyone's doubts, Leng Ze posted a new Weibo with no photos, no pictures, no expressions, just six words.

  【My sister is Ozawa's! ! ! 】

  【Mother-born single Wang】: this jealous? ? ?

  【True Love True Love】: Must be jealous! ! !

  【distressed and distressed】: Definitely jealous! ! !

  【Looking forward to a better life】: Definitely jealous! ! !

  【Life is still realistic】: I suddenly envy Her Lady Queen. The loyal dog man really loves her. As soon as he finds out that other men may have evil thoughts about Her Lady Queen, he immediately deletes those photos and videos.

  【Life】: Yes, I used to be so crazy and naive to show affection, but now I am willing to delete them all. Suddenly I admire the loyal dog man.

  【Single Wang No. 1】: In the future, there is no dog food to eat, and I am suddenly very disappointed.

  【Mother-born single Wang】: Don't be lost, hurry up and find a girl/man, so you can show your affection.

  【Life】: Okay, let’s not talk about it, it’s over.

   After that day, Leng Ze and Leng Su's style of painting changed, from the original photos and videos of showing affection, to three meals a day and a confession now.

  Leng Ze, this guy is changing tricks, using various words to confess Leng Su, and he goes out of his way to confess every day.

   Morning: [Sister Ozawa Ai/Pictures]

  【The picture is a hearty breakfast and the five words "Sister Ozawa Ai" written in ketchup on a clean and pure white plate. 】

   PS: In this lonely and lonely night, Xiaoxiao continued to serve everyone a delicious dog food meal (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)



   (end of this chapter)

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