The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1371: Heavenly Fairy Bandit VS "Unfortunate" Zhuangyuan Lang (8)

   Chapter 1371 Heavenly Fairy Bandit VS "Unfortunate" Zhuang Yuan Lang (8)

   Watching him wake up, Leng Su soon squatted down and brought in the washing water and breakfast.

   "Wash up and have breakfast."

   After seeing the breakfast on the table, Jiang Feng was stunned, and Leng Su took the initiative to explain: "You got up late, everyone is full."

   "So you don't have to go to the cafeteria, this is reserved for you."

   "Thank you." Jiang Feng said slightly embarrassed.

   He didn't expect that when he woke up, it was already three poles in the sun. This was really his first time since he was a child.

   After Jiang Feng washed up, Leng Su ate breakfast with him.

   She thought that with her heroine accompanying Jiang Feng, she would have to live in peace for a few days.

  However, what she never thought was that this unfortunate thing came so soon...

   "Zhaizhu Zhaizhu, it's not good!"

   "A lot of officers and soldiers came down from the mountain, it looks like they are going to attack our beacon!" A girl rushed in in a hurry and said eagerly.

   Hearing this, Leng Su subconsciously looked at Jiang Feng beside him.

  Jiang Feng: "..."

   "Yes, I'm sorry." Jiang Feng said guiltily.

   When he said this, Leng Su quickly reacted and shook his head quickly: "It's okay, I don't blame you."

   "Fengshan is still too eye-catching after all, and the encirclement and suppression of officers and soldiers is a matter of time sooner or later."

   "Okay, Xiaohong, you and everyone, take the children and this young master away from the secret passage in the back mountain."

   "As for the officers and soldiers at the foot of the mountain, they will be handed over to the owner of the village. Don't worry, I will catch up with you as soon as possible."

   Hearing Leng Su's words, Jiang Feng subconsciously looked up at her with disbelief on his face.

   What Jiang Feng didn't expect was that he thought that Xiaohong would reject Leng Su's proposal and would stay to fight with her, but he didn't want others to think about it, so he just blurted out and agreed.

   "Yes, Zhaizhu!"

  Jiang Feng: "..."

   Looking at Jiang Feng's strange face, Leng Su laughed in his heart: "Don't worry, the owner of this village is enough to protect you all!"

   "After this incident is over, I will take everyone to find a new place to stay, and then we will have to start preparing for our marriage."

  Leng Su said it was a relief, but Jiang Feng couldn't help feeling guilty.

   He always felt that Leng Su's words were a bit of an account of the future, and he always felt that she also thought that she would not be able to come back, so she would say such words.

   He thought about it, and for the first time he did not reject Leng Su, let alone acquiesce.

   Instead, he looked at Leng Su, held her hand subconsciously, looked at her, and said, "Be sure to come back safely."

   Hearing this, Su smiled coldly.

"it is good."

   After she finished speaking, she bent over and kissed Jiang Feng on the center of his forehead in surprise.

   For the first time, she didn't show her domineering sidelines, but said softly, "Wait for me to come back."

After   , Leng Su pulled out his sword and rushed out of the room.

  Jiang Feng followed the other women in the village and left the secret passage behind the back yam medicine field with a large group of children...

   In the secret passage, I don't know if it was Jiang Feng's illusion. He always felt that roars, the sound of sharp swords, and all kinds of fighting sounds kept coming from his ears...

   "Mother, I'm afraid."

   "Mother, I'm afraid too."

In front of   , the faces of the children showed horror, and they hugged their mother beside them.

   After seeing this scene, Jiang Feng seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly turned his head and ran back towards the original road, out of the secret passage.

   When those women saw this, no one chased after them, instead, all of them had expressions of relief on their faces.

   PS: [Add update 2, the update is over, good night little fairies, whats up (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~]



   (end of this chapter)

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