The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1375: Heavenly Fairy Bandit VS "Unfortunate" Zhuangyuan Lang (12)

   Chapter 1375 Heavenly Fairy Bandit VS "Unlucky" Zhuang Yuan Lang (12)

   This Fenghuo volcano is not a virgin forest, and the original owner and the people from Fenghuo Village have lived on this mountain for so long, and the original owner of the dense forest in Houshan has not come less often. Why haven’t I seen such a terrible beast before? ? ?

  Leng Su slandered for a while, and then he didn't bother about this **** anymore.

   She seemed to be lying on Jiang Feng's back weakly, but she was actually using medical books for self-treatment and self-recovery.

  Jiang Feng is too unlucky, just in case, it is better for her to hurry up and recover as soon as possible.

  Otherwise, who knows what beasts will appear next...

   Just when Leng Su closed his eyes and recovered his inner body, a sudden sense of turmoil came.

   Waiting for her to react, when she opened her eyes, she found that she and Jiang Feng were tied by a large net and hung from the tree trunk.

  Leng Su: "..." She doesn't want to say anything anymore, really! ! !

  Jiang Feng: "..." I don't know if it was his illusion, he always felt that after staying with Leng Su, he seemed to be getting more and more unlucky.

  Before, he was really unlucky and could not live in peace all day long, but at least it was never so dangerous.

   This is the first time he has seen such an exaggerated giant python and giant tiger.

   It is the nets and mud pit traps that are used to catch ordinary beasts in front of him, but he often encounters...

   "Well, I'm sorry, but I didn't have good luck growing up."

   "Why don't you just leave me alone. With your martial arts, as long as you don't have me as a burden to drag you down, you can leave here safely and join everyone."

   Hearing that Jiang Feng asked her to leave him again, Leng Su also became angry.

   was already angered by this series of unfortunate incidents, and this guy likes to join in the fun.

   She couldn't hold back, she pinched Jiang Feng's chin without saying a word, leaned over and kissed it.


   This time, Jiang Feng was really stupid, dumbfounded and stunned.

  Male, male and female, don’t give and receive…

  She, how could a daughter of hers kiss him, kiss him...

   Obviously, Xu Jiangfeng didn't take Leng Su's previous statement about his body to heart, and didn't take it seriously.

   He always thought that if he was so unlucky, Leng Su would be scared away sooner or later.

  Jiang Feng was stunned, Leng Su once again took the oath of sovereignty.

   "You are the owner of the village. Even if the owner of the village dies, you will never leave your husband behind!"

  Jiang Feng: "..." Is this a confession?

   Looking at Jiang Feng's drooping head, Leng Su didn't force him to respond to her, after all, the goodwill value is there.

  Jiang Feng may have a good impression of her, but he is definitely not at the point where he likes her and loves her.

  Thinking about it, Leng Su raised the sword in his hand and "swiped" a few times, and the big net was torn apart in an instant.

The moment    Jiang Feng's body fell, Leng Su hugged him firmly.

   "Let's go, rest for a while, I've recovered a little now."

   "Before it gets dark, let's hurry up and leave this jungle. Otherwise, once night falls, this jungle will be even more scary."

   "Yes." Jiang Feng replied absentmindedly.

   At this moment, Jiang Feng's heart was a little irritable and a little chaotic.

   He looked at Leng Su who was leading the way in front of him with complicated eyes, and it was a confused heart.

  Fortunately, after experiencing the giant python, giant tiger, and the trap of the beast net, and under the leadership of Leng Su, they finally did not encounter any messy misfortunes.

  Before the sun went down, they successfully left this dense forest and arrived at a remote village agreed upon by everyone...

   PS: [still writing, there are two chapters left, wait a moment]



   (end of this chapter)

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