The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1383: Heavenly Fairy Bandit VS "Unfortunate" Zhuangyuan Lang (20)

   Chapter 1383 Heavenly Fairy Bandit VS "Unlucky" Zhuang Yuan Lang (20)

   "I'm fine, a martial arts practitioner. After drinking the medicine prescribed by the doctor to remove toxins, I'll be fine."

   "It's you, the high fever has just subsided, so you'd better lie down and rest." After speaking, Leng Su stopped Jiang Feng from getting up.

  Jiang Feng struggled twice, but he was not as strong as Leng Su, and was finally forced to lie back on the bed.

   Seeing his depressed face, Su smiled coldly, stood up and said, "Now that you are awake, take the medicine quickly."

   Only then did Jiang Feng realize that there was a small stove in the center of the room, with a medicine pot on it.

   Looking at the figure of Leng Su pouring the medicine, Jiang Feng pursed his thin lips, and the look in his eyes was extremely complicated.

  When Leng Su was sitting by the bed with the medicine to feed him, Jiang Feng still couldn't hold back and asked.


   "What?" Leng Su wondered.

   "Why are you being so nice to me?" Jiang Feng asked.

   He admitted that apart from his handsome appearance and a little talent, he had nothing to gain.

   Even his bad luck can completely cover up what he has.

   There are many good-looking people in this world, and there are also many talented people. There are not many more than him, and one less than him.

   He doesn't think he has any place to really attract Leng Su...

   Moreover, she is highly skilled in martial arts, it is definitely not difficult to marry a good family with her ability!

   Hearing this, Leng Su fixedly looked at him and said, "Because you are good-looking, but also because I am too ugly."


  Jiang Feng was stunned for a while. He looked at Leng Su's face carefully. Although it was still pitch black, her facial features were actually pretty good.

   A pair of eyes that are as bright as stars, shining and very divine. The nose is small and delicate, plus a small cherry mouth, it won't be ugly no matter how you look at it.

   "After washing away the lead, the girl is not ugly, she should still be beautiful..."

   Hearing this, Su smiled coldly: "You also said that after washing the lead, what if I said that the lead couldn't be washed away..."

   "Can't be washed off?" Jiang Feng was taken aback.

   Then he remembered that over the past month or so, the blackness on Leng Su's face really seemed to never fade away.

   They had been in the same room for a few days, and she did wash up in front of him, and it seemed that her face had never turned white...

   Thinking of this, Jiang Feng suddenly felt suffocated.

"your face……?"

   "Poisoned. Master said that when she picked me up, I was poisoned. It's just that I don't know why, but I'm still alive. It's just this face."

   Having said this, Leng Su paused, then raised his head and looked deeply at Jiang Feng on the bed.

   "Will you despise me?"

   "No." Jiang Feng said subconsciously.

After    finished speaking, he was stunned.

   "Then when are you going to marry me?" Leng Su asked this question again.

   This time, Jiang Feng didn't dodge any more, but looked at her deeply.

   "You've only been poisoned and ruined your appearance, but at least you're still alive. But once you're with me, you might even lose your life at some point."

   "You have seen all the things that have happened these days. I have been here since I was a child. I have never lived in peace, and every day encounters all kinds of strange things."

   "I slept until the middle of the night, the bed collapsed, or all kinds of poisonous insects and snakes crawled in outside the window."

   "When you go out during the day, you either accidentally fall into a pit or encounter various wild beasts in the mountains and forests."

"Even if the matchmaker in the village gave me a blind date, those girls looked good on the surface, but in fact, they were either secretly married to others, or abandoned court ladies, and even widows from the next village... …”

   (end of this chapter)

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