The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1386: Heavenly Fairy Bandit VS "Unfortunate" Zhuangyuan Lang (23)

   Chapter 1386 Heavenly Fairy Bandit VS "Unfortunate" Zhuang Yuan Lang (23)

   "It's alright." Jiang Feng looked at her sadly and said.

  Leng Su: "..." Is this all right? This sad expression, this sad tone should not be too obvious, okay?

   "Really okay?" Leng Su asked again.

   "No." This time, Jiang Feng simply turned his head away from her.

  Leng Su: "..."

   "The dry food for the carriage is ready. If you are really all right, let's set off on the road." Leng Su said.

  Jiang Feng: "!!!"

   Hearing Leng Su's words, Jiang Feng's heart froze.

   He couldn't help turning his head, staring at Leng Su as if he was looking at a heartless man.

   Why does this girl like him?

   If she really liked him, how could she not care about him at all.

   As soon as his fever subsided, she was so cruel to let him go...

   I have to say that this man's hypocrisy is also fatal.

  With the medical book, Leng Su knows best what Jiang Feng's condition is.

   It was precisely because she knew that he was fine that she set off in a hurry and went to Shengjing.

   After all, Jiang Feng's unlucky halo is too terrifying, she is clearly thinking of him, but this guy still thinks she doesn't love him, doesn't like him...

   Although Leng Su didn't know what Jiang Feng was sulking about, but looking at this guy's pitiful expression, she thought it was funny and cute.

   bent down, kissed Jiang Feng's lips, and touched his dark and furry head: "Pack up, the carriage is already waiting outside."

   Jiang Feng touched the corner of his lips and stared blankly at the back of Leng Su leaving.

   The sadness in his black eyes dissipated, the bitterness and hatred on his face disappeared, and the corners of his lips that were pursed unknowingly evoked a slight arc.

   She kissed him...

   She kissed him again.

  So, what she said before is true, she really likes him.

   Thinking of this, the depressed color in Jiang Feng's heart disappeared instantly.

   He couldn't help thinking that Leng Su was a woman after all, and some words might be hard to say, so he just pretended that nothing happened.

   He couldn't help but think that, after all, she grew up in Fenghuo Village and had never been in contact with men, so she might not be familiar with the defense of men and women.

   He couldn't help but think, after all, Leng Su grew up in the mountains and fields, and he practiced martial arts since he was a child, so he was rather careless... and so on.

   In a word, in a word, Jiang Feng's previous grievances disappeared, all kinds of YY, all kinds of reasons for her, and felt distressed for her.

  Leng Su: "..."

  Jiang Feng is in a good mood, that means he can do whatever he wants.

   A few minutes after Leng Su went out, he dressed and came to the gate of the hospital.

   At the counter, Leng Su was checking out with the doctor, and handed a piece of gold in his hand to the other party.

   When he saw the gold ingot, Jiang Feng's eyes paused, his thin lips pursed tightly.

   "Come on, the driver is still waiting."

  Leng Su turned around and saw Jiang Feng behind him, she smiled and walked to his side and said.

Hearing this, Jiang Feng subconsciously glanced at her neck. Looking at the white and flawless neck, Jiang Feng's expression changed. He opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't say anything. He followed her with her. out of the hospital.

   At the entrance of the medical hall, Jiang Feng was stunned again when he saw the spacious and comfortable carriage and the driver in front.

  In the carriage, Jiang Feng sat there absent-mindedly, the sound of the carriage wheels kept coming, so he couldn't hold back after all, and asked.

   "Where's your jade pendant?"

   "Jade pendant?" Leng Su was stunned.

   (end of this chapter)

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