The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1448: The Devil of the End Times VS Grim General (6)

   Chapter 1448 The Devil of the End Times VS Grim General (6)

   As soon as the end of the world came yesterday, Mo Shi was lying in bed with a high fever.

   It wasn't until today that he woke up. After he found something to fill his stomach at home, he noticed that someone kept knocking on the door outside.

   The sound of the zombies slamming on the door is very strange, without frequency, and there are bursts of strange cries.

   As a soldier, Mo Shi's vigilance is still there.

   He saw the mess outside through the cat's eyes, and then he pushed the wheelchair to the balcony and looked at everything downstairs.

After   , he thought about contacting the police and people in the imperial capital, but they all died.

  After calming down at home for a while, Mo Shi came to the door again. Just when he was thinking about how to deal with the zombies, he suddenly found that the zombies outside suddenly fell to the ground...

   At the same time, Mo Shi found that his brain was aching!

  Under his control, the medicine box in the room flew directly towards him.

  Yes, Mo Shi is not only a person with lightning ability, but also a person with spiritual ability!

After    dealt with the zombies, Mo Shi tried to find the survivors who were still alive on this floor.

   didn't want to, just knocked on the door opposite and met Leng Su...

   Mo Shi is still a little confused about the current world.

   Preventing Leng Su from opening the elevator was just his subconscious avoidance of danger as a soldier for many years.

   never thought that they had to leave this apartment now.

   After all, now that the end of the world has just broken out, everyone has surplus food at home and will not come out to find food, and the number of zombies outside is not so terrible.

   But once a long time, these people have no food at home and start to go out for food. Once they are bitten by zombies and infected, the number of zombies will increase at an extremely terrifying rate.

   There are far more people living in the apartment building than in the villa area...

  If they don't leave now, even if the people sent by the imperial capital to greet them, I'm afraid they won't be able to enter this community easily!

  Elevators are dangerous, but now with his legs like's obviously even more unwise to take the stairs.

   Just when Mo Shi's face was ugly, Leng Su suddenly spoke.

   "Actually, it's not impossible to take the stairs..."

   Mo Shi frowned and stared at her, obviously waiting for her next sentence.

   "After the awakening ability, my strength and stamina have improved a lot. It is not impossible to carry you down from the eighteenth floor. But..."

   Halfway through his words, Leng Su suddenly sold off.

   She stared at Mo Shi with a sullen face, and said inexplicably, "I sacrificed so much, you have to give me some reward to reward me, isn't it..."

   Hearing Leng Su's words, Mo Shi's heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition hit him.

   He just wanted to refuse, but he didn't want Leng Su to lower his head and quickly kissed his thin lips, leaving with a touch.

   Mo Shi: "!!!"

   "The reward has been received, my wife, I will deliver you to your destination safely."

   As soon as he finished speaking, Leng Su's hand broke free from Mo Shi's and pressed down on the elevator arrow in front of him.

   Mo Shi: "!!!"

   "Didn't you say take the stairs?" Mo Shi asked with a dark face.

   "Hey, did I say it? Why don't I remember?" Leng Su's face was innocent.

  Mo Shi: "..."

How to do? I really want to kill this girl! ! !

   Too shameless!

   Looking at Mo Shi's dark face, Leng Su smiled slightly: "You can rest assured, Mr. Xiang. I am here with your daughter-in-law. I promise this (the elevator will never stop halfway through)... You won't be in trouble!"

   PS: [still writing, more later]



   (end of this chapter)

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