The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1460: The Devil of Doomsday VS Grim General (19)

   Chapter 1460 The Devil of the End Times VS Grim General (19)

   In the face of Mo Shi's threat, Leng Su not only was not afraid or cowardly, but provoked him back.

   She raised her head and gave him a wink: "Okay..."

   Mo Shi: "..." The little goblin needs to clean up! ! !

   Just when Mo Shi was holding Leng Su and was about to leave to clean up her, a strange sound suddenly came.


   "It's a zombie!"

   "General, there is a group of zombies ahead!"

   Facing the panic reminders from everyone around, Leng Su's first reaction was to look down at Leng Su in his arms.

  I saw a proud smile on the little girl's face.

   "You already knew that the zombies were coming!" Mo Shi affirmed.

   Hearing this, Leng Su did not deny it, but grinned.

   Mo Shi: "..." No wonder! No wonder this girl provoked him just now, making it clear that he knew that the zombies were coming, and he definitely couldn't do anything.

   Mo Shi was so angry that his teeth were itchy, but he couldn't do anything because of the sudden situation in front of him.

   "Everyone gets in the car first." Mo Shi commanded.

   said, he put down Leng Su and asked her to take him back to the car, while he closed his eyes and used his mental power to perceive how large the zombie group in front of him was.

   "General, this road is the only way to go to the Survivor Base of Modu."

   "Before the end of the world, there was still a highway, but when we came, we passed the highway and found that the highway had been blown up."

   "That is to say, we currently have no other way to go than this one."

   After hearing the reply from his subordinates, Mo Shi opened his eyes and fell into silent silence.

   He has already seen it with his mental power, and there are quite a few zombies in front of him.

   If they want to break through, the difficulty is not ordinary.

"Try it."

   Just when Mo Shi hesitated, Leng Su took his hand and said.

   "The world has changed now, and it is always inevitable to encounter zombies. Although it is possible to avoid it, but we have nowhere to go now."

   "Since there is no retreat, it is better to move forward bravely. What we need to do now is to find a way to minimize the possible losses."

   Mo Shi looked at Leng Su deeply, with admiration and recognition for her in his eyes.

   "Go ahead and arrange, the soil-type abilities and good soldiers are responsible for the front line, and the other attacking abilities are weak, so let them walk in the middle and be responsible for long-range attacks."


   "By the way, arrange another water-type ability user to come over and cooperate with me to attack."


   Hearing this, Leng Su subconsciously looked at Mo Shi and said, "Do you want water to conduct electricity?"

   "Just in case, the zombies in front are too large. I'm afraid I won't be able to last long with my lightning ability."

   "Using water to conduct electricity, it may be possible to last a little longer."

   Looking at Mo Shi's heavy face, Leng Su couldn't help reaching out to lift his chin, staring at him with burning eyes.

   "Actually, I can bring everyone to the base safe and sound."

   Hearing this, Mo Shi gave her a deep look and said, "No need."

   "This is the end times, and they need to learn to grow up. If you really want to do something, you might as well try to help me save their lives after the war."

   "Anyway, they are my comrades who have been with me for many years."

   "And..." Speaking of this, Mo Shi looked at Leng Su with a burning gaze, "I don't want you to be too dazzling and become the target of public criticism."

   (end of this chapter)

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