The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1487: Daughter model VS narcissist gold master (12)

   Chapter 1487 Daughter Model VS Narcissist Gold Master (12)

   Father Leng was too stubborn, Leng Su persuaded him a few words and saw that he would not listen, so he gave up directly.

   Everyone has his own destiny and his own path to follow, so why should she interfere too much?

   That night, Leng Su stayed at Lengjia's villa, but unexpectedly, Leng's father secretly drove away in the middle of the night.

  Leng Su: "..."

  Leng Su's eyes flashed as he looked at the distant car shadow outside the window, but he had a bad premonition in his heart.

   This was the first time she lived at home, but Father Leng chose to leave her alone.

   Could it be "she" who could make Father Leng leave her alone?

   The next day, Leng Su stayed at Leng's villa for a whole day, but he never saw Father Leng return, and the speculation in his heart became stronger and stronger.

   In the evening, thinking of the dinner party Qin Jun mentioned, Leng Su silently dialed the number of a famous stylist with whom the original owner was acquainted.

   "Miss Leng, a rare guest."

   "You haven't seen me for a long time. I thought you were in a good mood now, and plan to never dress yourself up for the rest of your life."

   "No, I got into trouble with my dad a few days ago, so I ran away from home and went to the arena by myself." Leng Su explained.

   "Alas..." As an old acquaintance, this stylist still knows the attributes of Father Leng's "big radish".

   "Then why are you looking for me today? Are you planning to return to the arena or something?"

   "Well, I'm going to a dinner party tonight and need your help. It's best if you can show all your housekeeping skills!"

   Hearing Leng Su's words, the stylist couldn't help raising his eyebrows and said, "You're wrong, you didn't want me to dress you up too beautifully before, why did you suddenly get enlightened? Could it be..."

   "Come on, tell me, who's the eldest young master is so lucky to be attracted to you?"

  Leng Su: "..."

   "I'll tell you when I've taken him down. If you don't mind, come over quickly. I'm in a hurry, maybe he'll come to pick me up in a while."

   "You've changed..." A stylist couldn't help but said in frustration after not getting the answer he was expecting.

   "I'll be right here, you change your dress first."


   After finishing the call, Leng Su walked into the cloakroom of the original owner, and looked at the dazzling array of dresses, shoes, bags and various accessories, indicating that his eyes were about to be blinded.

  Luxury, so extravagant!

   Corruption, too corrupt!

  These accessories, bags, shoes, dresses, etc., have not even been touched by most of the original owners.

   But I can't stand the original owner who has a crazy dad. Once the big brand is new, Father Leng will definitely buy it by swiping the card as soon as possible.

  Leng Su took a cursory glance. Although there were so many things that were really terrifying, she really didn't choose anything that suited her heart.

   After thinking for a while, she turned her hands and took out a long white dress from the space...

   The last time she wore this dress was not long after she started her mission.

   I still remember that guy Mingyuan once asked her about the origin of this dress...

   It is obviously made of Tsukiyo's red thread, but why is this skirt white?

  Under the control of Leng Su, the white skirt gradually transformed into a bright and dazzling red slim-fit dress, the long skirt just dragged on the ground...

   As far as Qin Jun's narcissistic virtue is concerned, she still wears bright red, which is stunning enough to catch the eye.

   There will be a lot of people paying attention to them at that time. Maybe they will give her a few compliments and praise, and this guy will give her a wave of goodwill...

PS: [This Friday or Saturday, I’m not sure about the exact time. The editor asked me to pay attention. Anyway, it’s either Friday or Saturday. It’s like 20 chapters or 30 chapters. (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~】



   (end of this chapter)

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