The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2003: Mysterious Fantasy: The Proud Girl VS The Fallen Prince (40)

   Chapter 2003 Fantasy: Heaven's Proud Girl VS Fallen Prince (40)

Although    was beaten by Leng Lie, Dean Liu did not give up the hope he placed on Leng Su.

   No, Leng Su and Su Fenggang both stabilized their cultivation, so Dean Liu came to the door.

   After a tragic sale, a certain person revealed his true purpose and a certain prophecy left by the previous God of War.

   "Today's Shenwu Continent is faced with the crisis of time-space cracks rioting at any time every day."

   "Susu, it's hard for you to know this for the teacher."

   "But for Shenwu Continent, for our hometown, and for our relatives, can you think about it?"

   "If you agree, I can contact the other four countries."

   "At that time, we will send you to the battle qi towers of the other four countries to help you quickly improve your cultivation, make people more powerful, and give you greater confidence to mend those cracks in time and space."

   Director Liu was very straightforward and detailed, and Leng Su was not too surprised after hearing it.

   It was a long-term seal. He clenched Leng Su's hand for the first time, and his eyes couldn't help looking at her.

   "Can I go with Susu?" Su Feng asked.

   Hearing this, a look of surprise flashed across Dean Liu's face.

   "Yes, yes, but the cracks in time and space are quite dangerous. Dou Sheng will die accidentally when he goes there. Your current cultivation base is only Dou Huang. If you go, I'm afraid..."

   Dean Liu did not continue to speak, but Leng Su and Sufeng understood what he wanted to express.

   Hearing this, Leng Su spoke up.

   "Master, I can promise to go to repair the cracks in time and space, but I also have a request."

"you say."

   "Let Sufeng go with me, and let him and I enter the Dou Qi Pagoda in Shikoku to practice."

  It was a good thing that Leng Su could promise to mend the cracks in time and space, but the fact that he had to follow her to enter the Shiguo Dou Qi Pagoda with her to cultivate was something that made Dean Liu embarrassed.

   "This matter cannot be mastered by the teacher alone."

   "Well, these days, you should first and Sufeng stabilize the cultivation base, and go to the Shikoku side to discuss it as a teacher."

"it is good."

   Director Liu had just left his forefoot, but he came back coldly.

   After learning from Leng Su that she decided to repair the crack in time and space, Leng Yan jumped on the spot.

   The daughter belongs to her own family, and she cannot be beaten or scolded.

  Sufeng belonged to his daughter, and he couldn't beat or scold him even if his daughter was protecting him.

  Then... So, Dean Liu was brutally murdered again.

   "Bang bang bang."

   "Ouch, cold, you bastard!!!"


  In the room of the dean, various sounds were constantly heard.

   No matter how much Leng Lie felt sorry for Leng Su, no matter how unwilling, Leng Su finally set foot on this road to save Shenwu Continent.

After    President Liu contacted Shikoku, he quickly obtained Shikoku's approval.

   He and Leng Lie personally escorted Leng Su and Sufeng to the Dou Qi Tower in Shikoku, and started a year-long practice...

   In just one year, Leng Su and Sufeng have gone through the Dou Qi Pagoda of the four kingdoms.

   Seeing that his exit was imminent, Leng Su finally ushered in another thunder calamity at the Dou Qi Tower in his neighboring country.

   However, what people did not expect was that the thunder tribulation in mid-air had been brewing for a long time, but it never fell.

  Everyone took a closer look, and saw that not far away, black clouds were constantly gathering towards this side...

   "I see why this battle is so wrong?"

   "Could it be that this thunder tribulation has mutated again?"

   (end of this chapter)

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