The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 257: Good girl school bully VS school scumbag school grass (11)

   Chapter 257 Good girl school tyrant VS school scumbag school grass (11)

   For the first time in his life, Ke Muchen was so fortunate that he had a handsome little face and a fair and flawless skin that made people envious and hateful.

   After that day, Leng Su thought that since Ke Muchen didn't agree to Su Jie's bet, he probably didn't take it to heart.

   But in the next few days, Ke Muchen's state was obviously a bit wrong.

   In the past, I was either reading comics or sleeping in a different person. The comic book was gone, and she couldn't sleep, and it started to stick to her.

   In class, he just didn't listen to the class, he actually started to play with her passing notes.

   Moreover, these days, it is no longer Leng Su unilaterally bringing him breakfast, Ke Muchen also brings her a bottle of hot milk every morning.

   In the blink of an eye, three days passed, and they ushered in a new round of monthly exams.

   As the same table, although the positions of Leng Su and Ke Muchen were pulled apart, they were separated by a certain distance.

   But when she handed in the papers last night, she saw Ke Muchen standing beside her getting up at the same time as her.

   And, the most amazing thing is that the usually blank and neat roll surface is actually filled with densely written pieces this time...

   Outside the examination room, Leng Su looked at Ke Muchen who was following her with a puzzled expression.

   "Why didn't you hand in a blank?"

   "I want to be in the same world as you!"

  Leng Su was slightly startled, and while feeling warm in his heart, he couldn't help but suspiciously said, "You shouldn't have secretly made a bet with Su Jie, right?"

   "Don't worry, I never play childish games and don't care about 'children'."

  Leng Su: "..."

   This tone, this arrogant little appearance, she can guarantee that if Su Jie hears it, it will definitely be endless with him!

   Seeing that there was still half an hour before the end of the exam, Ke Muchen couldn't help looking at her and asked, "Go home together?"

  Leng Su shook his head: "No, it's my turn to be on duty today. So even if I submit the papers ahead of time, I have to wait until after the exam to finish cleaning before leaving."

   "Don't wait for me. Since all the papers have been submitted in advance, go back early. You can see that it's getting dark today, and the wind is getting stronger. Maybe it will rain later."

  Ke Muchen just wanted to refuse, but when the words came to his mouth, he was interrupted by the sudden vibrating mobile phone in his pocket.

   took out his cell phone and saw that the caller was his mother who disappeared for a while abroad, Ke Muchen smiled apologetically at Leng Su and answered the call.


   "Chenchen, Mom is back, but I accidentally lost the key to the house. Come back and open the door!"

  "..." Ke Muchen said with a black line: "I still have half an hour before school!"

   "Hey! Ke Muchen, you came out of your mother's stomach. I don't know what kind of virtue you have? Not to mention the courses in the third year of high school, you can apply for a master's degree directly."

   "Don't you just skip class, anyway, you don't listen in class, come back to me soon!!!"

   In order to prevent him from continuing to make excuses, Mother Ke on the other end of the phone ended the call directly.

   "Beep beep."

  Ke Muchen looked at Leng Su and said embarrassedly, "Sorry, it looks like I can't be on duty with you today. My mother came back suddenly, she lost her key, I have to go home and open the door for her first."

   "Go, go!" Leng Su disagreed.

   "Okay, after the monthly test results come out, shall I invite you to dinner?"

   "No problem!" Leng Su responded with a smile.

   Ke Muchen left, and half an hour later, the monthly test was finally over.

   PS: There will be 2 chapters to update in a while, babies wait a moment, (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)



   (end of this chapter)

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