The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 299: Female disguised as a male general VS suspicious prince (20)

   Chapter 299 Women disguised as men as generals VS suspicious prince (20)

   "Murong Chen, you rubbish, you are useless! This prince does not have a **** brother like you."

   Seeing Murong Hao swearing at Murong Chen in front of everyone's eyes, Leng Su couldn't help but darken his eyes and just wanted to do something.

  Unexpectedly, the emperor came in at this time...

   "The Emperor is here!"

   "Long live, long live, my emperor." Everyone knelt down and saluted.

  On the scene, Leng Su was the only one who obtained the emperor's immunity because of his outstanding military exploits.

   When you meet the Holy Master, you don’t need to bow down, you just need to bend down and bow.

   "All the ministers, please get up." The emperor passed by the crowd and took his seat on the throne.

   However, at this moment, a scene that no one expected happened.

   After the second prince got up, he actually looked wronged, and went to the emperor to try to complain.

   "Father, the eldest brother just now... ah!"

   Before someone finished speaking, he was hit by something at the bend of his knee, and he fell face down with a 'dog eat shit'.


   "Cough cough cough!"

   There was a loud coughing sound, including Leng Su.

   She had a relaxed smile on her face, but Murong Chen looked at her with deep worry and disapproval.

   She forcibly swallowed the blood in her mouth, and a big smile cracked at the corner of her mouth, trying to reassure the other party.

   "What kind of decency!" The emperor's face darkened on the spot: "Come here, the second prince is not feeling well, send him back to have a good rest."

  The second prince was sent away, and the banquet began.

  Leng Su was the protagonist of this celebration feast, so everyone's eyes were almost focused on her all night.

   After eating and drinking, watching the singing and dancing. The emperor was obviously a little drunk, and despite Leng Su's repeated refusal, he forcibly gave her two gorgeous-looking dancers.

When the    banquet was coming to an end, the emperor got drunk and left first with the help of the eunuch.

  Leng Su pushed away the two dancers beside him who were scratching their heads and posing, and hurriedly fled the imperial garden and left in a hurry.

  As a result, he walked into the dark halfway, but was pulled by a big hand stretched out beside him, and was pulled into his arms by the other party.

  The two leaned against the wall to hide behind a tree, and by the faint moonlight, Murong Chen stared at her affectionately.

  The big palm gently touched her little face and sighed: "I feel bad."

  Leng Su smiled palely and said, "I feel bad too!"

   "Seeing you being humiliated by Murong Hao in public, I can't wait to draw my sword and chop off his head." Leng Su said angrily.

   [Congratulations, Murong Chen's favorability value has increased by 5 points, and the current total favorability value is 80 points. 】

   "Is it worth it?" He looked deeply into her eyes and asked.

  Leng Su reached out and hugged his head, forcing him to bow his head. The two touched their foreheads. She said domineeringly, "Murong Chen, I'll tell you."

   "You are the man I identified by Leng Su. In this life, no one can bully you except me. No one is qualified to bully you!"

   Hearing this, Murong Chen smiled, with a satisfied and relieved face.

   His black eyes stared into hers, looking deeply, as if he was looking into the depths of her heart.

   "Susu, I am very happy and happy."

   "I am Murong Chen, what virtue and what ability, can get your admiration!"

   After saying that, Murong Chen lowered his head and directly covered her thin lips...

   Leng Su was caught off guard by the kiss, but she didn't resist, she hugged Murong Chen's neck tightly, and stood on tiptoe to make it easier for the two to kiss.

   Time passed bit by bit, before Leng Su suffocated, Murong Chen finally let go of her.

   PS: There will be a chapter in a while, everyone wait a moment (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~



   (end of this chapter)

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