The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 998: Fried Mao Xiao Xian Rou VS Princess "Arrived" (27)

   Chapter 998 Fried Mao Xiao Xianrou VS Princess "Arrived" (27)

   Seeing this, thinking of this, Lisa suddenly felt breathless, and felt a little uncomfortable.

   Just as she was stunned, Ning Ze frowned and looked at her displeasedly: "Lisa?"

   Hearing the words, Lisa woke up suddenly, facing Ning Ze's displeased face, she felt slightly uncomfortable and suffocated, but there was no sign of it on her face.

   "Sorry, I was distracted." Lisa apologized.

   "Well, hurry up, time is running out, I'll ask you to help Susu put on makeup later."

Seeing that Ning Ze mentioned Leng Su, there was always a doting and happy smile on his face, looking at the curvature of the corner of his mouth, looking at the soulful eyes, Lisa only felt that his heart was full of waves. of pain.

   "Yeah." Lisa replied rather unhappily.

After the    thrush, Ning Ze's makeup was finished.

  When it was Leng Su's turn, Lisa was about to help her with the baseball cap on the head, but was interrupted by a man's hand that suddenly stretched out.

   "I'll come." Ning Ze said lightly.

   said, his big white hand came to the back of Leng Su's head, lightly unbuttoned it, and carefully took the hat off her head.

  lisa: "..." I would torture her even with a hat! ! !

  Leng Su's foundation is good enough, and Ning Ze also said that light makeup is fine, so in less than ten minutes, a delicate makeup appeared on Leng Su's face.

   "How's it going? Does it look good?" Leng Su got up from his seat with an excited look, looked at Ning Ze and asked.

   "Good-looking, in my eyes, Susu will always be the most beautiful."

   Love Story boy Ningze is online! ! !

   Hearing this, Leng Su smiled shyly, bit his lower lip, bowed his head slightly, and said shyly, "You are handsome too."

   Hearing the girl's soft and shy voice, Ning Ze felt as if his heart was filled with honey, not sweet enough.

  lisa: "..." Still let the single dog live? ? ?

  Ning Ze took Leng Su's hand and pulled her out of the dressing room, towards the shooting location.

   Seeing this, Lisa, who was behind the two of them, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and as soon as she relaxed, she sat down on the chair.

   Her eyes were slightly lost, and Lulu looked at the back of the two leaving with a melancholy look.

   They are such a good match, no matter in terms of appearance, or the temperament of the whole body, they are far from what she is a little makeup artist can match.

  The filming location of the crew.

  When Ning Ze and Leng Su appeared together, the surroundings were dead silent...

   "Is Ning Ze here? It's almost time to start filming, everyone will take their place soon." After speaking, Director Liang looked at everyone around him.

   "What are you all doing?"

   Liang Dao looked at Ning Ze and Leng Su with a weird look along the line of sight of everyone.

   Liang Dao: "..."

   "Fuck, when did our crew invite such an angel? How come I, the director, don't know?"

   crew members: "..." We don't know either! ! !

   Facing everyone's strange eyes, Ning Ze felt very unhappy and uncomfortable.

   He moved subconsciously, moved his body slightly, and blocked Leng Su behind him.

   "Director Liang, she is my friend. She was filming with me, not a staff member of our crew." Ning Ze explained.

   Hearing this, everyone's face became clear.

   On the other hand, Director Liang seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes were still tightly locked on Leng Su.

   "It's no wonder that you kidnapped you all of a sudden. It turned out that you met such a peerless beauty." Liang Daoyi pointed out.

   (end of this chapter)

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