186 – Void

Eunis and Oliver continued to run forward, dodging the furious monsters chasing them. There was obviously a fork in the road, but for some reason, one entrance was blocked by vines, so there was only one path to choose from.

Entering another passageway, the Mujion team, who were holding weapons with a bewildered expression, saw Eunice and Oliver approaching and waved happily.

“Hey, Elasium-“

“Shut up and run… !!!”

Eunice didn’t have time to give a kind reply, so he shouted sweetly from his mouth. It was only a few seconds later that Mujion, who had been bewildered, grasped the situation and joined the running.

“Sir, f*ck… ! What is that… !”

“Heh, heh… I don’t know either!!!”

Eunis felt her lungs burst. He didn’t know how long it had been since he had run like this, except when he was young.

At the fork in the labyrinth came again, but this time the passage on the left was blocked by a huge vine. In a situation where you would be trampled on by a mad monster right away, the only option was the right passage.

As I entered, I heard the sound of monsters hitting the wall behind me, unable to control their speed. After the terrible sound of something exploding behind us and continuing to run, we met the Arcadia team who were examining the box.

“Huh? Why are you guys coming here?”

“Shut up and run!!!”

Oliver shouted on behalf of Eunice, who had no strength left to speak. The Arcadia team, who had been shaking their heads with stupid faces, eventually joined the running.

“Sleep, hold on… ! This is the way we came!”

At the voice of Chief Arcadia coming from behind, Eunice answered with an annoyed voice.

“That… whatever!”

There is nothing more irritating than talking bullsh*t next to you when you are tired. However, everyone had no choice but to reflexively stop running at the answer they heard.

“The road ahead is blocked by a wall!!!”

“hehehehe, what… ? Jean, it’s a joke… ?”

Oliver desperately asked not to lie, but Arcadia’s chief merely wiped her face.

Oliver unconsciously turned his gaze to Eunice. However, Eunice only repeated inhalation and exhalation, and was not in a position to give instructions to the pain as if her lungs were being ripped apart.

“f*ck… Now how-“


The monster’s cry was heard interrupting someone’s words. I could feel the many legs knocking on the wall and approaching. Feeling the vibration under their feet, everyone gulped and grabbed their respective weapons.

Coming to her senses, Eunice hurriedly read her surroundings.

“It’s okay, since we are a conduit, it is rather advantageous for us to deal with the majority. All you have to do is use magic to create cover in the aisle as much as possible to obstruct movement, and clean up the monsters coming in!”

At Eunice’s words, Mujaion’s wizard swung his staff and created a block of ice in the aisle. Leaving aside his greatsword, Oliver stood in front of him with the dagger he was using as a sidearm.

The vibration of the floor started to get stronger. Climbing the wall, I hear the monster’s angry howl. Oliver gritted his teeth and shouted at the sight of the monsters rushing in like waves.


At Oliver’s cry, the wizards condensed their mana, and the warriors armed with weapons prepared for the shock. And finally, the frenzied monster and the academy union collided.


A roar that shook the earth.



The screams of the howling monsters.

“Sir baaal!!!”

“Block, block!”

“Kill them all!!!”

The academy union desperately defends against monsters with blood and brains.

It was a reenactment of the desperate fight between humans and monsters for survival that has been going on since a very long time ago.

The atmosphere of the spectators watching the game heated up very much. Even knowing that they couldn’t be heard, they cheered fiercely with cheers and applause.

Even those who were cheering for Transcendence Academy couldn’t help but clenched their fists and cheered as they desperately endured the endless tidal wave of monsters.

However, there were too many monsters rushing in, and the ice that was made for cover could not bear the weight of the monsters and eventually collapsed. When one of the people who stood in the way was eliminated due to the shock, the academy union quickly collapsed.

Unice, who was the last one left, resisted by wielding her staff until the end, but was eventually eliminated after getting hit on the head by a monster’s fist.

The stadium where the fierce cheering continued was filled with silence.

After being thrown out of the match, Eunice knelt down and sighed wearily at the sight of Oliver burying his face between his knees and shaking his shoulders.

As I stood up to comfort myself, I raised my eyes at the sudden voice and looked at the relay magic.


A pitiful voice echoes through the arena. The relay magic showed Ross, a Transcendence Academy participant leaning against the wall with an arrogant expression on his face.

[I didn’t know what to do with monsters like this and got eliminated….]

The stadium, which had been silenced by that arrogant voice, began to hum.

Oliver and the dropouts, who buried their faces between their knees, raised their heads and looked at the relay magic. Their eyes were full of inconceivable anger.

“That, that son of a b*tch….”

The sound of grinding teeth coming from the surroundings.

Oliver glared at the relay magic with a deadly gaze.

Eunice also felt stuffiness somewhere in his chest, as if a huge object had pressed it.

[Ross, why did you bother doing this?]

When Ellie approached her and asked curiously, Ross snorted at her.

[Because it’s enough to fight a bug with a weapon once.]

The stadium was booed at that arrogant remark. The hearts of the audience went over to the academy union, which fought fiercely until the last man.


“f*ck you Transcendence bastards!”

“Suck my dick!”

As if in response to that intense reaction, Ross twitched the corner of his mouth and raised the spear on his shoulder.

[Because the idiots fought hard on our behalf, it will be easier to organize. Clean up the remaining monsters, and take your time taking artifacts.]

Ross raised the corner of his mouth and moved his hand, opening a vine blocking his passage. Only then did Eunice realize that Ross had lured them into one place.

“Cheer, from the beginning… You’ve led us to a dead end….”

How? The question of this passed by, and soon after, I was able to recall the golden curtain that swept through the labyrinth.

Eunice’s legs gave out and she sat down on the floor.

“You must have known our location through magic….”

They provoked the monsters in the labyrinth and brought them to their side, and used vines to block the path to a dead end.

A deep sense of despair pierced Eunice’s chest.

The first fight was an accident, he thought he had underestimated his opponent too much. Talent may lag behind, he thought, but hard work lags behind.

However, even the second match was thoroughly played by Ross. Even among the dropouts, no one got an artifact to use in the team battle. They deliberately made themselves complete losers.

With her vision distorted by tears, Eunice tightened her neck and looked at Ross clearly. Triathlon is not over yet. The seniors’ matches remained, and the team competition also remained.

Even if there is an overwhelming difference in talent, Eunice could not give up for the sake of everyone who believed in her.

“I must… I will attack you.”

Looking at Ross slaying all the monsters swarming with an arrogant expression, Eunice made a firm resolution.


An inn in Destin Village.

As ordered by the guild leader, Amber, who is staying here, drank a cold beer.

“Big… !”

“Mr. Amber!”

The dusty man who opened the inn door and sat across from Amber without permission.

“Is the search over?”

Amber asked Lloyd, the man who raised his hand to order a beer. After drinking the beer the innkeeper had served, Lloyd shrugged his shoulders.

“Then, the search is over.”

Amber’s eyes lit up at Lloyd’s answer. It’s been over a week since I’ve been in this Destin village. There is a festival going on in the capital, but he is unable to enjoy the festival with Amy and is stuck in such a small town.

“Did you find it?”

At Amber’s question, Lloyd just stared blankly at him. In response, Amber opened her eyes slightly and asked.

“Couldn’t you find it?”

“It’s not that I couldn’t find it, there was no place Amber was looking for in the mountains around here.”

Lloyd’s answer made Amber feel a tingle in her temples.

“It can’t be. Apparently it was a mountain near here. The innkeeper also said that he once told a visitor about the mountain where the herbalist goes.”

As Amber spoke in a low voice, Lloyd emptied his beer and wiped his lips with the back of his hand.

“I even used shock detection magic and spider magic. It’s a magic that can find everything, even small pits dug by animals. I even unleashed the moonlight mole and checked all the nearby mountains to see if there was a device that could absorb magic. Result? The cave you mentioned is nowhere.”

When Amber made a disconcerting expression, Lloyd said with a sigh.

“If a cave collapsed, it would leave traces, but there really is nothing around here.”

There was no reason for Lloyd to lie. Amber, well aware of that fact, drank the remaining beer with a sigh.

‘Ehh, he must have made a mistake again.’

Obviously, Estelle must have written something wrong this time too.

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