191 – A and B

“Is Ross’ favorite island?”

I laughed bitterly at Ellie’s playful voice. The reason Ellie says that is because the stage for her final game is an island. It was a well-known story at the academy that I burned the island down during the survival test. Seeing the seniors smiling and tapping on my shoulder, I thought that there would be no one in the academy that I didn’t know.

Before entering the game, Edward, who received the bag, put it down on the floor.

“Okay, I’ll check the bag first.”

After looking inside the bag, Edward took out the contents one by one and passed them to Marie, who was watching by her side. It was a bracelet with a red ribbon and an artifact from the second match. Sharing bracelets, the last thing Edward took out of his bag was parchment tied with a ribbon.

Edward, who unwound the ribbon and quickly checked the contents, explained that it was the rule of the last game and read it aloud for those of us who might be curious.

“This last match is a combination of teamwork and competition. In the center of the island, there is a Kraken created with the help of the great Mage Lord of each Mage Tower. The Kraken, the king of the naga, has awakened from the bottom of the Dark Sea and is heading here to punish the humans who polluted the sea. Following the leader, collaborating with or competing with other academies. Defeat Kraken, King of Naga, and win the triathlon.”

Edward explained the extra point in a slightly nervous voice.

“If you catch the Kraken, the match is over immediately. The contestant who lands the final blow on the Kraken gets 500 points. If you eliminate another contestant, you get 20 points. And the mountain over there to the north is an active volcano. When the thirteenth vibration rings, the uninhabited island will be covered with lava.”

After Edward finished his explanation, he took a moment to organize his thoughts and received a red ribbon from Marie.

“Someone has to be a leader wearing a ribbon. 300 Points will be lost if the opposing leader is eliminated, or if the participant acting as the leader is eliminated.”

“300 Points… ?”

Ophelia, a senior in the fourth year, muttered with a frightened expression, and then she slipped back her body. It seems that he doesn’t want to take on a high-risk role as long as he’s in his senior year. Even the third-year seniors, who looked like they were being carried away from the triathlon, secretly turned their attention to us.

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Noticing the atmosphere, Edward groaned and said with a look that he couldn’t help it.

“The role of a leader is a role that has no benefits, only responsibility. If no one steps forward, I, the senior, will….”

The two voices overlapped, interrupting Edward.



Roel and I looked at each other with overlapping voices. Roel looked like he didn’t expect me to come out.

“Ross, do you want to be a leader? It must be a heavy burden.”

I nodded my head straight to Roel, who said that he would step back if he wanted to. Recalling Roel’s advice not to be halfway, I added in a cheeky tone.

“I thought it would be better for me to do it rather than leave it to lesser seniors.”

At my words, Cassius glared at me with a teary expression, but I only raised one corner of my mouth sarcastically.

“Since Ross wants to do it, why don’t we make Ross the leader if there are no other applicants?”

Edward nodded at Roel’s words and looked around. Maybe they were afraid that they would leave the leader if they even made eye contact, but the seniors slightly turned their heads or looked away.

“I don’t see any other opinions. Alright then, the leader of our Transcendence Academy is Ross!”

As Edward clapped, the seniors reluctantly clapped along. Edward attached a red ribbon to my helmet. Roel and Ellie watched me with their arms crossed and nodded in satisfaction. Maybe a lover is a lover.

“Okay, now that I’ve decided on a leader, I’ll explain what I need to be extra careful about.”

Edward tapped the parchment and said.

“If you attack and knock out your teammates, you get minus 100 points. Everyone be careful when using artifacts or magic. And the most important thing in the game is the Kraken. Like I said before, it’s the contestant who lands the final blow that gets the extra points. That means he could be sneaking around waiting to deliver the final blow.”

“Then wouldn’t it be better for us to wait until the other academies catch the Kraken?”

At Cassius’ words, Edward shook his head.

“No, this is a timed game. When the volcano rings 13 times, lava will flow out and cover the uninhabited island. It means everyone is eliminated.”

“Since we have a high score anyway, wouldn’t it be better if we all failed together?”

At Marie’s words, Ellie, who was beside her, let out a small sigh. It’s an annoyed expression.

“Forgot? What situation we are in now. The academy is united. You can either knock us out first and catch the Kraken, or you can hold our feet and let the other team catch the Kraken. If Elasium catches the Kraken, we’re a come-from-behind defeat.”

Marie groaned at Edward’s words. I entered the conversation with a sigh.

“You don’t have to be scared already. Because we have better artifacts, and our skills aren’t inferior.”

“Yeah, everyone don’t have to be scared. We also prepared hard. I also took a lot of artifacts.”

Agreeing with my opinion, Edward suggested moving to the center of the island and looking for the Kraken. Once you have checked the situation, you can make a rough plan. Everyone nodded and took their weapons. After confirming the direction with Ophelia-senpai’s magic, we moved to the center of the island.

I followed the road and went up the hill. Looking down, it was a C-shaped island. The center of the island was filled with only the sea, and nothing that could be called a Kraken existed.

“I don’t have anything… ?”

Cassius said, scratching his head. Knowing the conditions for the Kraken to appear, I guessed.

“Someone may approach, or the volcano may rumble and appear.”

I see, Cassius nodded. I turned around and looked at my seniors.

“First of all, let’s settle here. You can see the Kraken appearing, and you can block other teams from approaching by setting up traps or guard magic around you.”

“Yeah, I haven’t even checked the position of the other team yet and I don’t see the Kraken, so it could be risky to make a rash move. As Ross said, let’s wait here. Ophelia, Ellie, and Cassius install magic around them, and the rest of us knock down trees to create cover.”

Everyone agreed with Edward’s words and started to do their jobs. I noticed, and quietly approached Roel, who was knocking down a tree with his greatsword.

“Brother, I need to ask you something.”

Roel put down the greatsword he was holding and asked with a puzzled expression.

“To me? Are you finally interested in him?”

Roel gave a mischievous smile, but I asked with a serious face in order to find the answer to the unanswered question.

“Hyung, why… Are you trying to be strong?”

Roel clapped his hands in admiration.

“Is my brother old enough to ask philosophical questions?”

I replied to the smirk with a sigh.

“… I am asking you seriously.”

“Hmm, then I should give you a serious answer.”

Roel, who had a deeper smile on his lips, lowered his eyes slightly and said.

Can the answer be “For everyone”?

Looking at him with an expression as if he was asking what kind of answer that was, Roel shrugged his shoulders with his arms wide open as if it was unfair.

“Really. I want to be strong for everyone. Because I want to protect everything I love.”

In response to that, I asked casually.

“From what?”

There was silence for a moment. Roel’s gaze turned to me for an instant, and then, with her sharp eyes, she replied.

“… From the invisible danger.”

Roel took a step closer to me. She looked straight at me, and Roel spoke in a low voice.

“I have a lot of greed, so there are a lot of things I have to protect. If you don’t prepare in advance, you may end up shedding bloody tears and regretting it later.”

Roel laughed and patted me on the shoulder.

“You too are becoming stronger to protect the Luna you love. I am of the same mind. I want to protect everyone. Sincerely.”

I was a little relieved by Roel’s sincere voice. Yes, this is the Roel I used to know. A warrior who sacrifices himself for everyone. Obviously there is no other reason. I looked at Roel and said with a smile.

“Can I ask you a favor?”

“Then, always rely on you.”

I shook my head at the sight of Roel nodding his head as if it were natural, without listening to what he was asking. Like Rosalyn said, I didn’t want Roel to feel guilty about my unfortunate childhood.

“Brother, this is not an order, it is a request. That I owe my brother If you want to clear the debt later, you will have to ask me for something.”

Hearing my answer, Roel, for some reason, flinched at him for a moment and lowered his gaze.

“Well, if I have done you a great deal… If you’re hiding a big mistake that can’t be forgiven, will you forgive me with this?”

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No matter what Roel did to me, our relationship won’t change. It is obvious A and E. I have a setting that I can’t beat Roel with anything, and my happy ending is determined by Roel’s performance. I have no choice but to accept A’s apology. It’s a situation where a sigh comes out, but this is the fate and setting. I responded in a playful voice to Roel’s serious voice.

“If that’s the case… about half? No, half of half?”

At my joke, Roel smiled handsomely.

“Even that much… It would be nice if you could be forgiven.”

I said it with sincerity, hoping that the answer would ease Roel’s mind even a little.

“Of course I will forgive you. Because you are my family.”

But for some reason, after hearing my words, Roel only smiled bitterly without replying.

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