195 – Recruitment

“Then see you in the morning!”

Then her shouting aria left her club room, supported by Kane. Following the reeling lacar, Luna whispered a small “Goodnight” To me and followed her teammates.

Feeling slightly dizzy from the alcohol, she turned her body back and saw a table littered with her drinks and snacks. It is a trace of leaving the cleanup behind, claiming it was punishment for deceiving them. After all, tomorrow is the weekend. There was no plan for anyone to come to the club room, and there was no specific appointment. That means you can sleep as late as you want, get up and clean up.

I was about to step into the closet with a long yawn when I heard someone knocking on the door. If it was a member who had left something in the seat, he would have opened the door and entered instead of knocking. Then, a late night visitor is an unknown night guest. Looking at the wall clock, it was almost 12:00. It is an unidentified night guest who came at the end of the day, and since he came without an appointment, he is no different from an uninvited guest.

– Smart smart smart smart smart

I was about to head to the closet pretending not to know, but the knocking on the door continued endlessly, as if they knew I was there. This is at the level of a myth.

I opened the door with a short sigh. There was nothing to see in front of me, so I slightly lowered my gaze. As I stared into the purple eyes of a girl as short as my chest, Estelle, who was wearing a mask in her hand, kicked me in the shin.


“Get out of the way! You slow pig.”

As I grabbed my shin and avoided it, Estelle entered the club room, looked at the dirty table, and headed toward the relatively tidy bed. As Estelle sat on the bed, her feet were floating in the air, perhaps because she was short. Estelle, who was moving her feet, looked at me and said,

“Tell me why you did that in the triathlon, without any lies.”

The cheeky tone, as if ordering a subordinate, made him a little drunk. I approached Estelle with the intention of taking off the mask, and naturally sat down on the opposite side of the bed as she lifted her leg as if preparing to kick me at any moment.

“They say the same things as the members.”

After the triathlon, the team members wondered why I had acted as an unsuitable villain. The tournament was over, and I thought there was no reason to deceive the members who believed in me anymore, so I explained not everything, but to some extent.

Let’s explain it once again, unlike the members who readily agreed, Estelle aimed for a loophole in the story and asked.

“Did you really need to play the villain? Wouldn’t we have tied for the championship even if we just acted like a stupid freshman?”

She rubbed her sleepy eyes and answered in a languid voice.

“Of course there are many reasons.”

“What is it?”

I furrowed my eyebrows at Estelle’s persistence. As if she didn’t like that reaction, when Estelle raised her fist, she quickly opened her mouth.

“Because it had to be different from the original ending.”

“Why… ?”

I wiped my face once and spat out random words.

“Originally, Roel will win the championship by destroying the Academy Union with overwhelming force. But as a result, the grudge that has lasted for 30 years only got stronger. Even though they united in an ugly way, it’s obvious how much ridicule the Academy must have suffered after being defeated by Transcendence.”

“There must have been a lot of kids who dropped out out of shame. Even the pig-like aristocrats of the capital must have put pressure on it.”

At Estelle’s calm voice, I nodded in a daze and continued the explanation.

“Allied students of the academy feel deep despair against the wall they cannot overcome. Triathlon is not a test of growth, but an execution ceremony that breaks the will. Where would you like someone who has given up everything and is in despair?”

To my question, Estelle answered while stroking the mask.

“Cult… And he must be a follower of the Demon King.”

That is correct. Just as they were targeting Ross, who was suffering from a nervous breakdown and inferiority complex, followers of the Church and the Demon King infect students from other academies.

“To prevent that, it was postponed.”

“But that doesn’t answer my question. Even so, that’s not a reason to play the villain.”

I scratched my head, got up and brought the remaining honey beer to the table. It’s not cool, but it’s enough to quench my thirst. He said as he exhaled the aroma of beer in his mouth like a sigh.

“The fact that the academy has been united is information known to those in the know, just as it came out at the Modist meeting. But the most important audience is unaware. They needed a joint win to end a grudge that had lasted 30 years. However, if you plan to unite and show a pincer attack on Transcendence from the beginning, you will definitely take issue with it even after winning. That’s why I gave the academy union an excuse for a legitimate pincer attack with arrogant and arrogant acting.”

Estel questioned me in spite of my long explanation.

“Even if there is a problem, isn’t it the end of the academy union as long as we jointly win the goal?”

At Estelle’s question, I realized that I didn’t say something important. The truth that was not told even to the members. This triathlon was a build-up to a story that would come later.

“Do you remember that I can see the future?”

Estelle pouted her lips at her contextless question and nodded her head. With a bitter smile, I took out the spear of destruction from the space warehouse.

“Did you still have the cursed artifact?”

Estel, who had the experience of researching me, also knew how I got this. Then the explanation would be easy.

“As it is, the Spear of Destruction will go to No. 3 In Confsion.”

“No. 3… It must be vacant now?”

It seems that the empty seats have not been filled yet. I added for clarification.

“Lacard’s older sister, Ramine, was going to be persuaded by Dewynn to become a member of Confsion, but I stopped her.”

“Yes… ? But why?”

“Originally, how did the Spear of Destruction, which should have been in the imperial warehouse, pass over to No. 3 In Confsion?”

At my question, Estelle was silent for a moment as if pondering. Tired of waiting for an answer, I decided to just explain.

“After Bella became emperor, a noble rebellion broke out with the support of the Church. It was such a dangerous situation that Bella managed to save her life by posing as her maid. The leader of the rebellion was Eunice, who was ordered by the Archdiocese. At that time, the imperial warehouse was robbed, and important items flowed into the church. Spear of Ruin was one of them.”

Estelle’s shoulders shrank. It seems that they were taken aback by the name of the church that came out of nowhere.

“Wait, Eunice… ? That, first year at Elasium?! I’ve never heard of a member of the Church among the participants… ?”

He kindly explained to the puzzled Estelle.

“I told you. As it was, the academy union that failed to win the championship would fall into despair… Followers of the Church and the Demon King would approach. At that time, Eunice was among the people who were persuaded by the church. Eunice, who felt a great sense of responsibility as a bookkeeper, could not resist the temptation.”

I stretched out three of her fingers to Estelle. Thanks to the chain of common destiny, I was able to openly share all the knowledge I knew.

“In this world, there are three people who are officially evaluated as booksellers. Bella with the wisdom of snakes, Raellan in madness, and Eunice who read the rules.”

With the explanation, I folded my spread fingers and lowered my hand to add.

“Eunis was originally going to be the church’s chaplain, but this incident changed the odds. As in the case of Ramine, the reason for joining the Church is gone.”

A mere joint win is not enough to convince. In Luna’s hand is the ‘God’s fountain pen’ of the vice-religious leader, which will be the greatest strength for the nobles’ rebellion. There is no bookmaker or scroll to set up a plan. The very beginning of the tragic story was removed.

“But what if Eunice still joins the Church?”

“… It’s not going to happen, but if it does, of course I’ll kill you.”

At my determined voice, Estelle wiggled her fingers. I watched it and said in a lower voice.

“So, I have a favor for you. Please keep an eye on Eunice for a while. Until Eunice entered Transcendence Academy as an exception.”

Estelle looked at me with surprised eyes as she lowered her head, probably understanding her meaning.

“You’re thinking of transferring Eunice here?

I smiled silently. A long time ago, I had made up my mind to hire Eunice as a bookkeeper. Bella, who will be Roel’s strength, shouldn’t be touched for the sake of the flow, and Raellan is out of control.

In the end, all I could get was Eunice, a stupid freshman. It won’t be easy to convince, but it’s an opportunity to re-enter the Transcendence Academy, where you fell. If you’re really smart, you won’t be able to say no. If you can’t win, you have to join.

After thinking about it, I said with a pleasant smile in the spirit of alcohol.

“It is my taste to steal other people’s things.”

Most of the things I had were things the church would gain. My joy would be doubled if I took away even the person who would become the church’s chaplain. I am strong, and the church is weak. This is not stealing to do justice Justice. The tone is also good.

As I was thinking that and smiling sinisterly, I woke up to the gaze that stung my face.

For some reason, I tilted my head at Estelle looking at me with contempt, then hit her head with her fist.

“Evil… !”

“You greedy pig! You finally took off your human mask! Are you proud of the wind? Ok? This crap!!! A guy like you should be right! Stay still! I need to massage this ugly brain… !!!”

“No, evil… ! It’s not… !”

The misunderstanding with Estelle was resolved only after I had a big bump on my head.

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