The Hidden World

Chapter 11 – Dreams

“That was very dramatic,” Sayuri remarked to Yuki cheerfully as they left the auditorium.

“I found it pretty interesting,” Leo replied. “The history of this place is pretty cool.”

Aaron and Tracy nodded in agreement while Yuki ignored them, absorbed in his thoughts as he slowly analysed the story that was just told to them.

‘It seems incomplete. Like some parts are missing,’ Yuki thought. ‘And some things don’t quite make sense.’

[Yup, I feel the same,] Akira said in Yuki’s head. [The first problem is that there shouldn’t have been any humans that were that strong.]

‘They also didn’t know the name of the kingdom. That seems very unlikely. They had everything else about Erik in almost complete detail,’ Yuki added. 'And the fact that they couldn't find a body also bothers me.'

[But there’s no point in dwelling over it right now,] Akira said. [My ancestors don’t know anything about this. Either that or I haven’t found the right information yet. I look into it more and get back to you about this or we can talk about more later. Right now you focus on getting to class.]

‘Alright,’ Yuki replied.

His next class was Elemental Training, a class that Yuki had high hopes for. Few subjects in school ever interested him, but this was something completely new that he had no idea as to what it was about other than the fact that it was related to using magic. Akira did promise to teach him but he wanted to see how humans used magic.

Elemental Training was on the fifth floor. The fifth floor was quite different from the last floors Yuki was on. It wasn’t one gigantic room but was a hallway that split into many different classrooms. It was a floor that actually resembled a normal school with signs sticking out above the doors that stated what class was taught in there and for which student year.

Yuki and the others entered a room with a sign that said Basic Elemental Training and in the room was no other than Moyasu who was smiling at the shocked expressions on their faces.

“Wasn’t expecting this, huh?” Moyasu asked playfully. “Did you want someone else?”

Aaron and the others started panicking and reassured him that they were fine and actually glad that he was the teacher and that they wouldn’t want anyone else and that he was the best. Yuki quietly went to one of the beanbags on the floor and waited for the class to begin.

“Alright, alright you guys,” Moyasu said getting slightly annoyed. “It was just a joke. Go take a seat and we’ll get started.”

The group quickly went to find a seat, Sayuri as always sitting next to Yuki. And there they sat with excitement and anticipation on their face as Moyasu observed them with a hint of amusement on his face.

“I know that this classed is title Elemental Training but we won’t be doing that just yet today. I just want to tell you guys that right now so calm yourselves down,” Moyasu told them.

“Today we will be discussing two topics, the first of which is the basics of mana control and the rules when using magic,” he announced. “These are important topics that you must master and understand before we start to train in elemental magic.”

He stood up and tapped the blackboard in the front of the room. The board lit up and, like with the projected screen in the Magic History class, began to type out what Moyasu said as well as displaying what it thought were helpful little diagrams.

“So let’s get started,” Moyasu said as he turned back to the five students in the room. “What exactly is magic?”

The question was displayed in large neon letters.

“First, I want you all to take any ideas or concepts of magic from your little fantasy novels and toss that shit into the garbage. Burn that garbage while your at it too. And if that still isn’t enough, go ahead and scatter the ashes into the ocean. Now that your head is clear we can continue.”

Moyasu said all of this with a completely straight face.

“Magic is by definition the use of mana to create miracles such as controlling the elements. Non-magical people say that magic is simply science that we don’t yet understand, I call that bullshit. Science is science, magic is magic. They are connected but you cannot call magic science or science magic. Science describes the natural processes in the world in terms of logic. Magic describes the world in terms of mana.

“In the world, mana is everywhere. It flows through every living thing that exists in this world and exists in everything you touch. Mana is energy. This energy is used to keep everything alive and intact and any extra mana is dispersed into the environment and whatever realm where mana exists. Elementalists are people that are able to store this excess mana within themselves and manipulate it to control the various elements. Some items can also store mana such as mana crystals and magni orbs but those are for another day.”

The blackboard displayed a GIF of a smiling man with arrows labeled mana flowing around inside of him.

“Back to elementalists. Every magician can store mana but the amount of mana that could be stored differs between each person. If someone can hold, let’s say the amount of a fish tank, then someone else can hold the amount of a swimming pool. The amount of mana is very important in how strong your magic can be. A large difference in mana can be somewhat offset by technique but usually pure power overwhelms.

“Those cultivation novels you’ve read? Bullshit. You cannot permanently increase your mana storage by absorbing outside power. Increase your capacity by leveling up? Also bullshit. Leveling happens when you increase your capacity, not the other way around. And the only way to increase your mana is to practice and train. There are ways to speed up the process but you must continually use mana and manipulate it for it to increase. In this way those Korea novels are on the right track.

“But you must know that you will hit a limit, a point where you can no longer increase your capacity. This is your natural limit and no matter how hard you try you will not be able to go pass it.”

Moyasu tapped the board again and it displayed a big number two.

“Now we get to the second topic of the day. The rules involving magic. There is only one rule that you should know and know well. One must know their limits. If you are unsure whether or not you can do something, it is wiser not to attempt it. If you continually drain your mana completely you run the risk of permanently damaging your body. Your mana capacity will shrink at best or you will fall into a coma at worst. If you use more mana then you have then you will shorten your lifespan or die a quick but extremely painful death,” Moyasu said.

“You,” he said pointing at Tracy. “What’s the one rule for magic?”

“Uh, know your limits?” she answered.

“Are you asking me?” Moyasu asked.

“Know your limits,” Tracy stated.

“Good,” he said. “I need all of you to remember this. It will save your lives.”

Moyasu went back to the blackboard and turned it off. Without turning around he began to give them instructions.

“When you return to your living quarters, I want you all to practice accessing you mana,” he told them. “I need you all to be able to do so at will. Once you can do that then we can start on the real training.”

He turned around and looked at his Compendium.

“It’s almost time for you to return to your living hall,” Moyasu announced. “Before you leave I have one a question I want to ask all of you.”

Yuki and the rest looked at him inquisitively.

“What is your dream? Your goal?” he asked. “If one wanders around aimlessly then they will go nowhere. So what drives you?”

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

When Yuki returned to the first floor, it was barely 12:00 p.m. according to the kitchen clock. He was by himself, the others had decided to go to the main hall to eat lunch. Today was a short day with a short schedule of only two classes. Yuki assumed that it was because today was the first day and that they didn’t want to slam them with work and information.

‘What are my goals?’ Yuki thought to himself. He was still thinking over Moyasu’s question and found it difficult to answer. Yuki did agree that one must have a goal in order to have something to push them but Yuki himself couldn’t think of one.

‘I’ll think it over later,’ he thought. ‘Let’s grab something to eat first.’

Yuki considered going to the mess hall but decided against it, not wanting to start a commotion. He went to the kitchen cabinets and looked for anything that was edible. In the back of one of the cupboards he found a package of instant noodles that he placed in a bowl, filled with water, and put into a silver microwave.

While he waited for his meal to finish, he reviewed over the information that was given to him today. The legend was being analysed by Akira and the information on magic made sense to Yuki. He decided to work on Moyasu’s assignment after his meal.

Beep Beep

The microwave announced that it was finished and Yuki took the bowl of steaming noodles out of it. He placed it on the coffee table, fished out a pair of chopsticks from a drawer, and began to eat slowly.

When he had finished, the clock told him that he took an hour to eat and that it was now 1:15 p.m. Yuki washed up the little dishes that he used and went back to his room.

The task that Moyasu had given them didn’t seem too difficult, but the way he had said it made Yuki worry. It seemed like locating one’s mana is supposed to be a hard task to do. The things was, Yuki could already feel the mana flowing within him.

On his bed, Yuki sat down on his knees and closed his eyes to focus. That warm sensation that moved throughout him. He wanted to understand it. He wanted to find its source and how it moved in him. And most importantly, he wanted to use it.

He kneeled there on the bed looking to the outside world as if he was sleeping. In his mind, he was tracing the movements of the mana inside of him. All the twists it made as it traveled up and down unknown paths carved into his body. These paths, Yuki realized, are set and never move. They were like a circuit within him that channeled the mana everywhere.

When he followed where the circuit lead, he found himself in an area in the center of his chest where the mana seemed to be coming from. Yuki mentally pushed this area, trying to discover its secrets. As he poked it, Yuki felt a light resistance that felt like the surface of a bubble. He pushed harder and harder until a slight hole was created and he was able to see what was with in.

Inside the bubble was a dense mass of mana that swirled violently. This was where his mana was stored, Yuki could feel it. On instinct Yuki called to this power and it slowed its uncontrolled spirals. The mana was his and recognized him as its master.

Excited, Yuki began to siphon energy from this ball and spread it out throughout his body using the circuit that he discovered. The mana complied and he could feel it as it rushed down the avenues in his body. It felt exhilarating.

But when Yuki tried to push the mana outside of himself, he ran into a wall. No matter how much he tried he was unable to do it. He ran the mana continuously as he tried to figure out a way to use it for magic. Yuki tried to imagine flames, hot scarlet flames, burning on his palm and flowed mana to it but to no avail.

Eventually he decided that he wouldn’t be able to do it without proper instruction. He severed the connection between his nearly depleted mana and his mind and returned to reality. Though it only felt like minutes, he was meditating for hours.

As he got up from his aching knees, Yuki found that he was surprisingly tired and hungry. Looking at his bracelet, he saw that the time was past seven. It was dinner time.

Yuki left his room and went to the elevator to go to the mess hall. Once he arrived he went to the left side of the hall where the kitchens were located and took one of the prepackaged containers of cooked food. He ignored the stares and whispers of people as he walked past them to return to the elevator.

From the corner of his eye he noticed the waving hand of someone and turned to see Sayuri sitting with Aaron, Tracey, and Leo eating dinner. Apparently she wanted Yuki to come and join them.

Yuki waved back but shook his head.

‘I’m too tired right now,’ he thought. ‘And I don't want to deal with people talking about me.’

He went back to his room and ate before returning to his room. It was 8:00 p.m.

‘I should find the gym later,’ Yuki thought to himself sleepily. ‘I’m going to get fat.’

Then he remembered the question Moyasu asked him earlier in the day.

‘Dreams, huh?’ he thought.

What did he want? Yuki wasn’t sure himself. He never had anything and so never knew what it was like to want something. But there was something he did wish for. Something he had before a long time ago.

‘I want a family,’ he realized. ‘I want people that support me. People who can love me and who I love in return.’

Then the suffocating embrace of sleep welcomed him.


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