The Hidden World

Chapter 114 – Profile

“Yuki, Yuna has left,” Uriel announced cheerfully.

“Uriel,” Yuki started but was cut off by a slashing sword. He grunted and shoved back the attacking golem. “Can you give me a few seconds?” 

“Sure. I’ll be counting.”

Yuki didn’t bother replying as he smashed his palm into the face of the golem as he grabbed its wrist. The head of the golem crumpled inward and the arm Yuki was holding popped off as the golem was blasted backwards.

“How’s the golem coming along?” Uriel asked. Yuki glanced over at the hovering ball of gold particles next to him. “You’ve been working on it for a while.”

“He’s coming along well,” Yuki replied. “He’s actually finished. I was just testing his capabilities right now.”

“You named it Fred, right?”


“What are you using Fred for? You never told me.”

“Well, for now I plan to use him for training purposes,” Yuki explained. He pulled up the body of Fred as it struggled to push itself back up with one arm. “He’s a good training partner if you want to practice one on one combat. I’ll need to upgrade his combat capabilities in the future.”

Yuki reattached Fred’s arm and Fred gave him a salute in thanks. Then the golem pointed at his face which was caved in from Yuki’s palm.

“Yeah, yeah. I’ll fix it, don’t worry,” Yuki said to Fred. “And Uriel. Another function for Fred will be as a guard. But I’ll be making many more Freds for that job once I’m satisfied with this Fred.”

“They’re not all going to be called Fred though, right?”

“Of course not.”

Placing his hand on the golem’s head, Yuki infused mana into the metal and pushed it back out. Once the head was once more a head, he removed his hand and checked his handy work.

“All better now,” he said. Fred gave him a thumbs up and stood at attention. “Uriel, you said Yuna had just left?”

“Yup,” she replied. “She left about five minutes ago. She should be back in Junction in a few minutes.”

“Good to know. Anything else?”

“Yup,” Uriel said again. “I finished analyzing the dna sample from Yuna. I have the results if you want them.”

“Tell me.”

“Her dna matches nothing I could find within my database,” she reported. “My database includes almost every single piece of information the government and various research centers have. I couldn’t get a single match.”

“Wait. I never thought I would have to say this to you but I need clarification,” Yuki said. “You couldn’t find a match as in she doesn’t exist or her dna doesn’t match?”

“Her dna has no recognizable pattern. Yuna exists in the government database,” Uriel said.

“So she is neither one of the three common races on Ethros.”

“That’s right.”

“What do you suspect her to be?”

“A demon, possibly, but it’s not certain,” Uriel answered. “I don’t have enough information to make that decision. She could be a completely different race that is unknown to the world. And even if she is a demon, I won’t know what kind.”

“So she’s like me.”


When Yuki first got his hands on a DNA analyzer, he had tested it by putting his own blood in it. This was partly to see if it worked and partly because he decided that it was a great opportunity for himself to discover more about his background. At least, that’s what he thought until the results came back as inconclusive. 

“This isn’t very important right now anyway so let’s ignore it for now,” Yuki said. He snapped his fingers and holographic screens blinked into life in front of him. “Fred, go into standby mode. Uriel, let’s build Yuna’s profile.”

Fred saluted again and went to the corner of the room where he crouched and stood still. Yuki started to type on the screens hovering in front of him as Uriel sent him pages of information pertaining to Yuna. Most of the information he had already gone over but he scanned through them to make sure he hadn’t missed anything crucial.

“Member profile: Yuna,” he said out loud as he typed. “Surname is unknown. Age 16. Female. Parents are unknown at the time as she is an orphan. Current guardian is unknown. It is possible that she is living by herself. Uriel, bring up her body scan.”

“Here you go.”

A holographic model of Yuna was projected. It was life sized and accurately modeled the general shape of Yuna. Erica had conducted a scan when Yuna was unconscious on the hovercraft.

“Height: 5 feet 9 inches. Weight: Estimated to be from 130 pounds to 132 pounds,” Yuki continued. “Well defined body structure. Muscle density suggests that she has been training from a young age.”

Yuki reached out with his left hand and moved a screen to his front. He tapped on a file and a report was displayed.

“Mana analysis report,” he said. “Moderate to high mana production. High mana capacity. Water attribute though it seems that there are hints of another alignment that seems to have been missed. Or maybe it has only started to grow. Swordsman class. Estimated rank to be Rank B third star. Combat capabilities are unknown at this point due to lack of information. Now onto the dna.”

Uriel pulled up the results from the dna analysis and Yuki took a few minutes to read through it.

“Uriel, take my notes for me,” he said, still reading the report.

“On it.”

“Dna sample of subject named Yuna was analysed,” Yuki said. The words he said were transcribed onto a screen next him. “The report came back and her results were unidentifiable. There is no record of a species that matches her genetic profile. Because of this, there is no way for us to determine her history or family. Further investigation will be conducted if our database ever increases.”

He closed the screen of the report and tossed it to the side. Then he brought up a new screen and began typing.

“New section in the notes,” he said to Uriel as he typed. “Looking into Yuna’s existing profiles, I see that she is registered as age eighteen in government databases. This would how she was able to enter age restricted buildings. Comparing this to her profile within the Academy, we see that there are inconsistencies. The main inconsistency is her age. She is registered as a minor within the Academy’s records. This suggests that there has been tampering with her information done in order for her to enter age restricted establishments. End notes.”

The screen beside him disappeared and he grabbed all of the screens he had opened before. Pressing them together, he created a file that he stored away for later reference.

“Uriel, what’s your take on this?” he asked.

“You know I don’t have enough information to form an opinion on this,” she replied. “Unless you want me to do random guessing? I can always do that.”

“Why not.”

“Yuna is a goddess from a distant universe that has invaded this world so she can experience the taste of fried chicken for the first time but screwed up her fake profile.”

“What kind of universe would that be?”

“I don’t know,” Uriel replied cheerfully. “Probably one with no fried chicken.”

“Thank you for that lovely hypothesis,” he said. “On a more serious note, the fact that she has two official profiles with conflicting data suggests that someone tampered with it. The one that was tampered is probably the government one given how worried she was about entering a bar. Now I just need to figure out who it was that did the tampering.”

“By ‘I’, you really mean me right?” she interrupted. 

“Of course. You’ll investigate who did the manipulating and report back later with what you found,” Yuki nodded. “They had to have done it digitally so that gives you something to trace back.”

“It might not be easy,” Uriel warned.

“That doesn’t change what you have to do. I don’t mind if it takes you a couple of weeks. I just want you to do it.”

“Alright then. I’ll get right to it.”

She disappeared and left Yuki alone in the training room. He walked to Fred who was still crouching in his corner and started to do a quick check over him as he thought to himself.

‘Yuna has connections. That much I already know. That’s the only way she would know about this guild. The question is who these connections are. Her profile manipulation may just be the result of her paying off someone to help her. But it’s better to know these things than to leave them to fate. Anyway, Fred seems to be coming along just nicely.’

Fred was merely an upgraded form of the golems Sophie had created. He was powerful yet surprisingly agile for something his size. Though it weighed almost five hundred pounds, it could sprint at impressive speeds. 

‘The only thing lacking is magic. If Fred could utilize spells, then it would be perfect. Maybe my librarian can help with this.’

Yuki closed his eyes and pictured the massive archive of information that was his skill Ancestral Knowledge. He felt a slight tug as his mind was warped into his own personal library. Opening his eyes, he saw his librarian sitting on a chair with her feet on a table as she read a book she held in her hand.

“Oh, Yuki,” she smiled. “You’re back. Need help with something or just looking around?”

“I need some advice actually,” he replied. “Can you help me with that, Sophie?”


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