The Hidden World

Chapter 116 – Notification

“‘You will receive a notification that a mission is being assigned to you’,” Yuna repeated out loud as she closed the door to her dorm room. 

She had just returned from a training session in the Combat Hall. Normally, she would go during the night when there was less people because she discovered that people tend to stare at her when she trained. But because of her new mission and her recent admission into the Valkyries, Yuna didn’t know when she would have free time to train and so decided to do it while she did have the time.

“I don’t know how the Valkyries are going to send me a notification though,” she said, still thinking out loud. “It’s not like they have my contact information.”

‘They never even asked for my information.’

When she thought back to the entire application process, she couldn’t recall a time where she even filled out anything. There was an interview and an orientation immediately following that. Then she ate at the mess hall in the guild and returned to Junction.

‘Wait. I was unconscious for a bit of time before I woke up on the plane. That violet eyed woman made me sleep somehow.’

It was possible that they searched during this time and that was how they obtained her contact information. Then they would have no reason to ask her directly and could message her at anytime. 

‘That would make sense. I’m still wondering how that violet eyed woman put me to sleep. I didn’t notice any spells,’ Yuna thought. She walked to her closet and grabbed a t-shirt that hung on a hanger. Then something struck her. ‘Violet eyes. No elf has violet eyes. Unless they altered their appearance, but it’s not natural. And her eyes almost glowed.’

She placed her shirt on her bed and opened up a browser screen on her watch. Typing in the search bar “violet eyes” she received multiple hits for contact lenses and iris alteration services. 

‘That’s not what I want.’

She changed her search term to “species with violet eyes” and was given numerous pictures of various monsters and had violet colored eyes. These were mainly from posts on hunter forums with someone bragging about a recent kill. 

‘That’s not it either.’

Yuna thought for a bit and recalled the man that interviewed her. He introduced himself as Tiar and his eyes were peculiar as well. They were a much brighter blue than that of any elf Yuna had scene. She revised her search to “elf like species with multicolored eyes”. The results were considerably less than the last two terms gave her but they seemed much more promising.

‘A lot of these are just conspiracy theories though. Some speculations of new monsters that are bipedal. I don’t think that lady was a monster.’

Scrolling some more, a result caught her attention. The link read “Demons and How to Recognise Them” and led to another forum that seemed to be a conspiracy platform. Snooping around the website, Yuna realised that this forum was dedicated to the theory that demons were infiltrating cities and were preparing for an attack. 

‘That’s illogical. Why would demons want to attack us when we defeated them the last time we fought?’

She almost exited out of the forum but changed her mind and decided to read the actual post. The poster wrote that demons could be difficult to distinguish from elves and beastkin due to their ability to alter their appearances to fit in. However, there was one thing that stood about them and that was their eyes. Demon eyes are a variety of shades and colors that were “unnatural”.

‘Unnatural is a strong word to use. I think they’re more unusual than anything. They’re actually quite beautiful.’

Yuna exited the page and did more researched. She searched up information on demons and their eyes and received pictures of snarling dragons with shining gold eyes and horned devils with their smoldering scarlet irises. There was no pictures of a beautiful woman and a friendly man.

‘But if they can change their appearances than the possibility that they might be demons isn’t low. Though, I don’t understand why they wouldn’t also change their eyes. That doesn’t make any sense.’

Even so, this was the only possibility Yuna could find. Either those people were demons or they used magic to make their eyes colorful because they enjoyed it.

‘Maybe I can ask later. Once I somehow get a notification from the Valkyries.’

As if on cue, her watched vibrated and an email appeared on her screen. The sender was unknown and the email had no subject.

“Tonight. 19:00 at the Hideout. Your mission has been determined and will be assigned. Don’t be late. c:”

Yuna stared at the email for a while, specifically at the smiley face at the end.

‘Well, now I know they have my contact information.’

The email then promptly disappeared and deleted itself from her inbox.

[I sent Yuna a notification,] Akira said to Yuki. [She’ll be coming by around 19:00 to receive her mission.]

‘Thank you,’ Yuki replied, sitting on a bench. It was late in the afternoon in the city of Vii, a small but posh city a few miles away from Junction. ‘Uriel will be briefing her, right?’

[Of course. That’s her job. Where are you again? Uriel said that you accepted a commission.]

‘I’m in Vii right now,’ Yuki said. ‘I should be done within the hour. I’m just waiting for someone to arrive.’

[The patron?]

‘No, they already paid last night. I’m waiting for someone so my plan can work.’

[I see,] Akira said. She fell quiet for a few moments. [Why did you accept this commission? I looked into the request and it seems like the person just wanted to settle a poker debt.]

‘Yeah. I was going to reject the request initially. But I looked into the background of the target and realised that it was a perfect opportunity.’


‘The target works for Mason Inc.,’ Yuki explained. He scanned the crowd and checked his watch. ‘He works as a manager for the corporate branch in Fenrir. The same place Tiar is currently stationed.’


‘Going by the hierarchy in that branch, Tiar is just a tier under that of a manager. That means that if the position of manager would suddenly be unoccupied, then Tiar would be the next in line to assume that position.’

[And by carrying out this commission, that position will be vacated,] Akira finished.


[You already have a plan set up, right?]

‘Of course. Speaking of which, part of my plan just walked into view right now,’ Yuki said as he spied an elf woman in a suit walking briskly down the street. She was carrying a suitcase and wore glasses. ‘I’ll contact you later once I’ve finished up here.’

[Alright. See you later.]

With that, Akira disconnected and Yuki stood from the bench he was sitting on for a good thirty minutes. The woman walked right past him as he stretched his back, keeping his eye on her. She was mumbling to herself about lines at the transporter station. 

“Erica, it’s time to get to work,” he said into the communicator in his ear. 

“On it,” she replied. 

Yuki saw her walk out of the crowded main street of Vii, a blue cap on her head with her black hair in a ponytail sticking out of it. Though there were dozens of people in the crowd, Erica stood out like a star in the night sky. It came to the point where Yuki encouraged her to completely disguised how she looked when she was out in public because of the unintended attention she drew. 

‘Nothing stands out more than a beautiful well dressed woman.’

Today, she changed her appearance to that of a middle aged elf male as she walked out of the alleyway she had entered. This was by recommendation from Yuki who wanted Erica to look as different as she possibly could from her original appearance. She approached the woman that had hurried past Yuki and placed her hand on the woman’s shoulder. They started to talk with each other as Erica led the woman into an alleyway. 

Yuki followed them a few seconds later. When he walked into the alleyway, he found the woman unconscious and Erica’s disguise gone.

“Good luck,” Erica said to him. “I put up a little barrier so people are ignoring us right now. It’ll last for a few more minutes.”

“Thank you,” Yuki replied, kneeling down next to the unconscious woman. 

He searched the woman and took her identification card as well as her briefcase. Then with a snap, he took out a woman’s suit from his ring and quickly got dressed. 

“Can you change that for me?” he asked as he handed Erica the id card. 

“Sure, no problem,” she smiled. She waved her hand over the card and the picture changed to fit that of Yuki’s profile. “You’re pretty bold to change out in public.”

“It’s not a problem when you know no one is looking,” Yuki said. Pocketing the card, he looked down at the still unconscious woman. “Watch her for a bit. I’ll be back in about ten to twenty minutes.”

Erica nodded and readjusted her cap, taking it off and straightening her hair before putting it back on. Yuki picked up the briefcase and started off. 

“Oh, also,” Yuki said as he turned around to face Erica again. “That cap with that ponytail really suits you. You look very cute.”

Yuki turned around as Erica’s face grew pink and she stuttered trying to reply. He walked out of the alleyway and glanced around before heading down in the direction the woman was. Glancing at the location he marked on his watch, he walked a few minutes until he reached a metal gate flanked two guards. They wore black and had a gun holstered on their waist.

“Is this the residence of Carlo Rache?” Yuki asked, his voice cheerful and bright. 

“It is indeed, ma’am,” one of the guards smiled. “Do you have business with Mr. Rache?”

“I do. I’m the gemologist that he requested an appointment with,” Yuki replied.

The other guard scrolled through a glass tablet that he procured out of his pocket and unfolded. With a few taps, he peered intently at whatever was on the screen and nodded.

“May I have your ID, ma’am?” the original guard asked.

“Of course.”

Yuki handed them the ID that he had taken from the woman and waited as the other guard scanned the card with his tablet. The first guard gave Yuki back the card with a grin.

“You’re free to enter, Mrs. Gillian,” he said as the gate behind him opened up.

Yuki nodded and strolled into the property. Walking up to the door of the building in front of him, he knocked and waited. A butler opened the door and gestured to let him in. 

“Mr. Rache is waiting for you in the family room,” the butler said pleasantly. 

“Thank you,” Yuki replied.

Making a few assumptions, Yuki walked into the largest room he could find. In it was a large sofa and a table where a man in a suit was waiting. The man stood up from his seat and gave Yuki a wide smile.

“Welcome, Mrs. Gillian,” he greeted, reaching out with his hand for a shake. “I’m so glad you could make it today.”

“So am I,” Yuki replied. Yuki took Rache’s hand and gave it a firm shake. “Shall we start?”

“Of course,” Carlo said, sitting back down. “You know why I called you here, correct?”

“It was in the request. An evaluation. Do you have the jewel with you right now?”

“No. It’s in a safe quite a ways from here. For security purposes. I’m sure you understand.”

“I do. Do you have at least a picture?” Yuki asked. Carlo yawned and blinked for a few seconds. 

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” he said. “I’m starting to feel a tad sleepy.”

“A picture of the jewel,” Yuki repeated. “Do you have one for me to inspect? I would like to do this as efficiently as possible. You did ask for a speedy evaluation.”

“Ah, yes. I did. I did.” Carlo rubbed his eyes for a bit. “My wives will be returning from their work soon and I don’t want to bog them down with business.”

“I understand. Though I must say that you look very tired, Mr. Rache.”

“I do feel tired,” he yawned. “It’s odd. The sun hasn’t even set yet.”

“I can return another day,” Yuki offered. “Tomorrow would be fine. You’re wives will be returning soon. How many are you married to?”

“I have two wonderful wives,” Carlo said proudly. “But, I think you’re right. When can you return tomorrow?”

“Anytime. My schedule is quite open tomorrow.”

“Then the same time as today. I apologise for taking your time, Mrs. Gillian,” he said. He tried to stand up but Yuki waved at him to stay seated.

“No need to get up, Mr. Rache,” Yuki said. “I can lead myself outside. Just get some rest and hopefully our next meeting won’t be interrupted by nature's call.”

“Of course, of course. Goodbye, Mrs. Gillian,” Carlo waved. 

Yuki nodded and headed out of the house. Along the way, he past the butler.

“Leaving already, ma’am?” the butler asked.

“I’ll be back soon,” Yuki said. “You might want to watch Mr. Rache. He seems very tired today and I don’t believe a couch would be very comfortable.”

“Thank you for the advice, ma’am,” the butler bowed. “I do hope you have a fine evening.”

“You too.”

The butler opened the front door for Yuki and Yuki strolled out. When he reached the front gate, the guards turned around and smiled at him.

“You’re done?” the first guard asked.

“No, of course not,” Yuki shook his head. Infusing mana into his voice, he spoke again. His words came out soothing and soft. “It’ll take a bit longer for me to finish my job. I came out to tell you that Mr. Rache wants you to talk to you both. I don’t know why.”

“Then let’s find out why,” the guard announced cheerfully. He gestured to the guard next to him. “Come along, Jerry.”

The guards heading to the house and Yuki followed them closely behind. They opened the door and walked in while Yuki quietly shut the door.

“Mr. Rache is in the family room,” Yuki said, flicking his wrists. “This will only take a moment.”

“Erica, where are you?” Yuki asked. He was talking into his earpiece. “I need to return the things I borrowed.”

“I didn’t move,” she replied. “Are you done?”

“Yes,” he said, wiping his blades onto a towel. He tossed the crimson towels into the sink and left the house. “I’ll be there soon.”


Yuki changed the contact and connected the earpiece to Uriel.

“Uriel. I need you to help clean up here,” he said.

“The video tapes?” she asked. “You want me to edit them or delete them?”

“Whatever you want. I trust that you can judge which is better. Make sure that you grab every security camera starting from the main street of Vii to the ones in the house.”

“Got it, boss. Also. I’m going to be assigning Yuna her mission,” Uriel started. “Is there anything specific you want me to tell her or what?”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking.”

“Just tell her what you think is appropriate to tell her,” Yuki shrugged. “Nothing sensitive like the guild’s leadership and our plans.”

“Alrighty then.”

“I’ll be back soon.”

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