The Hidden World

Chapter 144 – Suffocating

They decided on a small restaurant that was near the center of Junction, next to the shopping district. The place was cramped and noisy as customers chatted and ate. The three of them took a corner seat next to the windows where they had a wide view of the street with its zooming vehicles and strolling pedestrians.

Akira and Erica ordered food while Yuki glanced around the room. His eyes flickered from one person to another as he watched their movements and read the conversations on their lips.

“Did you hear about what happened to…,” mouthed one lady to another sitting across from her.

“Ahhh, I have so much work to do today,” another person complained.

“This sandwich is really good, you should try some!” a man said, nudging the person sitting next to him.

“I don’t know how to say this, but…,” another one said.

Yuki turned his head a little to the side and watched the people walking by. They took no notice of him, a face in a crowded room. They were in their own world with their own problems.

“I’ll be there soon, don’t worry,” one said into their communicator.

“I’m going to be late,” another muttered.

“Mama! Let’s get ice cream,” a small boy said, pulling at his mother’s dress.

“Yuki?” a voice asked, cutting through the noise.

He blinked and returned his attention to the two girls sitting across from him. Akira had a slight frown on her face while Erica looked more curious than anything.

“Yes?” he replied.

“Is something wrong?” Akira said.

He glanced about the room again before replying.

“No. Everything is fine,” he said.

“I see.”

A waiter came out and interrupted their conversation with plates of food. The aroma from the dishes attracted Akira’s attention and she immediately started to eat. Yuki ate as well, although at a much slower pace.

‘Was something wrong?’ Yuki thought as he took a small bite of his sandwich. 

He wasn’t so sure himself. His mind had automatically started to wander as he was looking around the room. He wasn’t thinking of anything in particular. Or looking for anything in particular.

‘No. I had to be looking for something,’ he shook his head. ‘I feel like I was. I just don’t remember what.’

A loud crash rang out from behind him and his head snapped over toward it, his body halfway out of his seat. Then he saw that a plate had fallen to the ground. A child had accidentally knocked it over. 

“Yuki? Did you see something?” Erica asked, her voice low.

“Mmm? No, just a child,” he replied. He looked down and found his hand gripping a dagger. “Nothing to be worried about.”

He sat back down and slid his dagger back into its sheath. Letting out a breath, he picked back up his sandwich and calmed his heart which was beating faster than he realised.

‘I know what I was looking for,’ he thought. ‘I’m a bit on edge today. I need to relax a bit.’

He finished his meal and sat back as he watched Akira and Erica eat theirs. Taking deep breaths, he tried to focus his mind and calm it. But whatever it did, it still raced. It still tried to keep track of everything that was happening in the space around him. Every conversation, every movement, everything.

“I’m going outside for a bit,” Yuki said to the two across from him. “I’m feeling a bit stuffy in here.”

“There’s air conditioning but all right,” Erica shrugged. “I’m waiting for my cake.”

Yuki stood up and stepped out of the restaurant, taking in the fresh night air. He took a seat at a bench off to the side of the restaurant and stared at the starry sky above him. His fingers tapped the metal of the bench as he thought quietly to himself.

‘Why? Why do I feel so worried?’

The outside was quieter. The cars that went by barely made a sound as they hovered. The people were in a rush and had no time for conversations. Yuki’s body slowly began to release tension as his mind began to settle.

‘There’s nothing to be worried about,’ he said to himself. ‘There’s no enemies here. Relax.’

He stayed outside, staring at the sky as his fingers continued their tapping, an imaginary melody flowing out from them. He heard the sound of the door from the restaurant open and his eyes flickered to his side unbidden.

“Yuki, we’re done,” Akira said, walking towards him. “Are you sure everything is fine?”

“I was just a little stressed,” Yuki replied. He pushed himself up from the bench. “Nothing major.”

“Stressed? Why?”

“Just my mind I believe. Too many people. Too many worries.”

“Oh, you were scared that there was an enemy hiding somewhere?” Erica asked.

“I don’t know. I think,” Yuki said, rubbing his face. “It’s probably because the Shikaku has an idea of who I am now so I have to be more careful.”

“If you’re not feeling well, we can go back home,” Akira offered. “I don’t want to push you. You need to take care of yourself.”

“No, it’s fine,” Yuki shook his head. “It was just a small moment. Just some residual effects from that fight. I’ll be fine. I should be fine.”

“Are you sure?” 


“Okay then.” There was a small silence as the three stared at each other. 

“Then, let’s go?” Erica asked.

“Yes, let’s,” Yuki replied.

The three went about the city as they went from store to store trying to find Akira a class crystal. They went slower than Yuki normally would have gone, Erica and Akira intentionally slowing down the pace as their faces expressed worry. Yuki reassured them multiple times but they still weren’t convinced.

Yuki, himself, wasn’t so convinced either. Though he did feel better, his mind still had a certain edge on it. Any sudden small motions caused his eyes to flicker towards it. Any loud sounds caused his hands to flinch.

‘I need to find a way to calm down.’

But other than that, the day was enjoyable. Yuki, Akira, and Erica wandered about the city, their shopping trip changing into a sightseeing one. Yuki bought ice cream for himself and Akira to stop her from staring at Erica’s packaged cake. They visited a clothing store that they found during their search and they bought a few things from there. 

They spent a few hours just walking around, window shopping, until Akira tugged on Yuki’s sleeve and pointed at a certain display. It was a gem necklace that was small and elegant. The silver chain the centerpiece of the necklace hung on shimmered ever so slightly.

“That’s a class crystal,” Akira said in a hushed whisper. “A unique one I think.”

“Why is it inside a jewelry store?” Yuki said. 

“Maybe they don’t have an appraiser that’s of an earth attribute,” she replied, her eyes glued onto the necklace. “But it can’t deceive me.”

Her eyes glittered as she stared at the necklace.

“How much do we have?” she asked.

“I don’t mind the price that much if it benefits us all,” Yuki shrugged. “You getting a class will pay for whatever the cost is.”

“Then,” she said, hesitating a bit. “Can I get this crystal?”

“It’s your money. If you want it, go ahead. If you don't have enough, just tell me.”

“Thank you,” she smiled.

They walked into the jewelry store and Akira called over the store manager and they began to talk about the necklace that was on display. Erica wander off and began to admire the various pieces on sale around the store. Yuki looked around as well, noting the designs and the materials used. 

‘I should try to make more wearable items,’ he thought. 

He looked at his ring, the small bright red ruby gem glittering on it. It was the first and only wearable item he had created. Every other creation he had made was a weapon in some way.

‘I can’t spend any money in here though.’ He looked at a pair of earrings. ‘Well, I shouldn’t spend money here. I don’t know how much Akira’s crystal is going to cost. And I need to look over the guild budget again to make sure everything is fine for now.’

He caught a small wave from the corner of his eye and saw Akira calling him over. He walked over and the salesman behind the counter gave him a beaming smile.

“A girls’ night out?” the man asked. 

“Maybe,” Yuki replied. 

“Well, jewelry is a wonderful gift,” the salesman said. “And this young lady has made an excellent choice. She has great taste.”

“How much is it?” Yuki asked.

“A silver.” Akira said. “I bargained it down about twenty bronze coins. He won’t go any lower, understandably.”

“Can I see it?” 

“Sure you can,” the salesman said. “Just don’t run off with it now.”

He handed the necklace to Yuki and Yuki looked at it with a critical eye. The chain was made of fine silver loops that interconnected. The silver seemed pure from what he could feel. The centerpiece of the necklace, the jewel, sparkled as Yuki held about at angles.

‘A silver for this. The design is quite nice and it wasn’t very easy to make. The materials seem somewhat expensive. And if the class crystal really has a unique class, then the price would have skyrocketed if it was known.’

“A good price,” Yuki said out loud. “But it’s not my decision to make whether or not to buy it. Go ahead, Akira. Do what you want.”

“I’ll take it then,” Akira smiled. 

“Wonderful!” the salesman said, clapping his hands together.

Akira handed the man a silver coin and he packaged the necklace neatly inside a felt case. Then with a smile, he handed over a bag with the case in it.

“Will that be all?” he asked.

“I think,” Akira replied. She turned to look at Yuki who was browsing the store again. “Is there anything you want to get, Yuki?”

“Hmm?” he said, taking his eyes off of one display. “Oh, no. I’m good. Erica?”

“I’m fine~” she called out. “I like looking at sparkly things but I don’t really like wearing them.”

“Then that’ll be all,” Akira said to the salesman.

“I see. Then have a wonderful evening,” the man said, bowing his head a bit. “And have fun with your girls’ night out.”

“Will do,” Erica replied as she walked out of the store, opening the door. Yuki and Akira followed her.

When the door opened, the noise of the city came crashing down onto Yuki. He felt his mind sharpen and his eyes narrowed as it flickered about the place. He took in a deep breath.

‘There’s nothing here, Yuki. Stop being so anxious.’

“Let’s go home,” he said, his voice tight.

“Mmm?” Akira said before her mouth formed an o as she saw Yuki’s expression. “Are you okay?”

“Let’s go back.”

“Okay,” Akira nodded slowly, frowning. “Let’s go back.”

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