The Hidden World

Chapter 150 – Next

The rest of their breakfast, the three of them ate in relative silence. Yuki focused on his plate, not looking up as he ate. Though he said that he would trust them more, he didn’t quite know what that entailed. Trust was something more than just telling people the complete truth. It was more than just the willingness to sacrifice one’s self.

‘I guess I’ll find out what that more is in the future,’ he thought.

As they were nearing the end of their breakfast, Erica cleared her throat. Yuki glanced at her with a curious expression.

“Um. When I was talking with Vii last night, she asked me an interesting question,” she said. 

“And that is?”

“She wanted to know if anything big was going to happen or was being planned. From what she told me, everyone has been doing reconnaissance for the last couple of months?”

“That’s correct.”

“Why?” Erica asked, tilting her head. “Are you trying to find something in particular?”

“I’m not. I simply gave the order for the reconnaissance to happen,” Yuki shrugged. “Uriel, on the other hand, may have found something interesting in that time. I haven’t had the time to ask her recently.”

“Oh. I think she did. Vii said that Uriel was giving out more specific instructions.”

“What kind of instructions?” Akira asked.

“She doesn’t know. She told me that she never received them herself since she’s in a job that doesn’t really deal with information. She’s just part of security.”

“I really need to catch up with the details of what’s going on,” Yuki sighed. “Being out for a week made me really behind in the information.”

“You shouldn’t stress about those things right now,” Erica said hurriedly. “You’ll have time later, no?”


She blinked. “You won’t?” 

“Why?” Akira asked. “Pushing yourself isn’t good Yuki. And after yesterday, I’m sure you know what can happen when you do.”

“I know. But if Uriel did find something, then I need to know as soon as possible. I am the leader of the guild.”

“The health of the leader is more important than your plans,” Akira said. “A leader that is impaired isn’t a leader. You need to take care of your health more.”

“Akira, I know. What happened yesterday was unexpected but it wasn’t something new,” Yuki said softly. “I’ve experienced it before. I know how to deal with it. But in order to do that, I need to trust that you both have my back. I don’t know how to do that, but I’ll try. However, information isn’t going to trigger anxiety. It shouldn’t. I was like that yesterday because of the people around me.”

“We don’t know if it’ll get worse.”

“It shouldn’t. It’s nothing like it was before. And even before, I could still do work. Just to be safe though, you both should come with me to watch. If I start to show signs, then tell me.”

“I can do that,” Erica said.

“Okay,” Akira nodded, accepting the compromise.

“Plus, with two more people, we can get through more things quicker,” Yuki added.

“That’s what you really wanted, huh,” Akira sighed.

“No. I wanted both equally.”

“I’ll take your word for it,” she smiled.

“Anyway, do you two have any other questions you wanted to ask me?” he said. “I’ll answer them the best I can.”

“My initial question,” Akira said. “You haven’t answered it.”

“Why I’m busy?”

“Yes. You said that you didn’t have time to rest. Why? Besides the information and asking Uriel about the last week or so, what else are you planning to do?”

“I think I joined the annual Academy tournament,” Yuki replied nonchalantly.

“You what?”

“Think I joined the Academy tournament,” he repeated.

“What do you mean think?” Akira asked.

“Yuna asked me if I wanted to team up with her for the tournament and I replied yes,” Yuki explained. “So, I think I joined. That depends on whether or not Yuna registered yet.”

“So that’s what you meant when you said you thought.”


“Why did you join?” Erica asked. Yuki glanced at her, telling her to continue. “The tournament shouldn’t really benefit you, right?”

“Well, it can be good practice for skills or techniques that I want to master or test out,” he shrugged.

“But you can do that with us, no?”

“Yes, I can. There are a few more reasons why I decided to join,” Yuki went on. “The first was that Mabel made it a requirement for me to join. She said that it was going to function as my final.”

“She can do that?” Akira said, frowning.

“It would seem so. I wouldn’t surprise me if the instructors have a loose rein. So that’s the first reason why I joined the tournament. The second reason is the prize.”

“What is it?” Erica asked. “Something fancy? Like a gem like last time?”

“No, it’s a position. Or really, more of an entry for a chance at a position,” he said. “L-taf is recruiting it seems. The winning team of the tournament will be given spots in their training camp.”

“You want to join the L-taf?” 

“No. In fact, if it wasn’t required of me to enter the tournament, I probably would have let someone else take it. It’s more trouble than it’s worth. First, I’ll need to win the tournament which isn’t the hardest part but then I’ll either need to join the training camp which would take up large amounts of my time or pass it on to someone else which would only create questions.”

“So, because you’re required, you might as well go for the prize,” Akira finished.

“Basically. A position in L-taf is one that includes a lot of power and authority. You gain respect almost immediately just from the name. Because I had to participate in the tournament, I wanted to take advantage of this opportunity. I was going to ask Yuna if she wanted to team with me but she did it first so that worked out.”

“Wait. So are you going to accept the training camp position?” Akira asked.

“No. Like I said, I don’t have time for that. I’ll need to find someone that either works for me or I know will be an ally in the future. Then I’ll give them the position. No one would refuse such a thing if I create the right excuse.”

“I see. I take it that preparation for the tournament will cut into your time?” she said.

“Yes,” Yuki nodded. “I needed to create new techniques and polish my skills in the first place so it’s a win win. We need to organize training regimens, remember?”

“Ah, yes. We were planning to do that.”

“You might need to wait a bit before you organize those,” Erica interjected with a small smile. “I’m not quite adjusted yet. Probably tomorrow, I’ll be in perfect shape.”

“Mmm. Your change. We’ll be sharing profiles with each other so I’ll at least have an idea of your capabilities,” Yuki said. “But it can wait a day.”

“Great,” she said. “And, ah, if it’s not too much trouble, I’ll be heading out later today to buy clothes. Because, you know.”

Yuki took in her ill fitting clothing that looked as if it was going to burst at anytime. Especially around her chest area.

“How much exactly did your oath change you?” he asked. “You’ve grown at least a few sizes.”

She looked down and patted her breast with a thoughtful expression on her face.

“It kept my general form but toned down a lot of the attributes I had of a succubus. That includes my body,” she said. “My other parts like my aura and stuff was also toned down but now they’re back in full power. I have a dampening bracelet, though.”

She lifted her right arm, displaying a gold chain band.

“It’ll suppress my aura and some of the other attributes of a succubus.”

“Other attributes,” Yuki repeated. “Mind telling me what those attributes are?”

“Succubus attributes.”

“Yes, I know that. You’re not going to say are you?” he said.

“I'd rather not,” Erica said with an awkward smile.

“I can guess, though. If my not so good knowledge of succubi is sufficient for guesses.”

“I can tell you. Eventually. There’s really no need for me to say what those things are now. You’ll find out sooner or later. They’ll show up no matter how much I try.”

“I’ll wait then. Let’s go talk to Uriel now, why don’t we?” he said, standing up. He gestured to their empty containers. “Want me to throw those away for you?”

“Sure,” Erica said, handing him her’s. 

“I can do it,” Akira replied. She stood up and walked with him to the trash can. “Are we going to the base?”

“Of course. It’s the perfect place for analysing data. I don’t have a room here to do that and the one in the bar isn’t big enough or equipped enough.”

He tossed his trash and told them that he’ll change his clothes really quick before they go. Erica was already dressed and Akira went with him to their room to grab an outfit. They changed, Akira heading to the bathroom to do it, and then left the house. A short walk and they arrived at the park where Yuki looked for a bit before finding the hidden transporter to the guild base.

‘No one’s used this since the last time I used it,’ he thought as he looked through the records. ‘Good.’

The three of them stepped onto three separate plates and were promptly sent to the guild hideout. This was a place that Yuki had Damian and his friends build soon after the first base was constructed. Yuki felt that having a backup was necessary since the main base could be compromised at anytime.

‘Guess it was a good idea.’

Once in the base, Yuki marched through the tunnels, Akira and Erica following him closely behind. He passed by a few members who gave him respectful greetings to which he responded with a nod. Then he stopped before a reinforced metal door, an imposing lock in the center of it.

“Uriel. I’m here for the news,” he said. 

“Oh, Yuki. You’re back,” she said. “And for the news, I see. Come on in then~.”

The lock twisted and released, the metal opening silently and Yuki walked into the dark room.

“What have you found?” he asked.

“Oh boy. You’ll see.”

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