The Hidden World

Chapter 164 – The Race

One Month Ago

“You’re changing the plan?” Yuna asked, frowning slightly. “Why? The tournament is in a month.”

“Developments happened,” he replied. He tapped on the glass tv remote and the television blinked on. “I’ll show you.”

He went through a few prerecorded videos before he opened up a news segment.

“We have some breaking news just coming in today,” the elven news anchor said. “The LIA have just given an impromptu public debrief on the infamous Janna Base Attack. For those who don’t remember, the Janna Base Attack was the destruction of the LIA base located in Janna by unidentified actors. There were no suspects or possible motives reported. Here’s a recording of the debriefing that just happened a few minutes ago.”

The display changed, now showing a podium with a man in a black suit standing behind it. His expression was grave. The graphic introduced him as the Tom Drey, director of the Libra Investigation Agency. 

“I apologize for the sudden notification. I hope you all understand that it was not my intention to cause any panic,” he began. “However, what I have to say today is of utmost importance and something I felt that everyone should hear. Our investigation into the events that happened in the LIA’s Janna headquarters have born some fruit.”

He paused as if waiting for the reporters to write down his words.

“For months, we have been searching and hunting down any clues that would help us advance our investigation. And now, we have recently discovered recordings and files that weren’t touched by the perpetrators of the attack. With it, we have determined the ones behind the attack.”

The director lifted up a remote and pressed his thumb. A screen appeared beside him displaying a logo.

“Isn’t that our guild’s emblem?” Yuna asked, frowning.

“Mhm. Keep watching.”

“This is the symbol for the dark guild that identifies themselves as the Valkyries,” the director said. “Before, they stayed relatively in the shadows, nothing taking any large actions that would drag them into the public spotlight. We did not know whether or not to identify them as a threat. However, we have reason to believe that they are the main suspects behind this attack. We would like to warn the public that this group are almost certainly not finished and that future attacks may occur. That does not mean that they will attack now or tomorrow. There is no immediate threat as they have been quiet for the last few months. This is not the time to worry. We will do everything in our power to stop them and apprehend them before they can strike again. This is a press conference of sorts so I’ll be taking questions for a bit of time.”

There was a flurry of noise as reporters fought to attract the attention of the director.

“The gentleman in the back,” he said, gesturing with his hand from the podium.

“Thank you, sir,” the reporter said. “What prompted you to believe that this group were the main culprits behind the Janna Base Attack?”

“Thank you for the question. We were searching through records of what happened on that day and retrieved some from a source that we cannot disclose,” the director explained. “Those records led us to believe that the Valkyries attacked to release a certain prisoner that was being held at that base. That prisoner is believed to be the leader of the Valkyries whose name is, quite fittingly, Boss. Next question?”

More noise before Tom called on a woman.

“Thank you. Um, if I may refer back to the prisoner that you believe was the target of the attack, I would like to ask why the LIA does not seem to have any possible suspects,” the woman said. “The LIA must have identified the prisoner, no?”

“The personnel at that base most likely did identify the prisoner, however, I did say that what we know is from records that were not tampered with,” the director replied. “Any information pertaining to the prisoner’s identity were at that base and were either altered or irretrievable.”

He nodded toward another reporter, a male elf.

“Do you have any idea as to what the capabilities of this dark guild are?” the man asked. “And what their previous actions were before?”

“Their abilities are, for the most part, unknown at this time. What we do know, we cannot disclose at this time. As for their activities before the attack, we can only say what we know for certain what they did. That consisted mainly of robbing supply trucks and burglary.”

Yuki turned off the television and leaned back into the couch he was sitting on.

“And there you have it,” he said.

“What does this have to do with the plan?” Yuna asked. “We knew that they already knew about us.”

“Yes, but they’ve announced it publicly. And they have records on us which is my main concern,” Yuki replied. “I should have deleted all of them already.”

“The records?”

“Yes. That means there are still a few laying around that I couldn’t get to. Which means that there are records that are apart of a separate system from the LIA database.”

“I see. But what are you changing in the plan for the tournament?”

“Originally I wanted to have a quiet one,” he said. “One where we would win, but you would shine. I would just sit in the back helping rather than acting. That was because I did not want to attract too much attention to myself.”

“What does this have to do with the LIA announcing that they know about our guild?”

“It has to do with the reason why I didn’t want to attract attention. Initially, I believed that I had removed everything pertaining toward our guild and so crippled any investigation into our guild. With that, I could stay relatively in the shadows outside of the attention I already garnered from being an oddity because of my human appearance. Attention can lead to interest which leads inevitably into investigations into my actions and whereabouts.”

“But since our guild is already exposed that is no longer the case?” Yuna asked.

“Correct. Now, staying quiet wouldn’t hurt me directly, however, it isn’t the best course of action I could take,” he explained. “Since we are known and are actively being investigated, it doesn’t quite benefit us to just let them do what they want. We have to try to make as difficult as possible for them to get rid of us. I figured that one way to do that is to get the public’s attention and be liked. That way, they can’t come for me unless they have extremely solid evidence.”

“Are you planning to make the tournament a way for you to get that attention?”

“Mhm. It’s the most convenient way as of right now since it is a major public event. There’s no reason for me to hide anymore. So why not just come out? It was going to happen anyway.”

“So the plan is changing from helping me to what exactly?”

“We’ll be true partners now. Side by side, we’ll fight together. Think of it as our coming out party.”

‘Now let’s get this party started,’ Yuki thought. He stretched his wrists and frowned at the platforms above him.

“We can go a few more before the platforms start to change,” he said to Yuna. “It’s time to show off.”

“Got it,” Yuna replied with a slight smile.

He gathered mana into his limbs and leaped up, his legs blasting him upward as he skipped pillars and steps all together. He made noticeably faster progress compared to just seconds before.

‘That wyvern is really creating a mess up there,’ he thought as he kept his eyes glued to the sky.

He looked down and saw Yuna close behind him, leaping in much the same way he was. Returning his attention to his route, he channeled mana back into his eyes and stopped.

“The next platforms have mana in them. They’re the elemental ones and the trap ones. Hold on for a second,” he said to Yuna as she landed lightly beside him.

“You’re going to use those eyes?” she asked.

“Mhm,” Yuki nodded. “Please wait.”

He took in a deep breath and closed his eyes. Slowly, he began to push more and more mana into his eyes, willing them to see more than the naked eye can see. They responded, and his mind felt as if it had opened up to a new world. His eyes flashed open and light flooded them.

“I still find those eyes a bit creepy,” Yuna commented.

“Shush. Let me focus,” Yuki said, frowning.

The platforms above him no longer just glimmered. They shined. The air around him glowed. The people above him looked like the stars in the night sky. And just like the stars, they shone in different hues.

“We have three elemental coverages between the two of us,” Yuki said quickly. “I’ll tell you which ones we can manipulate.”


His eyes locked onto the first platform nearest to him, one that was scarlet red. 

‘Fire attribute. Let’s call it down.’

He thrusted his arm out toward it and it responded to his fire attribute. It lowered itself towards them and they easily hopped onto it. He let go of it and it rose again back to its original position.

“Water over there,” he said, pointing towards an azure colored platform. 

Yuna nodded and lifted her hand, the platform coming down in much the same way the scarlet one did. As it rose, Yuki scouted the next available platforms.

“No attributes,” he muttered. “Looks like we’re going to have to force through this one.”

He wound his arm back, the chains around it slipping out slowly, before lashing it out at the nearest pillar. It wrapped around it, and with a small burst of mana, it locked itself into position. He retracted the chains, pulling himself towards the pillar. His feet slammed into its side, stopping his momentum. Then with his other arm, he threw out another chain to Yuna.

She grabbed it, winding it around her arm, and jumped off the platform. With a grunt, Yuki swung his arm, timing it with Yuna’s fall. She blasted upwards into the air and landed gently. Then with a heave, she yanked back onto the chain that connected her to Yuki. He detached himself from the pillar and lashed out with the now free chain. It hit the platform Yuna was in, fusing itself to it, and he pulled himself up. 

“Water,” he said the moment he climbed up, pointing at the rightmost platform.

Like that, the two of them climbed, blasting their way through the course. In a few minutes, they caught up the others. 

“So what are we going to do about the wyvern?” Yuna asked as they caught their breath. 

Yuki stared at it. If the people around it were distant stars, the wyvern was like the sun. The amount of mana that was within it dwarfed anything the students had. If it wasn’t holding itself back, it could probably destroy the entire course with a single blast.

‘I can see why it’s a demon,’ Yuki thought. 

“We can’t fight it,” he said. “It’s much too strong and so I’ll have to show too much of my hand than I want to at this time.”

“So avoid it?”

“Try to. It’s instructions seem to be just to disrupt the climb rather than try to incapacitate everyone,” he mused. “Just a heads up though. This is the trap section of the course. Avoid the ones I avoid.”


He leaped at a pillar, forming handholds into the rock, before his hand hit the sides. He scaled it and scanned the area. Thrusting his hand out, he called a platform to him and jumped on. Throwing a chain to Yuna, he helped her up. The wyvern seemed to be focused on another group. He moved around to the back of it, and empowered his legs. 

“We have a window. We need to pass him as soon as possible,” he said, his eyes darting about as he formed a route in his mind. “Give me your hand.”

Yuna extended her hand and he gripped. 

“Empower,” he whispered.

Strength flooded him and Yuna. He added mana to the mix, channeling it to his legs and arms. He felt Yuna do the same beside him. 

“Let’s do this,” he said, squeezing her hand lightly. 

He turned away from her and stopped the mana rushing into his eyes. He knew where he needed to go. Crouching, he gathered his bearings, before he blasted himself off from the platform. He felt the surface give a little as it buckled from the force of the jump before he was flying through the air. His arm extended out and in one motion, pushed himself up onto a surface. Not skipping a beat, his legs pushed off again, sending him toward a pillar. He gripped it and scaled it with ease, not bothering to create any hand holds. Together, he and Yuna zoomed their way through the course, passing the stunned faces of the other teams.

Just as they passed the wyvern who had its back turned to them as it scanned below itself for any teams that were attempting to scale the course, it swung its head toward them. Yuki ignored it and focused on the task at hand. He felt the wyvern flap its massive wings, the wind brushing past him. 

“Yuki,” Yuna said, her voice reaching his ears. 

“Hmm?” he replied as he shoved off from a pillar.

“The wyvern is right beside us.”

He turned his head to the side as saw the wyvern lazily hovering next to them. It made small loops in the air and barrel rolls as it stared at Yuki with amused eyes, a smile on its face.

Why hello again, the wyvern said, its voice echoing in Yuki’s mind. 

“Hello,” Yuki greeted in return, looking at the next platform he needed to jump to. 

You remember me don’t you? the wyvern asked. 


Wonderful! I thought that maybe you didn’t. Anyway, do you need some help? This is getting quite tiresome.

“What do you mean?” Yuki asked, stopping his ascent. He bent over, his hands on his knees, as he caught his breath. 

Well, I can just let you go up and stop everyone below you for a bit. I wouldn’t mind. Or, you can ride me up. Wouldn’t that be an experience?

“I would rather not attract too much attention right now.”

But you were going through the obstacle course quite fast. If you didn’t want to attract attention, I’m sure you would have stayed in the back until someone passed.

“I don’t want to attract too much as of right now,” Yuki repeated. “Riding a wyvern would be a bit much, wouldn’t you agree.”

I see. Then I’ll just do the first option and let you through. 


Didn’t I say before in the forest? the wyvern smiled again as it looped around in the air. I’m here to help you. 

“But why? I’ve done nothing for you.”

Well, I can’t tell you that right now but you’ll probably discover it on your own later anyway. Just know that I could be considered an ally.

“I see. Well, you can ignore me and bother the others. I’ll be fine with it,” Yuki shrugged. “Riding you would certainly be an experience, but would attract so much more attention than I already am talking to you.”

I’ll go back then. Good luck, Yuki.

The wyvern flipped around and zoomed down as it approached the climbers below Yuki and Yuna. It roared again but now it sounded more like a laugh. 

‘That was interesting.’

“What was that?” Yuna asked. She stared below at the wyvern that was back wrecking havoc on the other competitors. 

“I’m not sure. But it said that it’ll let us go.”

They stared at each other for a bit, before shrugging again. They resumed their climb, hopping from pillar to pillar, platform to platform. Every so often, they would stop to allow Yuki to renew their enchantments. 

With a final push, they landed lightly onto the final platform. They stepped onto one of the circles and it lit up a bright blue. 

“WE HAVE OUR FIRST QUALIFIERS!” the announcer’s voice roared.


This took forever to write. Haha.

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