The Hidden World

Chapter 172 – Final Fight

‘Team of four,’ Yuki thought as he watched the team trekking through the forest from his perch on a tree. ‘I might need to take a more direct role in this fight.’

He looked at his bracelet, the needle still tracking the slow moving team of four. He considered it for a bit before he began tapping the screen where the needle was displayed. The needle reacted, swinging toward a completely different direction from the team of four in front of him.

‘I thought so. Caitlyn is nearby.’

With this new information, he started to reconsider the plan that he had roughly created as he was observing the team of four. If Caitlyn was going to launch an attack, then Yuki needed to determine whether or not he wanted to help or just watch. Alternatively, he could strike first and see if she would join in or observe.

‘She seems like the strong headed type. If I wait too long, she’ll force my decision.’

He tapped his cheek as he thought before nodding. Pushing himself off of his perch, he landed on the ground beside Yuna. She was also watching the team but was now looking at him.

“Caitlyn is nearby,” he said. “She’ll probably attack soon, so we’ll need to decide if we want to strike now or later.”

“Are you asking me for my opinion?” Yuna asked.

“Well, no. But you can tell me it.”

“Oh, well I was going to say to wait and watch,” she said. “That’s that we’ve been doing and it’s the safest option.”

“Mmm,” he nodded. “Normally I would go with that route, but circumstances have changed a bit. This is the final round of the tournament. Hundreds if not thousands are watching us right now. I think we should risk it a bit more.”

Yuna frowned before understanding dawned on her. 

“Oh. Yes. Like you said yesterday,” she replied. “I understand.”

“Perfect. Now that we’re at an agreement, the next step is simple.”

“And that is?”

“Take out your sword. We’re charging straight in,” he said plainly.


He grabbed the staff he had strapped to his back and held it firmly with his hand. Yuna picked up the wooden sword that laid on the ground beside her. They snuck forward, getting as close to the team of four as they could. Yuki glanced as his bracelet. Caitlyn seemed to be on the move.

“I’ll give us a few buffs that won’t last long, but should get the job done,” he said to Yuna. “This fight, I’ll let you handle most of them. I’ll be your back up. I’m keeping my eye out for Caitlyn if she tries to take advantage of the situation.”

“Got it,” Yuna nodded, her voice low.


Grabbing Yuna’s wrist, he pushed mana to his palms and imagined one of the many circles he had ingrained in his memory. A ghostly golden brown circle flared above the back of his hand and he felt himself filled with energy as his limbs were refreshed and his mind was sharpened.

“Five minutes, tops,” he whispered. “If we don’t finish before then, we’re on our own. Let’s go.”

She nodded and gripped her wooden blade tightly. Yuki left her there and quickly snaked his way through the forest of branches running past their targets. He stopped and briefly eyed the equipment and organization of the team of four. Then he took in one deep breath. 

As he breathed out, he rushed out of his spot in the shadows of the trees, zooming towards the team. He leaped over roots and fallen trunks, the natural roadblocks not slowing him down as his enchantment bolstered his speed. Further away, he could hear the sound of feet hitting against the ground as Yuna sprinted toward the team as well.

His targets heard him and immediately turned to face him, the roughly carved branches that they used as weapons pointed towards him as they assumed combat positions with practiced ease. He slashed down with his hand. Smoke enveloped him before spreading out to surround the entire area around him. As the cloud grew, he channeled mana to his eyes, the team of four glowing before him. 

‘Yuna should be fine. I taught how to do this.’

He swung his staff at the first target, the sound of wood smacking wood reaching his ears. The person had barely reacted in time.


The air next to him was disturbed. He leaned to the side, letting the stick of one of the team members whistle past him as he parried another with the end of his staff. His eyes flickered toward where Yuna was coming from. A few more seconds and she’ll be able to join.


He spun his staff, smacking the swinging sticks aside, before jabbing out and landing a solid strike to the stomach of one teammate. They let out a grunt as they were pushed back. Pulling back on his staff, Yuki pushed one end downward, letting the back rise up and intercept the attack from behind.

At that moment, Yuna had arrived. From the corner of his eyes, he saw her take a massive swing at the neck of one of the team members. The person let out a cry that drew the attention of the other three. 

‘That’ll cost you.’

He struck out at the distracted targets, landing a flurry of quick, powerful strikes to one of them. The person tried to retaliate, but Yuki parried with ease and snapped his arm forward, thrusting his staff to the chest of the person. They let out a dry gasp before he smashed the back of their head. The golden barrier flared up, protecting the person.

‘One down.’

“Run!” the person who now glowed golden yelled. Male from the tone of his voice. “One of you has to survive!”

The person’s teammates responded, immediately breaking away. Only two of them were left now. Yuna has taken care of one of them.

Oddly enough, the two remaining people sprinted off in the same direction. Yuki didn’t know if it was because of the heat of the moment or if they actually didn’t consider the idea of splitting apart.

‘Not my problem though.’ 

“Yuna,” he said calmly. He snapped his fingers, the smoke around the area disappearing. “Go after them.”

“Got it,” she replied. 

She rushed after them, her feet pounding against the soft earthen ground. Yuki watched her and the two ahead of her who she was rapidly gaining upon. His eyes narrowed as he saw one of them shimmer brighter. That person knelt down briefly before something erupted from the ground blocking the path ahead of Yuna.

‘A plant wall. Hmm.’

He gripped his staff, mana rushing into it. When it felt as if it was going to snap from the flood of energy, he wound up his arm and launched it toward the wall of roots. The staff zoomed past Yuna, approaching the wall faster than she could run. Right before striking the roots, Yuki snapped his fingers and the staff erupted into flames. It melted its way through the wall, cutting through it like it was butter. The roots caught fire and the flames greedily ate them, Yuki urging them on. When Yuna reached the wall, a hole had opened up that was wide enough for her to break through. 

‘There you go.’

With a thought the flames disappeared, vanishing as if it was all an illusion. He watched Yuna as she disappeared into the thick of trees, chasing after the two. Glancing down at his wrist, he saw the needle of the tracker pointing behind him. 

“How was it?” he said, not turning. “Did you get what you wanted?”

There was no reply.

“I know you’re there,” he said softly. “Why don’t you come out?”

“I didn’t think you were tracking me,” a soft girl’s voice replied from behind him.

“No need to track a team that I have within my sights,” he shrugged. He turned on his heel and his eyes met with those of Caitlyn.

‘Her eyes are a brighter blue than I thought.’

“Why did you call out to me?” she asked, her voice hostile. Her legs spread apart, her arms going up. 

“Courtesy and curiosity,” he replied. “I could ask you why you didn’t attack me when I had my back turned, as well, but I think I know why.”

Caitlyn frowned, her light complexion contrasting with the darkness of the forest. 

“What do you want?” she said. 

“Nothing you wouldn’t give me already,” Yuki said. “And an answer. I have one question that I’ve been wanting to ask you.”


“Why are you so hostile to me?” he asked flatly. “As far as I remember, I’ve done nothing to you.”

“What do you mean hostile?” she frowned.

“Every time I see you, you’re frowning at me like that. So I wanted to know why. This is quite important you see. I don’t like conflict.”

Caitlyn’s frown deepened before she forced her face to assume a normal expression. 

“Sorry,” she mumbled. “I don’t mean to come off as hostile.”

“So you have nothing against me?”

“No. Nothing against you.”

“Come to think of it, you always seem to be frowning when I’m with Yuna. Does it have to do with that?”

Her eyebrow twitched.

“Oh, it does? Hmm, I wonder,” he continued, tapping his cheek. “Maybe it’s because you like—”

“Shut up!” she exclaimed, her eyes showing her panic. “I don’t like anyone. You being with her has nothing to do with me.”

Yuki quieted and considered her for a bit.

“I see. I’ll just say that you’re competitive then,” he nodded. “What you’re competing with me for, I don’t know. But that’s good to hear.”

“I’m not competing with you,” she growled.

“Mmm. Well. That’s all I wanted to know. Want to fight?”

“What?” Caitlyn said, her frown reforming. 

“It’s just two teams left. You and me and Yuna.”

“So you want to duel?”

“Of course. It’s the most fair option, isn’t it?”

“I guess.”

“How about it then?” Yuki asked. “A one on one fight between us. The winner wins the tournament. I’m sure that’s what you wanted, right?”

She looked away from him, tapping her lips, deep in thought. She sighed.

“Not exactly, but I guess this will be fine,” she mumbled. Yuki wasn’t sure if she was speaking to him or not. “Would Yuna be fine with that? It seems unfair to let one fight determine the fate of a team of two.”

“She’ll be fine. Trust me.”

“Fine,” Caitlyn frowned. “Where? Where will the fight take place?”

“Just follow me.”

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