The Hidden World

Chapter 205 – Advancing Forward

“The hamburger for you,” a server said as he placed a plate in front of Yuna. “Another for you and you. And sandwiches for the rest. Would you like a refill for your drinks?”

“I’m fine,” Yuki replied. The other people at the table voiced similar decisions. Yuna shook her head.

“Then please enjoy your meals,” the server smiled with a little bow before walking away.

Yuna looked down at her plate and rolled her sleeves up before she picked up the burger. Normally, she would have gotten a sandwich as well, but ever since her training for the Libra Taskforce had come into full swing, her appetite had grown. 

As she munched on it, she noticed Akira and Yuki whispering to each other, laughing here and there. Yuna caught herself staring and forced her attention back to her plate. Her mind wandered until it arrived back at the conversation she had with Caitlyn the day before. The one about love.

‘I still don’t get it,’ she thought as she chewed. ‘What’s the difference between that and friendship?’

As an experiment, she had tried picturing herself kissing other people. Specifically Erica, Akira, and Yuki. Yuki she couldn’t picture it since it seemed so out of character for him. The most she could see was him giving her a hug. 

Akira and Erica on the other hand were a different matter. When Yuna pictured Akira going in for a kiss, she found the two of them sitting together on a couch, their hands cupping each others face. They leaned closer and closer until their lips touched. When they seperated, they stared at each other and smiled gently, Yuna’s heart pounding. 

‘I didn’t know I could imagine something like that.’

Erica was something else completely but equally enthralling. The same couch. The same room. But now Yuna was laying down, Erica leaning over her. Her hair tickled Yuna’s nose as they stared at each other, Erica’s eyes passionate and fierce. When she leaned in, Yuna could feel her head moving up as well as her heart sped up, faster and faster. And when their lips touched, it felt like a tidal wave had crashed into her.

Both of these situations brought up the same feelings she had felt when she picture Zero doing the same thing. That could only mean one thing. 

‘It’s probably friendship. Right?’ 

Love was one on one, at least from what Yuna heard and read. Most polygamous relationships were for political or other more insidious reasons. But one could have multiple friends and feel a familial love toward them. Therefore, what she was feeling had to be a byproduct of friendship, she reasoned.

‘Right?’ Yuna thought. Though her gut didn’t seem to sit well with that thinking. ‘What does love even feel like?’

No searches online could give her answers. They were mainly vague reaccountings of what someone personally experienced or general sayings that Yuna knew already. They also were continually conflicting with one another.

‘“You’ll know when you feel it,”’ Yuna recalled. ‘What does that even mean?’

She felt something poke her arm and her head went up. Yuki was looking at her with a curious expression. Akira as well. Yuna looked to her side and saw Erica with her finger extended with a small grin on her face.

“What are you thinking about?” Erica asked.

“Nothing,” Yuna replied as her face heated up as she remembered what she was thinking about. “Nothing.”

“You seemed pretty engrossed in whatever it was you were thinking about,” Yuki commented. “I said your name a few times, but you didn’t respond.”

“Oh. Sorry.”

“It’s fine,” he waved. “We have your attention now and that’s all that’s important. Anyway, let’s get started on this meeting part of this lunch meeting.”

He slid his plate to the side and laced his fingers together as he leaned on the table. 

“We haven’t really done anything in the last few months,” he started. “So I apologise about that. I was a little preoccupied with some things.”

“One thing,” Erica chimed in.

“One thing,” Yuki nodded with a smirk. “Uriel was doing the other things. Make sure you all thank her when you can.”

Yuna nodded.

“Now, some of the usual people aren’t here today as you all probably noticed,” he said. Yuna did notice that. Damian wasn’t there as well as Tiar and Zoe. “That’s because this doesn’t relate to them right now. They already know the things they need to know.”

“So I’m involved?” Sarah asked.

“Yes,” Yuki nodded. “And in a little more active role than usual. Up for it?”

“Of course,” Sarah smiled. 

“Perfect. The details will be given later on, so be prepared. What this really is about is to catch you all up on a few things that were recently brought up to my attention and to inform you all on the things that led up to the thing we’re about to do.”

He shifted his seat and took a sip of the glass of water he had beside him. The server must have come by since it was nearly full. Yuna hadn’t noticed.

“The one going thing with the laser is still a priority and some new information was received. But before I go into that, there is something else that is important as well. Mathali was sent to do a little investigation, as some of you may or may not have known. Well, he’s reported that he’ll be returning soon and with important information. So be prepared in the near future for another, um, issue.”

‘Oh, I remember.’ Yuna recalled Yuki telling her something like that before. ‘The border right?’

“Luckily, he’s not here yet, so we have some time before we have to worry about that,” Yuki said. “Moving on. The main reason for this little get together is to advance our initial plan.”

‘The gems.’

“I found the next one. But the situation surrounding this one is completely different than the other ones. And not really in a positive way.”

Yuna didn’t like the sound of that.

“The other two, we kind of had an invitation to come in,” he explained. “This time, not so much. That’s going to make this a little more interesting.”

That wasn’t the word Yuna would describe the situation as. From what she was picking up, they wouldn’t be able to waltz in and take the jewel like they’ve done for the other two gems. 

“Now it will be harder. Obviously. But we do have a few advantages that others don’t have, so it won’t be impossible. As long as we stick together, we should be able to at least get out safely even if the plan blows up.”

‘Does he expect the plan to blow up?’

“You all will receive the more intricate details of the target and things like that later.” He paused. “I think I’ve said that already. Anyway, you get those later. I’ll explain the general outline right now. If you have any concerns just tell me. The sooner the better.”

Before he could continue, a server came by and offered to take their plates away. Yuki nodded and waited as the server did just that. Yuna thanked the woman before she walked away.

“We’re going to have a main team of five,” Yuki said, continuing on. “You already should have a good idea of who’s going by now. The team will go in and there will be a few people outside to help watch over everything. If things go bad, then they’ll be there to help with the escape effort. If things go fine, then they’ll still be there to help with the escape effort.”

‘That doesn’t sound good.’

“This target is important. Probably the most important one we’ve had for a number of reasons. The biggest reason is that there is more than one thing we’re going after. That’ll be explained in more detail later.”

“Where is the place?” Sarah asked.

“In the belly of the beast,” Yuki replied. “So brush up on your sneaking skills. You’re going to need them. Well. That concludes this meeting. The next time we get together will probably be on the day when the plan kicks in.”

He pushed back his seat and stood up. Everyone else at the table followed his lead.

“I’ll be going back now,” he said. “You’re all free to do whatever you like. Just make sure to read the document Uriel will be sending you later on in the day.”

“Understood,” Yuna nodded. 

“Good. See you all later.”

He walked off, heading to the hallway to take the hidden transporter to wherever he was planning to go. Akira and Erica followed after him, the three of them chatting with one another. Yuna turned and headed out the main entrance.

‘I wonder if Zero will be going.’

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