The Hidden World

Chapter 230 – Bonded

Akira didn’t understand what had just happened. Her brain was frozen stiff, unable to formulate any sort of thought or reason. Her lips tingled from the touch of Yuki’s lips. She knew her mouth was open in a stupid expression, but she couldn’t force it closed. 

Underneath her, Yuki gazed at her with a small shy smile, her cheeks pink. Akira didn’t know how to respond. This Yuki was something she had never seen before. She didn’t know Yuki could be so vulnerable. So open. So sweet. 

‘So adorable,’ she thought. 

Yuki’s words echoed in her mind. Her declaration of love. She knew what every word meant, but together they still made no sense. Akira never thought such words would come from Yuki. 

“You know. This is the part where you would respond,” Yuki whispered.

“I, uhhhh. Um.” Akira tried to form words, but all her mind could remember were Yuki’s lips and the words that had followed. “Uhhh.”

Yuki raised an eyebrow.

“Yes~?” she said, a grin tugging at her lips. Her lips.

“I don’t, um, understand,” Akira muttered with great effort, looking away. “You love me?”

She felt Yuki’s soft hands press against her cheeks and gently guide her gaze back to Yuki. Yuki rose up until Akira was sitting atop of her. Then she leaned in, Akira closing her eyes on instinct.

Their lips met again, the sensation melting Akira’s heart and resistance. She fell back as Yuki’s fingers ran through her hair. Akira’s arms wrapped around Yuki, pulling her closer to herself. Then Akira let her mouth part slightly and a soft sigh escaped her as their bodies melded together.

When they finally broke apart, their positions were switched. Yuki now leaned over Akira, her silver hair spilling down like a curtain that separated the two of them from the rest of the world. They stared at each other, panting.

“Do you understand now?” Yuki whispered.

She did. Her heart soared as the words that Yuki said settled in her mind. 

“Say it again,” Akira whispered back.

“I love you,” Yuki said, a smile tugging at her lips.

“And me, you,” Akira breathed.

They gazed at each other, Akira’s heart pounding in her chest. Slowly, like two magnets, their lips moved towards each other until they touched. This kiss felt different than the other two they had shared. A good kind of different. It sent out waves that pulsed through her body, her back arching, as a purr reverberated from her. A soft growl rose to meet it. 

Abruptly, Yuki pulled back and her hand shot to her mouth, her eyes widening. She turned red as Akira began to giggle.

“Stop it,” Yuki said, trying to frown as she lightly smacked Akira’s arm. “What was that? I’ve never made a sound like that before.”

“I don’t know, but I liked it,” Akira smiled. 

“Were you purring?” Yuki asked.

It was Akira’s turn to blush now. 

“Yeah,” she muttered. “Let’s not talk about that.”

“Why?” Yuki giggled.

“It’s embarrassing,” Akira replied, covering her face. “I sound like a kitten.”

“I thought it was kind of, um, hot.” Yuki’s sentence trailed off and Akira stared at her as her ears reddened. “What? I’m being honest okay?”

Akira let out a small snort, before the two of them began laughing. But it wasn’t long until Yuki stopped and grabbed her stomach.

“Ow,” she moaned. “I shouldn’t be laughing. My body isn’t one hundred percent yet.”

“Oh, sorry,” Akira said, her eyes widening. She grabbed Yuki’s shoulders and gently guided her until she laid back in bed. “I forgot that you're still hurting. I’ll go get Zoe.”

“Mmm. Come back soon.” Yuki squeezed her hand before letting out a soft sigh as her body relaxed.

Akira rolled out of the bed and went to the door. When she opened it, she stifled a yelp. Erica and Zoe were standing beside the door in the hallway, Erica with a wide grin on her face. Akira immediately understood what it meant.

“Oh god,” Akira said, her hands going to her cheeks as she felt them heat up. “Were you two out here the entire time?”

“I have an excellent radar for these types of things, and these rooms aren’t exactly sound proof,” Erica said with a wink. “You two seemed to be having fun.”

“Oh god.”

“What were you thinking?” Zoe frowned. “She just woke up from a two day coma and that’s the first thing you do?”

“To be fair doc, they didn’t go that far,” Erica replied. “I could tell.”

“And Yuki kissed me, okay?” Akira added. 

“Wait, she did?” Erica’s head swung to her, her eyebrows raised. “What? Was she good?”

“That’s what you want to know?” Akira asked in return. 

“Well. There’s other stuff too, but was she good?”

Akira recalled the kisses they shared and felt the heat rushing to her head. She didn’t have many experiences to compare, but Yuki certainly wasn’t bad. She bit her lip, the desire for more floating up in her.

“She was surprisingly good,” Akira answered, staring off into the distance. 


“I’m going in to do a check up on her, so unless you two want to keep talking about kisses, you can follow me,” Zoe interrupted. She marched into the room, leaving the two. 

Erica shrugged and went in after her, Akira following behind. Yuki was sitting up in the bed with Zoe standing beside her with her hands on her hips.

“I don’t think I need to reprimand you again because it seems like you’re not going to listen anyway,” Zoe said to Yuki. “But I’m going to anyway since it’s my job. You absolute idiot, don’t you know that doing something like that could kill you?”

“I know, I know,” Yuki replied with an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry. I didn’t die though, so everything is okay.”

“Just because you didn’t die, doesn’t mean you die the next time,” Zoe glared. “And just a little fact, but I can’t revive the dead.”

“I’ll be more careful. I promise.”

“You better. Now take off your clothes and let me check to see if anything is wrong,” she ordered.

Yuki twitched and her eyes widened, a blush blossoming on her cheeks. 


“You heard me. I need to make sure you don’t have deformities on your body,” Zoe explained. “Come on now. You weren’t embarrassed the last time I did a check up.”

“Things are a bit different from that time,” Yuki replied. “Like. My gender is completely different.”

“Just do it.”

Yuki complied, shooting furtive looks at Akira and Erica. She removed her t-shirt to reveal her bare skin save for the undergarments she wore. Undergarments that looked suspiciously similar to lingerie. Akira averted her gaze, blushing furiously, and noticed Erica do the same thing. 

“I didn’t expect her to be wearing something like that,” Erica muttered. Akira nodded her head in agreement. The clothing made the situation worse.

‘Or better?’ Akira thought, fighting to keep her head gaze away.

“Oh my,” Zoe said. “Your mark.”

“It got bigger,” Yuki commented. “It looks beautiful.”

Akira’s curiosity got the better of her and she looked over to see what they were talking about. Her eyes landed on Yuki’s right arm where the mark that signified the bond Akira and her had was. It had changed completely. The circular seal was now gone and the chimaera that had been trapped in it now wrapped around Yuki’s arm. 

Akira pulled the sleeve of her left arm up and stared. Her own mark had changed as well. It looked exactly like the one on Yuki.

“What happened?” Akira asked, glancing at Zoe. Zoe smiled.

“That means your bond is complete,” she replied. She lifted her shirt to expose the tattoo that was on the side of her stomach. It was as intricate as the one on Akira’s arm. “It’s how it was supposed to look like. Before it seemed to be constrained and wasn’t a fully formed bond mark. I think it was because of Yuki.”

“What do you mean?” Akira said.

“Zoe means that my emotions weren’t equal to yours,” Yuki explained. They locked eyes before promptly turning red and looking away. “Um. Since they weren’t the same, the bond was unfinished.”

“And since it’s finished now?” Akira asked. Yuki didn’t respond.

“It means that your feelings are now equal,” Zoe replied. 1I think it goes without saying, but they're basically married.

Akira looked at Yuki and she looked back, her ears a rosy pink and a small smile on her lips. 

[It’s a bit embarrassing when there are people around,] Yuki’s voice said in Akira’s mind. 

‘It is,’ Akira replied. ‘But. Maybe there was a little doubt about all of this. But now, with that, I’m glad. I’m happy. Thank you.’

[I should thank you. Without you, none of this would have happened. Thank you, for guiding me to my emotions.]


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