The Hidden World

Chapter 256 – Taken

“Like hell you are,” Yuna heard Akira growl. She drew her blade and pointed it at the man who only continued to grin. “If you’re just going to say things like that, I suggest you leave.”

“Why do you want her?” Yuna asked, pulling Yuki closer towards her. 

The man spread his arms wide and gestured broadly toward the area around them. 

“You know something? I orchestrated all of this,” he said. Yuna frowned, not quite understanding what he was talking about. “The monsters. That was me! It was quite fun. You all performed wonderfully, but your friend there sort of ruined it in the middle when she blew up most of my hard work. Tsk tsk.”

The man put on an exaggerated frown as he ended his sentence, but immediately brightened as he continued.

“But still. It was a great battle, especially at the end where your friend fought against the hydra,” the man said. “One person pushing back a monster of that caliber. My oh my, what a sight it was.”

“What’s your point?” Akira said.

“My point? My point is that I’m really interested in your friend there,” he replied. “She has a number of tricks I’ve never seen. I love that. She would be a great addition to my show.”

“Well, tough luck. She’s not looking for a job,” Akira said. 

“Who said this was a job?” the man grinned.

“What show are you talking about?” Yuna asked. The man raised a brow. 

“Oh ho, interested are we?” he said.

“No. I’m not.”

“Aww. That’s unfortunate,” the man pouted. “It’s a great show. Full of glorious battles and bloodshed. I have people from all over coming. I’m so glad that man told me to come here. I would have missed a prime contestant.”

“You seem to be a little lacking in the understanding department,” Akira said. She gestured with her sword as she spoke. “Leave. She’s not going to be a part of any of your games.”

“What you say doesn’t matter,” the man laughed. Then his voice fell, becoming a hiss. “All that matters is what I want. Besides, when did I ever ask?”

Yuna looked around, trying to see if anyone was coming to help them. However, not one person was looking in their direction. They were all attending to one another, chatting as if nothing was happening. 

‘The man. He’s doing something,’ Yuna realised.

“Oh, so you noticed,” the man said. “I’m impressed. You noticed faster than most.”

“What did you do?” Yuna asked, narrowing her eyes.

“Just a little manipulation,” he grinned. “Your friends over there are fine. They just haven’t been very inclined to check out what is happening here. And even if they did, there isn’t very much to see now is there?”

Yuna understood immediately. The man had done some sort of mental magic that made others around them oblivious to what was happening.

‘It has to be some sort of field,’ she thought, her eyes flickering towards where the other soldiers were gathered. ‘There is no way he can manipulate that many people. We just need to get out of the field.’

“You’re quite bright, aren’t you?” the man said. “But, sadly, you won’t be able to make it. I don’t feel like fighting today, so please. Just give her to me.”

“I already said no,” Akira replied.

“How many times do I have to remind you that I wasn’t asking,” the man sighed. 

He snapped his fingers and Akira disappeared only to reappear a few feet away from them. She looked around, confused, and lowered her sword. Yuna’s heart sank as she watched Akira walk away towards the soldiers.

‘The magic got to her.’ She tightened her hug around Yuki.

“Now. It’s just you and me,” the man said. “I don’t want to hurt a fledgling like you, so please. Hand her over.”

“Never,” Yuna replied, shaking her head. “If you want her, then you’ll have to pry her away from me.”

“You can’t fight me, little one. I’m sure you know that,” he said. “Make this easier for yourself and back away.”

Anger flared up in Yuna, that orb of warmth in her chest burning brighter. She would never give Yuki to anyone, especially to this man. 

“No matter what you say, my feelings will not change,” Yuna said. She resisted the urge to attack the man. Letting go of Yuki wasn’t not an option here.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” the man frowned.

He stepped forward and appeared before Yuna in a flash, only a foot away from her. Yuna's eyes widened as she tried to scramble backwards. The man simply followed and extended a hand out, reaching to touch her.

“Stay away!” Yuna glared.

Her anger exploded out, a wave erupting out from her that pushed the man back. A barrier had formed around her, a bubble made out of shimmering light. Yuna’s anger became confusion as she realised the barrier had come from that orb of warmth within her.

‘What is this?’ she thought.

“Oh my. You’re still a fledgling, yet you can make such a shield,” the man said, brows raised. “Impressive. But you’re still not strong enough to stop me.”

Yuna could hear the truth behind his words. There was nothing she could do. 

“You!” a voice shouted a distance away. 

She turned to see who it was and saw Erica sprinting towards her, spear in hand. A glare had set on her face as she locked onto the man.

“Oh. I didn’t expect that,” the man said. 

He turned and slammed his palm against the shield Yuna had created, shattering it as he canceled the magic behind it that Yuna didn’t understand. 

“Sweet dreams, child,” the man whispered. “I don’t know why you’re among these people, but maybe you’ll find yourself soon.”

Then he tapped Yuna’s head and the world went black.

“Yuna,” someone whispered into her ear. “Wake up.”

Her eyes fluttered open, and the person shaking her stopped. She was back in the village hotel inside one of the many rooms that had been put aside for the soldiers. 

“How did I get here?” she said. Then her eyes widened as she remembered what had happened. Her head whipped around, but she couldn’t find Yuki. “Where is she? Where’s Yuki?”

“The fucker took her,” the person who had woken her up replied. It was Erica, standing beside the bed Yuna laid in. “I can’t believe it. I should have noticed sooner.”

“He took Yuki?” Yuna said, her chest tightening.

“Yeah,” Erica said with a heavy sigh. “This is my fault. Fuck.”

“He took her.”


“Where?” Yuna asked. “Do you know him?”

“Sadly,” she replied. She took a seat at the edge of the bed. “He’s called the Fiddler or something. He’s a manipulative son of a bitch who should have been killed long ago.”

“How do you know him?” Yuna frowned. 

“I had the pleasure of fighting him before,” Erica explained. “But when I had the opportunity to kill him, I was told not to by Fa—, I mean, my superior. I shouldn’t have listened.”

“Where did that man take Yuki?” 

“Most likely into his Coliseum. I don’t know where it’s located just yet, though.”

“Coliseum? An arena?” Yuna asked.

“Yeah. Basically,” Erica nodded. “An arena of death. People pitted against one another again and again for the entertainment of others. If you win, your reward is another day of fighting. If you lose, it’s pain. Or death. Whatever comes first.”

Yuna’s hand went to her mouth as she stifled a gasp. 

“We need to get her back,” Yuna said.

“I know,” Erica replied tightly. “I’m going to do that. That bastard isn’t going to escape me again. I’ll ram my spear right through him next time.”

“How about me?”

“Where I’m going, you shouldn’t follow,” Erica said, reaching a hand out to stroke Yuna’s hair. She gave her a sad smile. “You’re going to have to stay here. Watch Akira for me.”

‘Oh my god. Akira.’

“Where is Akira?” Yuna asked. “How is she?”

Erica’s expression darkened. 

“She’s not here right now. She went back,” Erica said. “As for how she is. Let’s just say I have another reason to make sure that fucker dies slowly.”

“Oh,” Yuna muttered, looking down. She wished she could give Akira a hug right then and there. Give her comfort just like how Akira had always done for her. “Are sure there’s nothing I can do?”

“Watch her for me. That’s all,” Erica replied. “Please. She needs someone right now.”

“I understand.”

Erica leaned forward and cupped Yuna’s cheek, giving her another small smile as she looked right into her eyes. Despite the situation, Yuna’s heart couldn’t help but skip a beat from being so close. Then Erica gave her a soft kiss. Her first. Though it wasn’t from Yuki, her heart still soared the same.

“Just in case,” Erica murmured into Yuna’s ear. “In case I don’t come back.”

“Don’t say that,” Yuna whispered. “Come back. And with Yuki as well. If both of you were gone, I… I don’t know what I would do. Akira as well.”

“Then hold the fort with her while I’m gone,” Erica said. “And no matter how long I’m gone, hold faith.”

She stood up, giving Yuna’s cheek a small brush before she picked up her spear that rested against the wall. 

“Come back,” Yuna pleaded, a pit opening within her stomach. “Please.”

Erica paused, and looked back at Yuna. Then she gave her a nod before opening the door to leave. When the door closed, Yuna stared at it, pushing down the tears that were beginning to build.

“Please,” she whispered.

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